Chapter 129

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'Yoo..Yoongi hyung' called Alex as he witnessed the older walk away after noticing him. Once he called he received attention from everyone in the living room but he waited for Yoongi to turn.

Alex wasted no time in linking his hands with the older and pulled him to somewhere private. As soon as he knew he wasn't surrounded by anyone he hugged Yoongi. He made sure to hold the older as Yoongi just stayed there without making any efforts to move.

'H..hyung, sorry' uttered Alex as he pecked Yoongi's neck. Yoongi softly released himself from the grip listening to the broken voice of the younger.

'Alex, baby. Are you hurt somewhere? Are you okay? What's wrong, why are you crying?' worriedly asked Yoongi as he was concerned about the younger's cries. Alex shook his head and hugged Yoongi tighter. Yoongi embraced the younger and held him until Alex wanted to move.

'Hyung, I don't want to leave you. I don't want to! But, I am confused, confused hyung. I know you love your brothers, I know you love me but I am scared you will leave me hyung. You will abandon me so I decided to break up with you. Hyung, promise me you won't leave me, please. Hyung, hyung you love me right?' babbled Alex as Yoongi slowly guided them to the balcony and settled on the outdoor chair with Alex on top of him. The starry night sky gave them a sense of warmth.

'You look at that star Alex?' asked Yoongi, pointing to one particular star up there. Alex nodded his head

'Now, do you know why that star is shining? questioned Yoongi as Alex shook his head.

'Stars shine due to nuclear fusion' explained Yoongi as Alex looked at him more in curiosity.

'In nuclear fusion' two lighter nuclei combine to give one heavier molecule. As the mass of the heavy molecule is less than the combined mass of both nuclei the heat is given out. As a result the star shines'

Yoongi noticed his baby who was still confused.

'And, for that star to shine it needs two nuclei Alex. And, if I was the star I would need you as well as my brother's to shine baby. With one of you not there I cannot shine. I need both of you. I love you loads baby, gimme a chance to showcase that love for you! To show you that I truly want you in my life. To show you that I will work on us' said Yoongi.

'Hyung, shouldn't I shine too?' asked Alex to which Yoongi chuckled and pecked Alex's lips

'You always shine bud. If you don't then how can I? Will you let hyung shine you baby?' Requested Yoongi to which Alex nodded.

Yoongi then picked the younger up and walked towards his bed room and laid him down. Alex tried getting up to which Yoongi slowly pushed him back.

'Shh! Let hyung take care' whispered Yoongi as Alex just nodded and relaxed on the soft bed.

Yoongi fetched some lose clothes for the younger and changed him. Yoongi then pecked his forehead and smiled.

'Hyung, will be back' whispered Yoongi and walked out. He drove to the cake store Alex lives and got one piece for him and headed back to the mansion as early as he could.

He walked to the room and showed the package to Alex to which Alex gasped in shock and pulled the cake package from Yoongi and settled on the bed. Yoongi softly grabbed Alex's hands and stopped him as Alex looked at him in confusion.

'When I am around you don't need to do anything on your own baby' said Yoongi as Alex remembered the initial days of their dating where Yoongi wouldn't let Alex do anything. Yoongi would do each and everything and worship him as a king. He slightly smiled at that. Maybe, Yoongi always had him on his priority list and Yoongi's way of showing love was little things and not something extravagant.

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