Chapter 27

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At the mansion, everyone were getting more nervous and worried because their maknae was getting beaten up by some unknown man and they couldn't do anything. They couldn't hold him, assure him, save him and care him.

Yoongi had been looking for anything. Namjoon and Hoseok were with the cops going everywhere they thought Jungkook would be. Jimin and Taehyung were on their own searching for the younger.

Jin finally figured out where the place was. It was their own mansion's guest house 2km far away from their mansion. That's all he needed as he called up the cops and ran straight to his car. The cops who were involved drove straight to the location.

One look and Jin could easily say that the guard guarding the guest house was not hired from them. He whispered the information to the cops he was working with and the cops very easily took the guard down. They slowly entered the guest house. Normally, civilians wouldn't be allowed to go on a rescue operation with the cops but Jin knew the place, the hideouts and Jin was stubborn so they let him join.

There weren't many, there were only 5 guards in total guarding the house. The cops were in a majority compared to them. The guards fell to the ground unconscious. They followed Jin to the place Jungkook was.

The room was dimly lit and they could hear groaning sounds from the younger. Jin was about to run to the younger but was held back by the cops to check if there was anything harmful attached to the younger. When they realised there was none they freed Jungkook and was immediately taken to the hospital.

Jin informed his other brothers and they were there in fraction of seconds. Jin left when a cop informed them that the culprit, CEO was behind bars but Jin was evil. He paid the cops to torture and kill him before he gots out on bail. As expected the CEO's death was associated to a terrorist group and his image was tarnished in front of the entire world. His company died down.

The doctor informed them that Jungkook was awake and everyone rushed inside. Jungkook lazily looked at everyone but neither did he seem excited nor did he smile. He had this cold look present on his face that confused everyone.

Jin tried approaching the younger but was thrown to the floor by Yoongi. Jin looked at Yoongi with questioning eyes. Yoongi had a death hold on the elder.

'Don't you dare go near him Kim Seokjin. You will just hurt him in return. Leave before I ask someone to throw you out' barked Yoongi. Namjoon tried intervening the situation but stopped when Jin held a hand to stop him.

Jin knew Yoongi misunderstood him but he also knew Yoongi, as Yoongi gets weirdly stressed. The last thing he needed was to fight infront of his younger brothers. So, he just got up from the floor and walked out.

Taehyung tried hugging Jungkook but Jungkook just wiggled out of his grip.

'Kookie what's wrong bub?' softly asked Taehyung.

Jungkook just scoffed and laid on the other side facing his back towards them.

Everyone were hurt by Jungkook's coldness but they also knew that he needed some time to get out of the trauma he faced. So they let him be.

After 3 days, Jungkook was discharged. All this while Jin maintained his distance from Jungkook and everyone. Yoongi was upset. He went against his hyung but he couldn't shake off the feeling of what Jin did.

The second, Jungkook enetered the mansion he limped towards his room. Jimin tried talking to him but Jungkook just brushed off.

It continued for the entire week. Everyone tried getting Jungkook out of his room but they never succeeded. Jungkook was locking his room while Jungkook hated to stay alone.

Hoseok was the only one allowed inside, that was also because he was the doctor and he needed to change the bandages.

'Koo what happened baby' softly asked Hoseok. As expected he was responded with a nod.

'Kook I want you to talk'

'Yes' That was all Jungkook said. Jungkook had shifted to just saying yes, no, hmm, nod his head and shook his head. Nothing more nothing less.

Namjoon tried that night when Namjoon had bought dinner to Jungkook's room.

'Koo baby, come on let's eat. I will feed you buddy' Namjoon said smiling and showing off his dimples.

'I can eat by myself' replied Jungkook coldly.

'But' Namjoon tried arguing but was cut off when he saw Jungkook struggling to eat.

The next day Jimin tried pulling the younger out of his room. He somehow succeeded in that. He took Jungkook to the garden.

'Come on Kookie, help me water the plants' encouraged Jimin with his bright smile to get the younger work with him. Jungkook though just stood there.

'I am not interested' coldly replied Jungkook and walked off to his room. Well, Jimin failed too.

Taehyung tried. He had bought lunch. Taehyung scooped Jungkook even though he protested and made him sit on his lap. Well, Jungkook burst out. He was still weak. He pushed Taehyung with his entire might and Taehyung fell backwards with the hot soup pouring all over his hand. Jungkook gasped and teared up. Taehyung who saw that smiled.

'Bub I am fine' reassured Taehyung. Jungkook just pushed Taehyung out of his room and slammed the door in his face.

Taehyung walked downstairs with burning hand. Jimin who looked at the younger gasped and rushed to first aid it. They didn't know why Jungkook was being like that.

Everything was a mess. Jin was barely home. Yoongi was lost in his thoughts and he failed to take care of everyone like Jin did when he was there in the home. Jungkook was being cold to everyone but with Taehyung it was at the maximum level. He atleast spoke to others but with Taehyung it wasn't even a response. They were heartbroken.

It was a week later and Jungkook was fine to attend his school. Yoongi was dropping him and he tried to initiate a conversation.

'Excited! To meet your friends?' asked Yoongi. He received a light humm and Jungkook wore the ear pods dismissing the entire conversation.

Yoongi was growing frustrated because he couldn't handle anything. He missed his hyung.

When Jimin asked him what was the day's breakfast he was blank because it was Jin always handling household stuff like that. When Namjoon approached him regarding his nightmares Yoongi didn't have any words to console the younger. When Hoseok excitedly explained him about a surgery, Yoongi didn't know how to react and ended up dissappointing the younger. When Taehyung cried at nights because of Jungkook he couldn't comfort Taehyung. He tried many ways to talk to Jungkook but utterly failed in everything.

He wanted Jin back. Now that he thinks of it, Jin was never wrong he just approached a different way to solve the crisis. While, he thought to fulfill the demands, Jin used a different strategy to buy some more time. What if they would have killed Jungkook, when they signed the papers? thought Yoongi and shuddered at the thought.

He was tired. He had barely eaten. Everything was a mess. He didn't miss the gazes his brothers provided when any one of them mentioned Jin. He just wanted everything to go back to normal.

Jin on the other hand was hurt badly at everything. But, that doesn't mean he wouldn't care for his brothers. He had one of his men assigned to keep an eye on every one of them and inform him. Even though he wasn't present at home he knew exactly what was going on. He had increased the security near the mansion as well as in Jungkook's school.

It had been a month since Jungkook's rescual and Jin thought it was the time to sort everything out. He would talk to Yoongi and find out the reason behind Jungkook'coldness to everyone and extra coldness to Taehyung. It was time and he headed back after he finished the company's work. He had a long way home.

Hey guysss!!! Saaymaafrin and others did you like Jungkook being cold to everyone?? Hold on to the story and let me know your thoughts.

Also guys!! Check out the new JiKook story uploaded. I hope you support and love that book as this one. Thank you guyss!!!

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