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Chapter 51: Food Distribution

Today is the day for food distribution. Feng Xi did not go early. She thought there would be a lot of people there at this time, so she could go later.

Anyway, she definitely did not have enough work points, and she had to pay money to the group of people in the team. There was nothing wrong with going later.

Feng Xi sat at the table and opened the takeaway page.

What to eat today?

Feng Xi made a lot of choices on the page, and finally decided to have a bowl of wonton noodles, added a fried egg, and then placed an order and paid.

The fried egg was runny, the noodles were handmade, and the wontons had thin skin and lots of meat. In short, today's breakfast was of good quality.

After breakfast, Feng Xi knitted a scarf on the kang. She wanted to weave two blue scarves, one for her and one for Xu Hai, and they had to be finished before the New Year.

About an hour later, Tang Qingqing and Lin Tang came over.

Lin Tang said, "Sister Feng Xi, everyone in the educated youth point has gone to the warehouse to distribute food. I came to ask you and Sister Qingqing to go with me."

Feng Xi heard that everyone had gone, so she stopped weaving scarves, packed up, took the food bag, and set off with Lin Tang and Tang Qingqing.

When the three of them arrived at the warehouse, the team had already started distributing food.

Distributing food is the top priority of every family in the year, and basically everyone in the family went out. There was a crowd of people outside the warehouse, and the scene was very lively.

Feng Xi immediately saw Xu Hai in front of the team. He was still so tall and handsome, and was commanding the villagers to carry food in an orderly manner.

Xu Hai seemed to have sensed something and glanced at Feng Xi. After the two looked at each other for a few seconds, Xu Hai looked away and continued to command the distribution of food.

"Sister Feng Xi, Sister Qing Qing, it's so lively here."

Feng Xi smiled and said, "Of course, everyone has worked hard in the fields for a year, and they are all looking forward to today's food."

Tang Qing Qing sighed and said, "I don't know whether others are looking forward to it or not, I only know that I am not looking forward to it, I have to pay for it anyway."

Lin Tang said, "I asked Sister Ai Hua about this before, and Sister Ai Hua said that our batch of educated youth only came in the autumn, and the team stipulated that each person should have at least 200 kilograms of food per year. Our work points are definitely not enough, and it is estimated that everyone will have to pay for it."

After hearing this, Feng Xi and Tang Qing Qing looked at each other: It turns out that there are more than just the two of us!!!

Feng Xi and the other two were at the back of the line, and they didn't think it would be their turn for a while, so they had to eat candy while chatting about recent interesting things.

Suddenly, Feng Xi saw Xu Meimei, wearing small leather shoes and a new dress, walking slowly towards them.

Feng Xi suspected that this girl was not here to move food, but to show off.

Then, Feng Xi saw Xu Meimei walk up to Bai Feng, and the two of them were chatting intimately.

Lin Tang also saw it, and seeing that Feng Xi and Tang Qingqing didn't know, she took the initiative to say: "Sister Feng Xi, Sister Qingqing, you two may not know it when you were in the hospital. Bai Feng and Xu Meimei got together not long ago."

At this time, Aunt Guihua came over from nowhere and said: "Alas, you don't know this. If you ask me, I knew that these two would be together a long time ago, and Meimei was also very hardworking. She was also very close to them in those days. She really works hard in the fields. And she always delivers water to Bai Zhiqing at noon. After a while, they must have fallen in love with each other. "

Auntie Guihua saw Feng Xi and couldn't help gossiping: "Hey, little Zhiqing Feng, didn't you dislike Xu Hai before? How come you have a date after staying in the hospital? Tell me about it, I won't tell anyone."

Feng Xi thought: I don't believe you.

"Auntie Guihua, why are there so many dates? If they have a crush on each other, they will just get along."

Auntie Guihua didn't believe it and wanted to say something.

Feng Xi didn't give Auntie Guihua a chance and quickly changed the topic to food.

When it comes to food, Aunt Guihua has a lot to brag about. Her family has several dozen more work points this year than last year.

Feng Xi immediately followed suit.

It was not until Aunt Guihua's family came to distribute food that Aunt Guihua went to get her own food.

Tang Qingqing couldn't help but give Feng Xi a thumbs up when she saw this scene.

Lin Tang couldn't help but praise her sister Feng Xi for being so great when she saw this scene.

Feng Xi said calmly.

Soon it was the turn of the educated youths to distribute food.

The work points of the old educated youths basically reached the minimum standard of the team, and even everyone could get a little money. Wang Xiaomei had the least food, and she didn't get much money, after all, she had taken a lot of leave this year, including many days of hospitalization.

New educated youth basically had to contribute money to the team. They didn't have many work points, so it depended on who contributed the least. Chen Aiguo contributed the least, while Tang Qingqing and Feng Xi contributed the most.

Village Chief Xu couldn't help but twitch his lips when he looked at Tang Qingqing and Feng Xi. It was the first time he saw someone contributing so much money to the team.

Thinking that this batch of educated youth came at the wrong time, and that the two had been hospitalized last time, he encouraged them by saying, "This is your first year in the countryside, and there are still many places you are not used to. You will be fine in the second year. Everyone has come this way. If you don't have enough food in the future, you can exchange it with the team for money."

Feng Xi and the others nodded quickly, saying that they understood and would work hard in the future.

Xu Hai quietly pulled Feng Xi and said, "Put the food here first. I'll be almost done. I'll send it back to you later."

"Then I'll wait for you here too."

More than 200 kilograms of food were basically too heavy for the female educated youth to carry. Seeing this, Village Chief Xu asked someone to pull a cart over to help the educated youth send the food back.

Xu Hai finished his work in a short while, pulled the cart and put Feng Xi's food on it, and the two of them returned to Feng Xi's home talking and laughing.

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