Chapter 109

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'H..hell..hello' stuttered Jin trying to calm his breathing and not let Taehyung know the dirty deed he was having.
'Hello, hyung' answered Taehyung as he heard his brother breathing heavily.

Jin hummed in response not wanting to talk but Jason wasn't having it. He was going to humiliate him, for humiliating Yoongi in the middle of punishment unknowingly. Locking the door was the first ever rule of punishing someone in order to inform them that everything was going to stay between them.

As a result, Jason pinched his already abused nipple as Jin fought to silence his screams.

'Hyung, are you okay?' Asked Taehyung worried as Jin shook his head begging Jason from his eyes to stop but all he received was another pinch.

Luckily for Jin, Taehyung's phone was snatched by Namjoon who sounded in a hurry.

'Hyung, you there? Come fast to the office. We finally found something! And, the lawyers will be here in another 30 minutes we need you hyung' said Namjoon and cut call without listening to Jin as he was really in a hurry.

Jason pinched it harshly once the call got cut as Jin yelled in utter pain.

Jason then flicked Jin's cock as Jin screamed in pure agony.

'Will you take Yoongi granted from now on? Will you give your importance to others and leave Yoongi behind? Will you punish when you are angry? Will you leave your brothers in middle of punishment? Will you scream or yell at them when they are scared?' Asked Jason voice completly strict as Jin uttered a no for everything.

Jason ended by slapping Jin's stood dick again as Jin wanted nothing but to cum.

'Get up' ordered Jason as Jin did.

'Turn around and stretch your cheeks' stated Jason as Jin did again as his entire butt was paining and aching.

Jason shoved a vibrator in harshly as Jin hauled in utter pain of being intruded all of a sudden.

Jason then carried Jin to the bathroom as Jin wordlessly cried. He knew Jason won't let him cum and that just hurt him more.

Jason softly yet quickly bathed Jin and dressed him up all while the tie, which was now wet stayed to the base of Jin's cick and the vibrator hurt his each step reminding what he been through.

Jin waited for Jason to tell him he was good, he did well or even something but that never came as Jason pulled Jin out.

There they came face to face with Alex and Yoongi.

Jin stepped forward forgetting all the pain and embraced Yoongi uttering thousands of worries as his tears flowed. Yoongi hugged back gladly and let a few years flow.

'H..hyung is sorry baby! Hyung is really really sorry, hyung loves you a looot. A looot baby, a loot' mumbled Jin as Yoongi tightened the hug and reached his arms forward for Jin to pick him up.

Jason worried because Jin was barely standing on his own and he was supporting Jin still they walked out. Jason knew Jin was still startled and was low on energy. Jason also sensed Jin's worried glance directed towards him.

Jason was about to intervene but Jin already picked Yoongi up like a koala as Jin did stumble a bit but Jason stood there taking all Jin's weight on himself. Jin was tired and Jason knew he had to feed Jin before bringing him out. He also knew, he had to be there with him because he did brush Jin off, after the scene.

Jin took wobbly steps as Yoongi insisted on joining him. Jin asked Alex to stay shut in Yoongi's room and Alex agreed.

Jin was able to sit down on the seat but the bruises were stinging like hell and the vibrator was hurting him. And, not to forget his proud cock which was still begging for some attention. Jin tried to give himself some milk friction but stopped once Jason spanked his thigh. Luckily, Yoongi was asleep to figure anything out.

Jason pinched Jin's nipple yet again as Jin's eyes filled with tears as he silenced his scream. Jin was soo close to giving up and his lower region was in immense pain, and not to mention the now wet tie which was feeling weird and he wanted nothing but to get rid of that.

Jin asked the driver to stop at a supermarket and asked him to get a sandwich. Jason sighed finally, Jin was eating something but how wrong was he. It was Jin, afterall!

Once Jin got the sandwich he slowly shook Yoongi awake and fed the sandwich on the way to the company. Yoongi walked on his own and Jin could barely move. His entire lower region was hurting badly and not to mention his cock which was fighting to get free.

Before he could tell or do something he found himself in the meeting with the lawyer as he could barely manage anything. He didn't understand a thing going on and his gaze was fixated at the door longing for Jason.

Jason was no fool he was keeping an eye on Him through CCTV. He was worried.

He saw Jin looking here and there, and then to the bottle and shift himself on the chair. Jin wasn't able to sit so he tried standing but wasn't able to do tat too. He wasn't able to handle the pain of his cock and the feeling of the vibrator which just reminded him of everything.

Jin tried standing up but fell in his chair. Luckily, it wasn't something big enough for others to notice as no one did except Jason whose eyes were fixated on Jin vis CCTV.

Jason barged inside the room and took attention to himself but he didn't care as he made his way towards Jin.


Hey guys! Triple update!💜

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