Chapter 55

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Jin was in a dilemma about calling Jason or not. His heart craved for Jason while his mind reminded him that he had to let Jason go for his family. He really wanted to check up on him. Afterall, he had never received any news of Jason since the day he left the apartment.

Jin was in his thoughts in the living room as everyone was gathered there doing their own works while the news channel ran on the television.

Jin's eyes caught the news as it was a report of an accident of a biker. The biker wasn't found and the bike which they found were in a very critical condition. The person on the bike had met with a major accident and it had been reported just then while the accident showed proof of a day before.

Jin was curious and was watching the news without even blinking his eyes. And, the bike was shown and the number plate was relieved to the entire world.

Jin couldn't stay calm. His eyes filled with tears unknowingly and he didn't even realise that he was now crying and clutching onto the couch he was sitting. He completely forgot about the world around him and his heart felt empty as his hands shivered.

Everyone were now watching Jin with curiosity. They didn't know what was happening. They didn't even realise that it was something related about the news.

'Hyung!! Hyung' yelled Yoongi. Jin seemed to react and looked at the younger with questioning eyes.

'Hyung, what's wrong? You are crying' nervously asked Yoongi and that was when Jin realised that he indeed was crying.

'Ja...Jason' screamed Jin and frantically searched for his phone.

'What happened to him?? Hyung, what happened??' yelled Jimin in worry as his heart wasn't calm when his hyung just yelled out his crush's name with so much worry.

Jin tried calling Jason but to no avail. Jin was repeatedly calling all the numbers which consisted of Jason's friends, family, man and guards, but none of them received the call.

Jin ran towards his car followed by all his younger brothers. Jin tried frantically getting in the car and starting the engine but failed miserably being blinded by his own emotions.

Namjoon pulled Jin out of the driver seat and Hoseok took the wheel. Namjoon guided Jin into the passenger seat and everyone boarded the car.

Yoongi, made sure to sit next to Jimin and keep an eye on him but, it was a difficult task as Jimin was not hiding his emotions anymore.

'Minnie, what happened?' whispered Taehyung sitting right next to him.

'Nothing Tae, Jimin is just tired' lied Yoongi and pushed Jimin to his chest so that he could conceal Jimin's teary face. Taehyung shrugged it off.

Hoseok drove towards Jason's apartment and Jin ran in followed by Jimin. Jin banged on the apartment door in panick and worry. But, the door was never answered, rather the next door neighbour informed them that the apartment was on sale as the previous owner left the place.

Jin's heart broke into pieces but he needed to mask his emotions at any cost, but he just couldn't. The fear of losing his love got the best of him. Jin was going mad second by second and Yoongi was stuck between Jimin and Jin. He needed to choose between one, but he just couldn't.

Hoseok and Namjoon persuaded Jin to head back and Jin just went completely limp in their hold. Jungkook ended up carrying his hyung as everyone shared nervous glances with each other. Almost, everyone were now clear that there was something going on between Jin and Jason, but the only person to be completely unaware of that was none other than Jimin.

Yoongi made sure to keep Jimin close to him till they head back. Jin immediately left the car and went straight to his room and locked it. Others tried getting in but was stopped by Yoongi.

Yoongi didn't really talk to Jimin and let Jimin head his way. Jin repeatedly called each and every one he could think of, but he was left with nothing but fear in his heart. Afterall, the one who met with a brutal accident was none other than Jason as it was Jason's bike which was showcased on each and every news channel.

Jin dozed off at morning 5 after constant crying. Jimin immediately slept not being able to worry about Jason knowing nothing about him. Yoongi was again held in his thoughts of choosing between many things. Hoseok headed to his room but had to leave immediately for an important surgery. Namjoon just slept trying not to worry about his eldest hyung. Taehyung got busy with catching up with his old friend completly forgetting about Jin. Jungkook, didn't really know what was wrong and slept with tons of undone home work.

The next day, the news channel telecasted that the one involved in the accident was considered to be dead as there was no signs of anyone being alive after such a brutal accident.

Jin whimpered that the bike belonged to Jason and everyone immediately understood what everything was about.

Jimin broke down in tears and couldn't hold.
himself back. Yoongi struggled to keep Jimin's emotions a secret. Even though Jin was having his own heartbreak he couldn't disregard his younger brother like that.

Jin went ahead to console Jimin only for Jimin to wail and yell out that he liked Jason a lot and wanted him back. It came as an unexpected surprise to everyone. Jin was utter shocked at the confession and his hold on Jimin loosened. Yoongi was fast to cover that up and disperse everyone by taking Jimin with him.

The damage was already done and there was nothing he could do about that.

Jin on the other hand didn't ever think that Jimin could feel anything towards Jason. Jin couldn't understand whether he should mourn over Jason's deaths or search for proofs or should get worried for Jimin.

Jin just didn't accept the news and used anything he could do to search for Jason but his search was halted when Jason's driver gave him an invitation to Jason's funeral. That particular day, Jin changed and he wasn't Jin anymore. He had become Kim Seokjin.

While, in the corner of the city Jason remained underground to trick his father's murderer and catch him during the act and give him a murderous death.

Yoongi couldn't comfort Jin as Jin became distant with everyone. He bottled up his grief and appeared as a happy man but in reality he was just another broken guy who didn't know where his heart layed anymore.

Jimin took his time to recover but he did and Yoongi was happy about that, but he was drowned with immense guilt each time he witnessed Jin pretend that everything was fine. Jin was doing the exact same thing he did when his parents died, he didn't give himself the time to mourn rather indulged himself with a lot of work.

Hey guys!!!! What do you think will happen now???

Happiest Birthday V🥳💜

Happiest Birthday V🥳💜

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