Chapter 21

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It was a very stressful day for everyone. The Kim company was going through some major setbacks which resulted in a huge argument between the two elder siblings. Sadly, Namjoon couldn't handle it this time. They didn't find a solution though.

On the other hand Hoseok was middle in a surgery. Well, it was his third surgery from morning. As usual he was overworking himself. Lucky, for him Yoongi was busy with the company that he didn't check on Hoseok and Hoseok saved himself from his hyungs wrath.

Lastly, Jungkook was back to school after the suspension and was grumbling and annoyed at the pending works he had to complete.

Everyone was seated at the dining table. Jin and Yoongi ignored each other. Namjoon was just tired stuck between his hyungs. Hoseok was so close to doze off in the middle of eating. Jimin had barely touched his food. Taehyung had just scolded Jungkook for not eating vegetables even though he himself had made a special side to keep his vegetables on the plate.

Jungkook was sobbing and eating the vegetables as Taehyung glared at him. Safe, to say Jungkook had gone back to keep his distance from his favourite yet strict hyung.

It was Yoongi who stood up abruptly and pushed his plate.

'I am done' he announced and went upstairs. Jin looked at him retracing path in angry and huffed out. Namjoon just sighed and finished his food and left followed by Hoseok.

'Today, Jungkook will be doing the dishes hyung. Because, he doesn't want to eat the veggies' said Taehyung as Jungkook just pouted at his eldest hyung to save him. Jin just scoffed and went back not wanting to involve in the maknae's bickering. He had too many things to do.

'Absolutely not, bunny head upstairs after you finish your dinner baby' rescued Jimin while he gave a cold look to Taehyung who kept quiet after that.

Jungkook left and it was only the soulmates left.

'We need to talk, Tae' said Jimin as he headed towards the dishes. Taehyung just sat there without moving.

'I am not doing the dishes alone' scoffed Jimin which caused Taehyung to grumble and help Jimin with the dishes.

'Tae-ah, I am sorry' apologized Jimin which caught Taehyung off-guard. Taehyung gave his elder brother a confused look. Jimin chuckled and continued washing the dishes nudging the younger to continue too.

'I am sorry about Jungkook baby. I shouldn't have said all those words. I trust you. I am sorry , I overreacted' justified Jimin. Taehyung let out a sigh.

'Hyungg.. I thought something happened. It's okay hyung. I didn't know about the wound.' whined Taehyung. Jimin just chuckled.

'What's wrong bud' softly asked Jimin. Taehyung just scoffed.

'Its just that Jungkook. He doesn't trust me you know. I asked him about the wound but he lied.' grumbled Taehyung.

'We have talked about it buddy. He will come around if you stop being so strict with him' playfully accused Jimin.

'I am not' defended Taehyung. Jimin washed his hands and twisted Taehyung's ears.

'Ahh! ahh! Hyung let go' whimpered Taehyung.

'No way. You force him to finish his veggies while you barely eat any of them' strictly said Jimin pointing to his plate with the other hand while he twisted his ear.

Taehyung pouted in return. Jimin chuckled and let go of the younger's ears as he instantly rubbed it to sooth the pain.

'I care for him. He need to eat healthy to become strong' mumbled Taehyung.

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