Chapter 153

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'Koo, will you listen to hyungie? You know right, Hyungie always wants you to be happy and healthy?'

'Yess hyung!!!!!'

'Then let's not think about being a mafia right?'

Taehyung waited for Jungkook to react but all he found was Jungkook nervous and biting his lips. Taehyung, sighed in tiredness as he knew this was going to take a long time.

'Kookie?' Taehyung called softly as the secretary bought another bite of food towards Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook gulped down the food and looked away from Taehyung.

Taehyung slowly held Jungkook's chin and turned him around and softly released his abused lips.

'Koo' Taehyung again called and looked at him expecting an answer but Jungkook just sighed.

'I don't want to be a mafia' Jungkook confessed as Taehyung's looked at him.shocked not expecting such an answer.

'Then?' questioned Taehyung raising his brow as Jungkook gulped.

'I was just angry at Yoongi hyung. I know I didn't a mistake but I got angry when Yoongi hyung tried to force his idea on me, and that triggered me so I just said I want to be a mafia. I didn't want to punch Jason hyung too but looking at him made my blood boil. He forced Jin hyung and hurt Joonie hyung, so I punched him but I instant regretted the move by looking at Jin hyungs given up look but it was too late and I just continued being stubborn'

Jungkook confessed honestly and Taehyung softly smiled assuring the younger that it was okay and he would handle the things further.

Jungkook slowly climbed on Taehyung's lap and made himself comfortable there as Taehyung signed the secretary to give the food knowing that his bunny was going to be clingy for a while.

As expected Jungkook let Taehyung feed him while straddling his lap. Jungkook's legs rounding Taehyung's waist as he faced Taehyung. Taehyung held the plate of food in between them as he leaned completely over the hand rest of the couch in a weird manner straining his back as Jungkook was clinging on him and he couldn't hold the plate properly.

Taehyung didn't complain at all and fed Jungkook while distracting him with some talks and once he finishes eating, Taehyung made him drink water and wiped his mouth and washed his hand in the plate as the secretary took away the plate passing a soft smile and returned back with a soft pillow to support his back. Taehyung thanked him and held the younger closer.

They fell into a calming silence as Jungkook was basking in the comfortable embrace.

'Koo, let's go talk to hyung?'

Jungkook looked at him in shock and shook his head being scared as he clearly remembered how angry Yoongi looked and he wasn't ready to face him. He knew what he did was wrong but he was just being a kid and now that he had to accept his mistakes he was chickening out.

'Sir, Yoongi sir is calling you' the secretary broke the silence as Jungkook hugged him tightly not wanting Taehyung to to leave.

Taehyung hugged him for a few seconds and pecked his forehead and promised to come early and left his bunny pouting on the couch while passing a helpless look to his secretary clearly asking her to take care of Jungkook.

That attempt went fruitless as she was immediately summoned to Yoongi's cabin with Taehyung.

Both of them entered to find Yoongi glaring him down. He also found Jimin passing a sympathetic look.

'How much did you complete?' Yoongi's questions resonated and was left hanging until Taehyung realised that he was waiting for him to answer.

'I..I will submit it in another few hours hyung' Taehyung spoke scared of the outcome.

'That wasn't my question Kim Taehyung!'

'I..haven't started yet' Taehyung spoke knowing he wouldn't be able to hide the fact anymore and his room was near. He wanted to continue that he was with Jungkook convincing him but Yoongi beat him to it.

'Kneel' Yoongi ordered momentarily forgetting that Taehyung's secretary was right there.

Taehyung's face flushed in embarrassment as the secretary looked away clearly wanting to walk away. It was not secretary that the brothers followed discipline but she never wanted to interfere in that process.

'Sir, I have a call which I have to take immediately. Excuse me sir' The secretary spoke in her professional tone but Yoongi stopped her.

'Your secretary is just like you, slacking off work'

That was it, Taehyung lost it.

'Hyung!' yelled Taehyung and Jimin was shocked at Taehyung's reaction. But, he knew it was genuine after all Yoongi was being unreasonable.

'What?' asked Yoongi annoyed.

'Dont talk to her like that. She is my secretary and only I have the rights to scold her. And yes, I do let her answer her phone at times not because she is giving an excuse but because she has a 5 year old back home and she needs to be available for her baby' Taehyung justified as Yoongi sighed when he realised that he indeed was wrong to pijt out like that. The secretary's heart warmed at the way her boss protected her.

'And you can leave' all three said at the same time that the secretary wanted to chuckle. But, keeping her professionalism she bowed and walked out.

Yoongi just couldn't apologise as his ego was too big right now.

'Kneel' Yoongi uttered and Taehyung just followed, too tired to explain himself.

'Jimin, give him.the necessary things so that he can start working right in front of me' Jimin followed while giving a guilty look at Taehyung's while Taehyung looked away.

Taehyung's knees was killing him. His leg muscles were tensed and he was feeling too hot. He loosened his tie and took off his suit just to reveal his shirt completely wet from his sweat.

He still continued working in front of his brothers. Jimin who observed it lowered the ac temperature and Yoongi immediately increased it.

Taehyung couldn't help but feel his cheeks wet as the tears rolled down his face. He wanted to run away, he couldn't do it. He was very frustrated and the last thing he wanted to was to think and come up with new ideas for the deal.

Yoongi ordered food and he and Jimin ate it while Taehyung just looked at betrayal. He was hungry too, he just fed Jungkook and he didn't had anything. He was slowly breaking apart.

Frustratedly, he finished the given task after 5 hours and informed Jimin and Yoongi.

As if one que, they heard a knock on door. Taehyung was about to get up when Yoongi answered and asked the person to come in.

Hey guys!!!!!! How is it? Give more number of comments and you might get an update soon !!! Love yaa, comment down your thoughts and what might happen to Joonie, Jin, Alex, Hobi, Dale, Tae, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook?

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