Chapter 161

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'Tae' Jin called as Taehyung just halted his actions and turned around to look at his hyung.

Jin just gave a soft smile, and took off the blanket replacing it with his own which he got from home. He then handed Taehyung his bear plushie which he secretly cuddled and pecked his forehead. Jin continued to gently close Taehyung's eyes and pat him to sleep.

In a few minutes, Taehyung was asleep. He looked around and was glad that both were asleep. He tried sleeping but his thoughts weren't coming to a rest and he just couldn't.

He walked out of the room and just randomly roamed in front of the room. Before he knew it was 5 in the morning and he decided to head back to the room.

Both were till asleep. He asked one of the nurse to keep an eye on them as he raced back to the mansion. He packed the needful and cooked something light for both of them and head back.

As expected, Namjoon was awake. Jin helped him with freshening up as Namjoon was now allowed to get down as he was healing pretty well. Jin again fed him the food and gave him his medications.

Alex and Hoseok checked on the two and decided that Taehyung couldn't head home and Namjoon too could ask both Alex and Hoseok would be there but Jin refused as he was still scared and wanted Namjoon to stay and rest as long as he could.

Taehyung woke up to witness his hyungs indulged in a conversation. He wanted the attention on him but he also didn't want it. But, due to god's grace Jin turned around to find Taehyung looking at them with gaping eyes.

Jin walked forward towards him and helped him sit and softly pecked his forehead.

'Tae, do you want to brush your teeth or just want a mouth wash? You can shower at home since Hoseok here said that you can be discharged. Hmm? Does that sound good?'

Taehyung silently nodded.

'M..mouthwash' uttered Taehyung and Jin smiled.

Jin rummaged to his bag and fet yes out Taehyung's mouth wash. Taehyung was amazed at that, as he didn't expect Jin to know his favourite mouth wash. Heck he never realised, Jin knew that he sometimes ate his breakfast after mouth wash than actual brushing of teeth.

Was he wrong all this time?

Jin then handed the mouth wash and held another bowl so that he can spot it out. Was he thinking out loud? How did his hyung know, that he didn't want to get down? Seems like his hyungs do know me.

Jin then fed him his breakfast and Taehyung ate with no tantrums as he was indulged in a dilemma about everything.

Before he could realise that changes, all his things were packed and Jin was holding a pair of sweats for him to change.

'Tae, go ahead change your clothes baby' Jin spoke softly as Taehyung just shook his head.

'You need hyung to do it for you?' questioned Jin as Taehyung really didn't want to behave like everything was going well but he didn't really want to head home without changing his clothes. So he just wordlessly nodded and Jin just changed Taehyung into comfortable clothes.

Wait a minute, how did Jin know that he didn't like to go home without changing his clothes? Also, how did Jin find his plushie? It was always hidden in his cabinet!

Jin urged Taehyung to get down, and he just followed his hyung.  He found himself in his bedroom with Jungkook pulling him and pushing him in his bathroom saying something like you stink.

Taehyung sighed and took a quick shower and came out to find his maknae glaring at him. He furrowed and raised one of his brow to silent question what's wrong.

'You are late. And me missed you shoooo much!!!!' Jungkook said and launched on Taehyung as Taehyung tried steadying himself but the floor won the silent fight of Taehyung trying to stabilise himself.

'Jungkook, don't trouble your hyung. Come out, Jin hyung is calling for breakfast' Jimin scolded Jungkook while pulling the younger's ears and helped Taehyung up.

'Move young man!'  playfully scolded Jimin as he waited to get alone time with Taehyung but Jungkook didn't nudge a foot.

Jimin sighed.

'Tae, join us for breakfast, I know hyung already prepared and fed you in hospital but you can still have a brudge'

Jimin ended up pulling both the maknaes and arrived at the dining table. Jin was surprised to find Taehyung, and once he realised he rushed to the kitchen to prepare something for Taehyung. He didn't realise Taehyung would be joining so he didn't prepare anything appropriate for him.

After about 15 minutes, he came back witha mother dish.

'Taehyung, don't eat it!' exclaimed Jin startling everyone on the table as Taehyungs chopsticks fell down and he started at his hyung in shock.

'Thats spicy Tae, here you can have this' Taehyung nodded and ate the one which Jin gave.

That is when he realised, everytime there was two different versions of the same dish. It was always Jin serving them so he didn't realise but now that he remembered it was always the less spicy version than everyone else. Did Jin always prepared two of the same dish?

With that thought, Taehyung and everyone finished eating.

Jin wasn't really feeling well, he felt like puking and he rushed towards the sink and puked everything he ate. He didn't feel tired, but he shrugged it off and got ready to go the hospital.

'Taehyung, rest for today. Please do not work. Jimin, Yoon look after the company. I will go to Joonie and work from there. Jungkook, do not trouble Taehyung. Hobi and Alex you can ride with me. Come on'

After feeding the tablets to Taehyung, Jin and others left.

'Hyung, I will drive you need to give your leg a bit of rest. And I do feel it's inflammed, I will check on it in the hospital' Alex uttered as Jin just huffed and descended towards the passenger seat not realising Yoongi heard that.

Yoongi sighed and left to company with Jimin worrying about his hyung.

Hey guys!!!!! How is it??? I don't know I am feeling a bit low since yesterday, I can't exactly point out the reason. It's like so many things, one of the person who is very close to me doesn't have time to call me apparently, and this another person seems to always misunderstand me and their expectations I just can't! And then , I just feel exhausted honestly, no one's trying to get me, understand me and it's just straight up exhausting at this time. I am sorry for the rant lol!

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