Chapter 149

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Finally, the Kim brothers were relieved looking at Namjoon sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. All of them were sprawled out in the room when the door opened revealing Jason.

Jungkook was the first to raise and punch him directly in the nose. Jason was caught off guard by the punch while Jungkook was immediately taken into surrended by Jason's guards.

Jason touched his nose to find it bleeding. One of the guard gave a tissue to wipe the blood off and Jason signed his men to release the younger. Jungkook was about to attack Jason again but Jin held his hand and Jungkook yanked his hand away but when he looked at Jin's eyes his body halted completely.

"Enough!' Yoongi spoke in his cold shrill voice invading the violent situation and calming everyone down.

'Why are you here?' asked Yoongi in the same time clearly showing that they didn't appreciate the mafia's presence their.

'I am here to talk to my fiance, and take a look at his brother. I don't want to indulge in any fights with any one of you' spoke Jason in his serious tone clearly offending and dismissing others.

'I am sorry, you must be at the wrong location, because your fiance isn't here. And you can leave, the door is that way' spoke Jin calmly and pointed towards the door.

Jason felt his heart break and soul rip apart at the cold voice of his love. He himself did that, but he didn't know how to make it right. He was clueless, he had to make up for the mistake but he didn't seem any way to do it.

Just as the conversation was about to move further they were interrupted by a nurse.

'Sir, Kim Namjoon's reports' she handed it to Alex. Whose hands grumbled but still he opened it to take a look further.

Alex huffed in relief  and Hoseok immediately snatched it to look into it.

As soon as, Hoseok read the reports his eyes shines with tears.

'Hoba, what happened?' questioned Yoongi as Hoseok broke down in tears.

'H....he has no serious condition' cried Hoseok in happiness as everyone stood confused in their place.

'His symptoms were associated with blood cancer, or stomach ulcer and luckily it is none of the two. He just puked blood because of the insane hits on his body which his body wasn't able to handle. Nothing serious, guess Hoseok got a little relief from the report and is crying in happiness'

Everyone were stunned to speak. Their Joonie could have some serious disease but for god's sake he was all well. They thanked God like millions of times and Jin hugged Hoseok to let him settle himself down.

Yoongi and Jin could only think how tensed the younger might be knowing the reports could turn everything upside down. Sometimes, it's better to know nothing.

'I don't want to repeat myself, Jason. I am tired and in no way to talk with you right now. I want you to please leave me and my family alone. I don't want to be associated with you anymore. I am sorry on behalf of Jungkook but you deserved it. Please leave'

Jin uttered in an exhausted tone and Jason sighed.

They were again interrupted by the opening of the door. A few were confused while Jin and Yoongi sighed in exhaustion, they weren't ready for another drama.

There stood Jason's family, his brother, Nancy, and their daughter.

Nancy was the first to head towards Namjoon but she was immediately stopped in her tracks by Jin.

'Jinnie, move baby. Let me take a look at RM' Nancy requested but Jin stood strong.

'Ma'am, I and my brother's require some privacy. I would request you to leave' Jin spoke again as Nancy stood shocked and worried.

'Jin, I know whatever Jason did was wrong. He punished RM because he loved his brother. Please forgive him, he just reacted on impulse'

'I am sorry, he was being a good brother for taking revenge on RM?' sarcastically questioned Jin and chuckled witnessing Nancy's confused face.

'He, RM, my brother saved your life, your greedy husband's life, Jason's life and at the end he recieved what? This torture? Look at him! I am sorry, I don't want to explain anything, I am tired just leave, leave' Jin spoke in disgusted tone at the family infront of him as Nancy still failed to understand the sensitivity.

'B-bu-' Jin cut off Nancy.

'Enough! JUST GET THE FUCK OUT!' yelled Jin in anger and fury as Namjoon whimpered and opened his eyes.

He blinked a few times to adjust himself and then looked at everyone present there.

'H-hyung' rasped Namjoon as everyone's attention turned towards him.

'Joonie' Hoseok reached forward and checked him and propped his bed to help Namjoon sit.

'We will visit some other time' Nancy announced and left the place as Namjoon looked at them for answers.

Jimin understanding the situation jumped on the bed and laid beside Namjoon and cuddles him softly.

'Hyung, I missed you~~~' whined Jimin as Namjoon chuckled.

On the other side Taehyung joined and did the same as Namjoon laughed at his whiny babies.

He could sense someone glaring at them and he looked infront to find Jungkook looking at them with jealous eyes.

'Aww, bunny! Come to hyung' called Namjoon as he cooed at the youngest pouty face.

Jungkook waddled and hugged Namjoon pushing both Jimin and Taehyung away.

Jimin chuckled at the naughtiness of the younger while Taehyung couldn't help but overthink the situation.

After a few minutes, Namjoon slept tired from the incident and due to theedicines he was on.

Jungkook climbed down and looked at others doing their respective works. He sighed and decided to head home and walked towards the door.

'Not so fast Kim Jungkook, you have lots of explaining to do for the stunt you pulled earlier' Yoongi spoke as his voice held authority.

Hey guys! What do you think should happen to Jungkook? A punishment, a warning? Or nothing?

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