Chapter 146

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Were you scared of your Yoongi hyung baby?'
questioned Jin as Jimin's eyes literally filled with tears.

Jin softly rubbed his back and urged him to communicate.

'Y...yes' uttered Jimin as Yoongi's heart ached.

'Now are you scared of him sweetheart?' gently asked Jin while holding him close.

'' said Jimin looking away.

'Are you lying baby?' questioned Jin with the same gentleness as that is all it took for Jimin to break down miserably in front of the older.

Jin immediately took him on his lap and made him straddle him as he whispered sweet nothings and let Jimin confess.

'I called you so many times when he spanked me, why didn't you come?' innocently asked Jimin as Jin and Yoongi's eyes filled with tears.

Yoongi slowly made himself noticable and Jimin immediately hid himself in Jin's chest

Yoongi softly kept his hand on Jimin's back and rubbed it to calm him as Jimin turned around after a few minutes and forwarded his hands to be lifted. Yoongi gladly compiled and carried Jimin like a koala as Jimin rested his head on the older's shoulder.

'I will never be scared of you hyung, never. How can I be scared of someone who takes care of me and loves me so much?' uttered Jimin in a soft voice only allowing Yoongi to hear him and slumped back on his shoulders and closed his eyes. Pretending to be asleep and later on really falling asleep.

Yoongi refused to let the younger down as he was scared Jimin would end up being scared again. He settled down with Jimin in his hold. Jin let him be for a while but knew it was necessary to let Jimin down not because he was jealous or unhappy but because Yoongi needed to get the closure.

Jin tried for awhile but to no avail as Yoongi didn't let anyone touch Jimin. Sighed and tired, Jin sat down thinking of ways to break the news to the maknaes and waiting for Namjoon to wake up.

'Yoonie, let him down'


'Yoon, baby. I know you are scared but Jimin won't go anywhere, he loves you. Come on now let him down and let him sleep properly' coaxed Alex and after 20 minutes of coaxing Yoongi finally agreed to let Jimin down. He tucked Jimin in the adjacent bed next to Namjoon and got back to sit next to Alex.

While all this, back at the mansion Taehyung was settled in the corner crying silently as he had taken a leave from office. Jungkook, feeling weird had taken the bus home to find no one.

Passing by to his room he heard a few whimpers and sobs. Scared he opened the door to find his immediate hyung clutching onto his clothes while sobbing softly.

Jungkook closed the door and waddles towards his scariest hyung who now looked so vulnerable and broken.

'H..hyung' whispered Jungkook, kneeling down next to Taehyung. Taehyung jerked his head up and wiped away his tears as he faced the younger.

Jungkook smiled at his hyung and got up to switch on the lights. He again resumed his position next to his hyung who was now looking at him with wide eyes.

Jungkook was new to this, he had never consoled anyone in his whole life. But, he was prepared. He had spent the couple of days recalling how his hyungs would comfort him, he had researches on Google, YouTube and everywhere.

He was nervous, but still he put on a soft smile and gently wiped the falling tears. He took out his kerchief and wiped Taehyung's face softly and settled down next to him.

Finding it a bit weird, he initiated the hug. He covered Taehyung in his monstrous arms and pecked the older's mop of hair as Taehyung could no longer hold in. He tightened his hands around Jungkook and sobbed loudly.

Jungkook was dumbfounded, he didn't know what to do. He was trying his best to console his hyung but Taehyung was just sobbing.

After relentless struggles, he had Taehyung on his lap as he leaned against the wall. Taehyung's cries softly died down and he no longer cried. Jungkook felt the older's grip on him loosened as he backed away from the hug to find Taehyung's pink cheeks and puffed up eyes.

Unknowingly, Jungkook cooed at that and softly wiped the older's face again with the sleeve of his uniform.

Taehyung looked away embarrassed as Jungkook just held him as much as his hyung wanted. Softly, Jungkook picked him up and settled him on the bed and walked out to ask the maid to bring a plate of food.

Taehyung, just looked at the younger and stayed quiet. In no time, the food arrived and Jungkook tried feeding Taehyung like all his hyungs did but Jungkook just couldn't. This bought a  smile on Taehyung's face which soon resonated as laughter.

Jungkook smiled back at that too. Taehyung ended up feeding himself and the younger. Being tired from the emotional breakdown he fell asleep cuddling the younger.

After a few seconds, Taehyung's phone rung which Jungkook immediately silenced and pucked up the call while patting Taehyung back to sleep.


'Jungkook, why are you whispering and where is Taehyung?' asked Jin.

Jungkook slowly walked towards the balcony being aware to not wake the older up.

'Tae hyung is asleep'

'Why is he at the mansion and not at the office?'

'Hy..hyung, that I don't know I just found him crying in his room when I arrived'

That is all it took for Jungkook to finish as everyone in the hospital was worried. Jin and Yoongi wasted no time, running towards his car and driving towards the mansion.

On arriving, Jungkook explained everything from the past few days that he had observed about the older and Yoongi couldn't help but remember about Jimin's words about Taehyung.

The two patiently waited for Taehyung to wake up deciding to break the news to both of them together.

Finally, after a while hour Taehyung did wake up. He was happy to find himself embraced in his hyungs warmth.

Hey guys! Honestly, I am not getting motivation to update this at all. I always found happiness in your comments but I think that's offending a few people, so this is to inform you guys the real reason behind no regular updates!

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