Chapter 122

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'Should I?' questioned Dale as he was lying on the not so comfy bed and stared at his mobile which showed Hoseok's number. He was stuck between calling him or no.

He was pulled out of his dilemma when he found the door opening and found Hoseok staggering to another empty bed as he landed his tired body on it.

'Hyung, are you okay?' meekly asked Dale not being able to hold back his concern and worry. Hoseok just nodded his head not trusting his voice to speak as he turned to the other side clearly indicating he didn't want to talk.

Dale sighed and tried covering Hoseok with a blanket but he could feel the heat radiate off of him.

'Hyung, you have a fever' said Dale as Hoseok hummed not interested in taking care of his health.

'You need to take some medicine' uttered Dale as he rushed to find something for the older. Once he was back he found Hoseok in the same position as before.

'Hyung, get up. Have this and sleep' said Dale as Hoseok shook his head and turned away.

'Hyungie, please' whined Dale as Hoseok just shook his head more and more.

'Hyungie, you are a big big meanie! Don't take medicine and don't talk to me!' whined Dale more as Hoseok sighed and got up. He rubbed his eyes to get a clear view of the cute person in front of him.

'Give' rasped Hoseok as Dale helped the younger gulp down the tablet and helped him back on the bed. Hoseok sighed and closed his eyes unwillingly to get some sleep. He had made his decision and he would follow that at any cost.

Yoongi had finally finished his preparation about the deal and he had a few things to finalise before taking the deal to the next level.

The first thing he did in the morning was to call Jason to take Jin home as he also texted Jimin about Alex.

Alex left to the hospital not wanting to stay a second longer in the mansion. Surprisingly, he was met with Dale and Hoseok already waiting for him. Hoseok had slumped shoulders and he was still pale. Alex went into a spiral of thoughts worrying if the younger fell ill again. That thought was answered immediately by Dale.

'Sir, Hoseokie hyungie ain't well. He won't listen to me. He had fever last night and now too. Send him to rest' half stated and whined Dale as Alex sighed and called both of them inside.

'Alex, you go check on the patients who are admitted and give me their report. Then, I will cross verify each report' stated Alex knowing that he had to take the role of guiding Alex seriously and he can't always belittle Hoseok in front of him.

Alex left being excited and nervous about the new task assigned. He took a deep breath as he analysed and questioned each and every person and prepared a report of each.

'And, you come here' called Alex as Hoseok took small steps towards the older and stood informt of him with head down. Alex softly lifted his chin and measured his temperature with the back of his hand and sighed.

'Seokie, you gotta take care of yourself. You just got well yesterday and already this' voiced out Alex worries about the younger genuinely. As much as he hated the younger for his deeds he did somewhere understand him, he wanted to give a chance for the younger to make up to him and not ditch him away.

'Hyung' muttered Hoseok too shocked to listen to worry from Alex. He expected hurtful words but his hyung was still there showcasing his worry and concern.

'I know, I know. I can't be angry at you Hoseok. I know you did a mistake, a grave mistake to be honest. I didn't deserve any of the things you did but also I get why you did that buddy. I get it, you were scared to lose Yoongi hyung, you were worried that I would snatch your hyung from you and that just reflects mine and Yoongi's mistake not you. We failed as your elder to showcase that you are important, we failed to assure you. So, I don't think being angry at you will solve anything rather it will just take things to newer edge which neither I nor your Yoongi hyung wants' explained Alex as tears clouded Hoseok's eyes.

In an instant, Hoseok hugged Alex tightly and let his tears flow on the older's shoulder as he sought all comfort from him. Alex, slowly tightened the hug and held the younger in his grasp as he let Hoseok take the comfort he needed. Alex, didn't know if he was doing the right thing forgiving the younger but somewhere in his heart he knew that Hoseok was a good kid and everyone make mistakes and Hoseok did deserve a second chance.

Alex pulled away from the hug as he cupped the younger's face and wiped away the tears.

'Dont cry bud. Hyung, doesn't like to see you like this. Shh' consoled Alex as he pulled the younger out of the hospital delaying his appointments and took him to a place near to the hotel knowing that the younger hadn't eaten anything.

He urged Hoseok to take a bite and for the first time in days he was able to hold his food down and wat peacefully. Once back, Alex asked Hoseok to take leave and rest and Hoseok gladly accepted with one thought hurting him more. Yoongi, he still had to make up with his Yoongi hyung.

Alex, was impressed with Dale's work and appreciated him more and more as Dale was on cloud 9. He couldnt believe his report was really so good. He wanted nothing but to celebrate it with his hyung, Hoseok. Unknowingly, Hoseok had stole a spot for himself in Dale's heart and Dale wasn't complaining.

Hey guys!!!!! Do let me know your thoughts if you want next update!!!! Love ya! 💜

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