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Jin, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung work at their family company, 'Kim Corporation'. The biggest company in the world. Hoseok owns a hospital which he set up for emergency medical in remembrance of his mother. Lastly Jungkook goes to school. Their mother died in a brutal accident where she was denied emergency treatment and their father commited suicide after battling depression for an year after he lost his wife.
Kim Seokjin being the eldest juggles taking care of everyone and everything as best as he can. But he can't help feel that he is not able to give everything to his brothers even though it's not the truth. He takes care of everyone as his children. His words are the last words in any matter. No one can change his mind.
Kim Yoongi, being thesecond eldest gave up on his dreams of becoming a singer after Jin gave a stern order for Yoongi to take after the company and give up on his dreams. Yoongi felt betrayed would be an understatement to the feeling he felt when his own hyung who supported him made him give up on his dream. But, Yoongi respected Jin too much to question his decisions. The only thing that changed was the bond between Jin and Yoongi. They were inseparable but now they can't stay in the same room for more than an hour.
Kim Hoseok, third eldest was very close to their mother. A doctor who doesn't reject any emergency patient. He tends to overwork himself a lot as a result he always get in trouble with his favourite hyung Yoongi. He admires Yoongi the most because he went against Jin when Hoseok wanted to drop out of Business and become a doctor. It led to a very ugly argument between the eldest but Yoongi won the argument as a result Hoseok ended being a doctor. He still doesn't know why Yoongi and Jin are distant after their father's death.
Kim Namjoon, the fourth son who takes after their father. He is the strictest with the maknae line especially with the matters related to study and school. He worksmost of the time with his eldest hyung Jin and most of the times acts as a bridge between his two eldest hyungs. He was with his mother in the same car at the night of the accident. The people were able to save him by pulling him out of the car at the correct time before the car started fire. He saw his own mother burn and in the fire but they were able to extinguish the fire and help her to the hospital but was rejected by every hospital with a reason it's difficult to save a person from third degree burn. As a result Namjoon doesn't drive cars and he still gets nightmares to this date. But his hyungs ways stayed with him being patient and helping him.
Kim Jimin, the eldest of the maknae line. He is closest to his soulmate Kim Taehyung. He cares for everyone and takes care of Jungkook most of the times. He doesn't punish Jungkook a lot rather protects him from everyone. He takes care of Jungkook after his punishment. He is like a support system to Jungkook. He works in his company under Yoongi. He saves Taehyung from his hyungs wrath when he messes up his work.
Kim Taehyung, the second maknae. He looks upto his hyungs and vows to become like his Jin hyung. He is the most strict with Jungkook. He will punish Jungkook the most, but he loves Jungkook more than anyone in this entire world. He secretly cares for Jungkook and protect Jungkook from anyone. He doesn't like his hyungs interfering when he is punishing Jungkook, so most of the times his hyungs doesn't interfere but he gets in trouble most of the times with Jimin when he takes any punishment to an extreme level. He messes up his work more often and ends up in trouble among his hyungs but he never shows any of his mistakes to Jungkook.
Kim Jungkook, the youngest and most loved member of the family. He is the only one who can make his Jin hyung angry and be alive. The only one who can disturb his Yoongi hyung's sleep and be alive. The only one who can make his Hobi hyung listen to him and make him come home when he is overworking. The only one who can poke his Joonie hyungs dimples as Namjoon hates when someone touches his dimples. The only one who can make his Jimin hyung frustrated. Kim Taehyung is the name he fears the most but also he feels safe the most with his Tae hyung. He runs away as soon as he is within the radar of 5m from his Tae hyung as he don't want to make Tae hyung angry.

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