Chapter 49

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Jin and Jason calmed down when they witnessed Jungkook curled up on a rusty bench trying to protect himself from the cold by shivering. They had many questions in their mind, but taking Jungkook with them was their first and utmost priority.

Jin was the one to actually go and pat Jungkook's cheeks and lovingly wake him up. Jungkook jumped by that and his eyes got more teary after noticing his eldest hyung standing in front of him.

Jungkook jumped on the elder and Jin was more than happy to know that the younger was fine and doing good. Jin didn't ask any questions, rather just held him. It was too cold and Jungkook only had a thin shirt and pajamas.

Jason took off his jacket and draped it around Jungkook while Jungkook let out a sneeze in return. Jin worriedly looked at Jason who just gave an assuring smile in return.

Jin ended up carrying Jungkook to their car followed by Jason. They went back to Jason's apartment all while Jungkook snuggled closer to him and refused to answer his questions. Jin was worried but held onto Jungkook lovingly.

Jin carried Jungkook to the bedroom and laid him down and laid next to him as Jungkook clutched onto the older's shirt harshly. Jin just stroked his hair and slowly pat him to sleep.

Jason came in a with a mug of hot chocolate and a medicine mixed inside that. He knew Jin hated to take medicines so he always used this trick on him and he thought that even Jungkook may not like gulping down the pills so he just used his trick. Jin helped Jungkook to get up and finish the hot chocolate. Jungkook ended up sleeping peacefully without worrying about anything.

Taehyung had been in abroad for a day due to a meeting and he came super late. Everyone were waiting for him. Taehyung was happy to hug everyone while his eyes only searched for his baby.

'Hyung, did Bunny sleep?' asked Taehyung to no one particular.

'I don't know Tae, I just got home' answered Jimin as he was working overnight and let out a tired yawn. Taehyung just nodded.

'I'll go check on him' said Taehyung and walked upstairs only to find a laying figure on the bed. Taehyung slowly took off the blanket only to gasp loudly as there were only pillows and not his baby.

Taehyung frantically searched around only to panick because Jungkook wasn't home.

'Hyung!!!! Hyung!!!!! Koo isn't there' yelled Taehyung.

'What do you mean Tae?' asked Namjoon yawning in the process.

'Hyung, I searched everywhere he isn't there' screamed Taehyung.

'Where can he go Tae?. He must be there somewhere' said Hoseok and headed upstairs to look for Jungkook only to return back like Taehyung.

Everyone panicked and searched the entire mansion turning it upside down but they couldn't find Jungkook.

'I can track him down' happily said Namjoon hoping that they would be able to find their bunny. Everyone's eyes shined at that and waited anxiously until Namjoon did his work.

Namjoon tracked him down and exclaimed the address of the place. Yoongi's eyes turned dark and Hoseok immediately knew where Jungkook was. Jimin made a face of realisation but didn't tell it out loudly.

'' said Yoongi stressing over each word angrily.

'No' uttered Hoseok and struggled to hold his hyung back.

'Hyung, it's late and Koo will be fine. We can bring him tomorrow' suggested Jimin. Yoongi just struggled to walk out of the mansion and drag Jungkook home.

Hoseok's grasp loosened and Yoongi used that to his opportunity as he moved forward only to be stopped by a back hug from his chim. Jimin was trying his best to hold onto a stubborn Yoongi while Hoseok called Jin

'Hello' answered Jin. The voice seemed to calm Yoongi down.

'Hy..Hyung' nervously replied Hoseok.

'Koo, is with me don't worry. We can discuss about this tomorrow morning.' stated Jin with no emotion in his voice and cut call. Everyone seemed to be relieved by the information.

Jimin managed to drag Yoongi with him and cuddle him to sleep.

It was 7 in the morning and there was a bell waking Jason and Jin from their much needed sleep.

Jason opened the door only to be pushed by a fierce Yoongi, as he barged in. He glared at Jin.

'Where is Koo' coldly questioned Yoongi.

'He is still sleeping. You can take him with you, but before that we need to-' Jin was cut off by Yoongi.

'Jungkook, Kook!!!!' yelled Yoongi and Jungkook immediately woke up hearing to the angry yells from his hyung. He ran out.

By then all the others had come to the apartment and was looking at the drama taking place.

Yoongi angrily marched towards Jungkook who was still sleepy and was not quite processing what was going on. Yoongi held Jungkook's hand in a tight grasp and pulled him with him as he walked out.

Jin grabbed onto another hand of Jungkook and pulled back. Jin and Yoongi was pulling Jungkook as if they were playing tug of war and Jungkook was in pain because of the harsh grasp on either side. He wanted nothing other than to sleep.

'Yoongi, we need to talk. Then you can take KOOK  with you' yelled Jin

'There is nothing left to talk' yelled back Yoongi.

'There is nothing to talk with a selfish person like you. And, leave Kook, he is coming with me' yelled Yoongi and pulled on Jungkook.

Between their argument they failed to hear a tiny whimper which left Jungkook's mouth and a tear which slipped his eyes.

'Hyung's that's enough. You are hurting my bunny' screamed Taehyung to make sure his voice was heard above the commotion. Yoongi and Jin let go of Jungkook and visibly gasped at the marks left on Jungkook's both wrists as he desperately rubbed his wrists holding it close to his chest.

Jungkook ran and snuggled Taehyung. Taehyung was quick to console Jungkook and sit comfortably on the couch with a teary bunny on top of him.

Jin and Yoongi tried approaching Jungkook with lots of apology only for Jungkook to bury himself more into Taehyung and dismiss them with scared eyes.

'Kim Yoongi, we need to talk and I am not going to listen to any other tantrum from you.' dominatingly stated Jin which immediately alarmed everyone and Yoongi found himself nodding and following his only hyung like a lost puppy or in his case, lost kitten.

Hey guys!!!! What is going to happen between Yoongi and Jin now??? Finally the truth is going to be revealed. Oh my god!!!!! Do let me know how the chapter was.

Oh by the way. Merry Christmas!!!!!🎅🎁🌲🎄🦌⛪⛄

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