Chapter 34

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It had been an entire month since Jin left. Yoongi tried contacting him in many ways but he was not able to contact him which was killing him with worry. Yoongi would change the topic if anyone tried to talk about Jin's return and tell that he already spoke and Jin was staying a day longer. It was the same lie everyday.

Everything was slowly coming back to normal. Jungkook had received the DNA test results and Jungkook was more than satisfied. It showed that they truly were each other's biological brothers. Jungkook was back to normal but since the incident Jungkook was clinging onto Taehyung more. Their relationship was getting closer than before and Jimin was very happy to witness it. Taehyung would give him some lose for minor issues.

Jungkook being Jungkook started using the freedom he was receiving for his own advantages. Jungkook had bunked the entire day without getting caught and he was so proud of himself. It slowly became a habit. From the last three weeks he had bunked 5 classes.

Today, was yet another day he was going to. Today he decided to go to one of the lavish restaurants. He was sneaky enough as he had collected all his hyungs information about their meeting to everything if where they would be and at what time.

Hoseok had told about the restaurant when he visited with his friends. Jungkook was dying to try that. Everything was according to plan. Jungkook changed his uniform in public bathrooms. He entered the restaurant and chose a corner place to eat as to distance himself from everyone.

Jungkook finished his food and pulled out the cash to pay. Jungkook then went towards the washroom to change back into his uniform to head to his school and pretend like everything was normal.

Jungkook enetered the cubicle and started doing his business. He was heading out when he was stopped by a man. That man was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing.

'My love, Why did you leave me Jason. Come to me. Don't run away. Hug me back' said the drunk guy and hugged Jungkook mistaking Jungkook for his lover, Jason. Jungkook would easily push the guy off but his mind played tricks.

Jungkook went blank as he remembered the way the other guy touched him when he went to bring Taehyung back. He recoiled back into the incident.

Luckily, an elderly man who seemed to understand what was wrong helped Jungkook and took him to the hotel management department. The drunkard guy was actually a top businesses man who was heartbroken since his lover betrayed him.

As Jungkook remained unresponsive the restaurant called to one of the number from Jungkook's phone.

'Hello' answered Jimin.

'Hello sir, I am Tentacle's hotel manager. The person whose phone this belongs to have undergone a issue and I would like if you come to pick him up. Apologies from our side for the trouble'

'Yes, I am coming' hurriedly answered Jimin and stood from his chair. Jimin was in a meeting with all the others. They questioningly gazed at Jimin for the abrupt.

Jimin explained what he conversed.

'Jungkook should be in school?' Namjoon questioned half asking himself and the others.

'We will look into that later' said Yoongi as he too stood up to go to the restaurant.

Everyone came at the restaurant as early as they could. Jungkook seemed gazing at something in particular but he was also staring at nothing. He would flinch from time to time.

The manager explained what happened to Yoongi and Namjoon. Their blood was boiling at what happened they were ready to press charges against the man but the manager seemed to convince them.

Jimin hesitantly touched Jungkook's shoulder to grab his attention but Jungkook flinched away and moved backwards.

'Noo!! Don't touch me' cried Jungkook. Jimin stood there in shock the others looked at the scene.

'Chim, let Tae handle it' said Yoongi pulling Jimin to his embrace. Taehyung sighed hurtfully and went near Jungkook.

Taehyung pulled Jungkook to his embrace and and held him tightly as Jungkook struggled to get out. Taehyung knew Jungkook would fall asleep in a few minutes knowing very well about Jungkook's time to time attacks since the incident.

As expected, Jungkook fell asleep in his hyungs hold. Taehyung lifted him up and carried him towards the car.

'This is not over' warned Namjoon to the manager and hurriedly walked out followed by others.

They came back home and Taehyung refused to let him go. He tucked Jungkook in and sat next to him.

Jungkook woke up after an hour and shuddered at the incident again.

'Are you feeling fine bunny' cooed Taehyung and pulled him into another hug.

Jungkook seemed to relax. In no time Yoongi called them for dinner and they headed downstairs. All of them sat silently and ate. They had decided not to bring up the topic that day and let Jungkook heal completely. Hoseok checked on Jungkook and administered his medications asking Jungkook's therapists prescription.

Jungkook had fallen asleep on the couch on Jimin's lap. And everyone sighed in relief at their brothers safety.

'Hyung, was he bunking school?' coldly questioned Taehyung. Everyone looked at him with a look that said yes but neither mentioned it.

The next day Jungkook went to school. He was back and everyone had spoke Taehyung to not mention anything about the bunk.

'Hey guys, I am back' exclaimed Jin receiving a heartly hug from all his shocked dongsaengs. They were happy to have his hyung back but Yoongi's face told that he was angry at Jin. Jin ruffled Yoongi's hair angering him more. Everyone seemed to have settled down asking Jin about everything.

'Kim Jungkook, come here we need to have a talk about your adventures' coldly called Jin grasping everyone's attention and Jungkook gulped seeing his calmest hyung boring holes
at him.

Jungkook timidly walked towards Jin.

'Why don't you tell your hyungs about the adventures you are going from days' spat Jin.

Hey guy!!! How was it???

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