Chapter 6

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     After Taehyung left, Jimin had explained about the incident Taehyung went through. All of them were shocked and angry. They wanted to kill the person who hurt Taehyung but they still wanted to talk about it with Taehyung.
         The next morning, Taehyung and Jungkook were back to normal but Taehyung kept spacing out a lot. When they tried talking with Taehyung he just shrugged them off. Jin decided to give him some time and he would open up on himself.
            It was evening and Jimin decided to talk to Jungkook. He had called Jungkook to his room after he came back from school. There was no one in the house. Taehyung had been out of country for a business meeting. Jungkook took slow baby steps to Jimin's room and knocked.
      'Come in' answered Jimin while he was going through some papers.
        'Hyung, you called me' asked Jungkook in a tiny voice. Jimin kept down the papers on his work desk and made himself comfortable on his bed. He then patted the place next to him for Jungkook. Jungkook slowly sat next to Jimin with nervousness.
         'There is nothing to be scared Koo' assured Jimin as he ruffled the younger's hair which relieved the younger to some extent.
        'Koo, why didn't you study' asked Jimin while observing the younger's face.
        'Hyung, I told you I was playing videogames' answered Jungkook annoyed.
         'None of that attitude Jungkook' warned Jimin.
         'Sorry Hyung' apologised Jungkook.
        ' I am not asking about the day before your exams, I am asking about why haven't you studied the lesson even once?' questioned Jimin sternly.
         'Its nothing Hyung' answered Jungkook slightly nervous and fear written on his face.
          'I want answer Jungkook' warned Jimin.
        'Fine then! I am not telling you Hyung' yelled Jungkook and layed on the bed totally ignoring his hyung. Jimin was shocked at the maknae's attitude.
         'Kim Jungkook, you are not leaving this room until you answer, and, talk to me when you fix your attitude' Jimin said in his cold tone. Jungkook was guilty for talking so rudely but he just didn't want to talk about it. Why were his hyungs asking about it? He didn't want to talk. First it was Taehyung and now Jimin too. Ahhhh! He wanted to scream.
       Jimin gazed worriedly at Jungkook and then got back to completing his work. It was about an hour. Jungkook noticed that his hyung was ignoring him and was just working. He felt like crying.
      'Hyung' he whispered but got no answer in return.
       'Hyung' he called out but still no answer.
        'Hyung..' he cried out and Jimin felt his heart quench at his bunny but still he didn't answer.
        'Hyung, I am sorry please talk to me. I will not repeat it. I will not yell at you. I promise hyung........and I will tell you the truth' cried out Jungkook. Jimin wanted to hug him but he didn't.
       'Got your attitude fixed?' questioned Jimin to which Jungkook nodded.
        'Then talk' told Jimin. His voice still cold and face still stern.
        'Hyung! He bullies me. He hates me. The teacher hates me. He told, I am good for nothing. He tore my textbooks. He would simply send me out of class for no reason. He would beat me with a stick hyung. I would say sorry but he would just laugh hyung. He embarrass me everytime hyung. I didnt have my textbook to study hyung. He tore it. He is bad Hyung' screamed and cried Jungkook.
        Jimin immediately bought him in a hug and made Jungkook sit on himself.
       'Shhh! Koo, it's fine. You are fine. Hyung is here. Calm down baby. Calm down.' comforted Jimin. Jungkook was still sobbing and Jimin comforted him for half an hour and then Jungkook was able to calm down. By then they could hear all the hyung's downstairs.
           Jimin ended up carrying Jungkook to the hall where all the others had seated and were having some conversation. Jimin sat with Jungkook who was teary eyed taking all the attention towards himself.
            Everyone were concerned and asked what was wrong. Jimin ended up explaining everything to everyone. All of them decided to talk to the school principal regarding the teacher.
      The very next day, Yoongi had dropped the younger to the school and went to meet the school principal. Yoongi and the principal had a talk and the principal assured Yoongi to take further actions regarding the teacher. On the same day the principal had questioned Jungkook and his classmates, and once he realised that Jungkook was not lying and the teacher was at fault he fired the teacher. The teacher expressed no guilt and just walked off with unrelished anger on the younger.
          That day Jungkook came home with a bright bunny smile and his hyungs were too happy to witness that smile. Taehyung was a bit disappointed that Jungkook didn't tell him about the teacher but nevertheless relieved for the younger. He was supposed to be back that day but his work extended causing him to stay at the place for a week longer.
           Jimin and Jungkook were at an ice cream parlour. The younger was enjoying his triple scoop while the older was ready to talk about some matters with the younger.
       'Kook, why didn't you tell about your teacher to Tae' softly questioned Jimin, and saw how the younger's face fell.
         'Hyung, I didnt mean to, I thought that Tae hyung would think I was making excuses' answered Jungkook biting his lips.
          'No baby, hyungs would never think like that' assured Jimin to which the younger nodded and gazed at the older with teary eyes. Jimin cooed and wiped the tears.
          'Did Tae hyung, feel bad hyung. I am sorry, I was just scared' said Jungkook.
          'Tae did feel bad but I explained him Koo, but from next time you can trust all of us and share your worries with any of us okay baby. No need to be scared. None of us will hurt you. If you dont want to share with any of us then softly turn it down bunny' explained Jimin. Jungkook nodded and looked down. Both of them came back and was met with Hoseok and Namjoon whining at Jin to have a house party.
         'No means no' yelled Jin and went towards his room.
        'Why can't hyung let us have a party' complained Namjoon.
        'Hyung is just being mean. He doesn't want us to enjoy' Namjoon continued.
        'That's enough Kim Namjoon. I don't want any of you to talk about hyung that way' warned Yoongi sternly which immediately made Namjoon shut up and walk away still annoyed at his eldest hyung. Hoseok just apologized and walked off towards his room.
          ' What's wrong Koo, didn't you have the ice cream' said Yoongi softly looking at Jungkook.
        'Nothing hyung. I ate the ice cream. It was delicious' expressed Jungkook his eyes glowing in wonder. He really really loved ice creams. Yoongi chuckled and ruffled Jungkook's hair.
       'Jimin, did you complete the work' asked Yoongi voice not so soft anymore. Jimin shook his head as no.
       'Verbal answers' warned Yoongi.
      'N-no hyung' stuttered Jimin looking down at the floor.
       'Stop slacking off. I want the file by tomorrow morning' said Yoongi with an expressionless face.
       'Hyung I wasn't slacking-' Jimin tried explaining.
        'Save it Jimin. I want the work to be completed by tonight. No other words'
       'But, Hyung' Jimin tried.
       'Jimin!!!' yelled Yoongi causing both Jimin and Jungkook flinch. Jimin looked down with tears flowing continuously.
       'I wouldn't be here asking for you to complete your work if you had done your work properly Kim Jimin. Learn to work.' Yoongi poured all his frustration on Jimin who just looked at Yoongi with hurtful eyes and cried.
         'Stop crying and get to work' said Yoongi which got Jimin to wipe his tears and gave one soft smile to Jungkook indicating that everything was good and went back to his room to collect the files. He came back and drove towards the company. Yoongi sighed and drove towards the restaurant where he had meeting with his new client.
          Jungkook went back to his room and nervously video called Taehyung. Taehyung on the other hand was stuck in a meeting. When he saw that the younger was calling him. He excused himself and answered the call looking at Jungkook who was biting his lip in nervousness and teary eyes.
        'What did I tell about biting your lips, Jungkook' asked Taehyung coldly.
          'You said not to' whispered Jungkook. Taehyung let out a nod when Jungkook released his abused bottom lip.
         'Whats wrong Kookie' questioned Taehyung softly. Jungkook took his own time but Taehyung waited patiently. His meeting could wait, the most important right now was his bunny who was about to break down in a few minutes. Taehyung was debating whether to call any of his hyungs to check on Jungkook or not. And that is when Jungkook decided to talk.
           'Hyung, I am sorry. I was scared hyung. I was scared that you would not trust me. I was scared that you would think that I am lying hyung. I didn't mean to hurt you Hyung. I promise I won't repeat it Hyung' sincerely said Jungkook.
Taehyung was caught off-guard. He didn't know what the younger was talking about,but after a few seconds he realised what the younger was talking about. He felt warm hearing to the younger's words. He was finally relieved that the younger didn't hate him he was just scared.
       'Koo, hyung always believes you bunny. I will never not trust you baby. You can always share anything you want baby. Don't be scared of hyung bub. Hyung loves you. Now, now look up' softly told Taehyung. Jungkook slowly looked up to see his hyung's relaxed face but his hyung looked tired. Taehyung's heart hurt looking at the youngers tearful face.
             'There is no need to cry bub. Wipe your face, hmm. Hyung is always here.' Taehyung assured and Jungkook followed his words.
         ' where is my bunny' asked Taehyung acting like he was searching everywhere.
          ' here is your bunny' Jungkook answered in a high pitch tone giving his famous bunny smile.
         'There is my bunny' chuckled Taehyung.
          'I will bring you lots and lots of gifts okay bub. Now stop crying and finish your home work. If any teacher or anyone bullies you come to hyung okay. Now hyung needs to go baby' said Taehyung. Jungkook gave out a nod.
            'Bye Hyung' waved Jungkook.
            'Bye Kookie, take care' waved Taehyung and cut the call. Jungkook then went to study for his test which he decided that he is going to ace the test and make his hyungs proud especially his 'Tata Hyung'. Only Jungkook is allowed to call that to Taehyung and no one else. No wonder Taehyung spoils him the most but also the most strictest. His way of expressing his love is different from others.
        Taehyung then slowly let out a 'Thank you minnie' to himself and made a mental note to call Jimin after the meeting.
      On the other side Jimin was trying his best to finish the work by tonight, but there were zero chances he could. He was hurt by Yoongi's words. He was trying to control his emotions and finish the work as soon as possible.
        Yoongi on the other hand was furious at Jimin as the younger had misplaced the digits in the papers he was about to sign with his new client which caused the client to break off the deal. Yoongi barged open Jimin's office room and let out a,
      'Kim Jimin'...

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