Chapter 138

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Jungkook and Taehyung returned home with Jungkook sulking behind as Taehyung coldly walked in.

'Jungkook, stop it that's enough' warned Taehyung but Jungkook just huffed more. He ignored his hyung's yells and walked towards his room and slammed the door. That was it, Taehyung's anger rose as he took hurried steps towards the younger's room and opened it with a bang.

Jungkook flinched inside and Taehyung took a deep breath to calm himself down and not hurt the younger one in his anger.

Taehyung wordlessly walked towards Jungkook's desk chair and sat on it. He beckoned Jungkook towards him as Jungkook just ignored him, too angry and annoyed to follow his hyung

Taehyung sighed and walked towards Jungkook and sat on the bed beside him and pulled Jungkook on his lap with great struggle. Jungkook looked away from Taehyung and Taehyung sighed again.

Taehyung moved his hand towards Jungkook's chin and held it. Jungkook now shivered knowing that he would get punished in a while for his actions but Taehyung's hold was not tight. Taehyung gently turned Jungkook's head towards him such that both were facing each other.

Taehyung leaned forward and pecked Jungkook's forehead taking the latter by surprise. Taehyung held onto Jungkook and stared him down in a silent fight of who had the upper hand until Jungkook looked down in final defeat.

Taehyung peaked the younger's head and chuckled.

'Kookie, will you tell hyung why you were being so stubborn there?' asked Taehyung, voice soft and sweet with a hint of curiosity. Jungkook sighed and looked away. He didn't want to talk about it. He was too embarrassed.

He looked away trying to hide himself from his hyung's pierced gaze.

'Kook' gently called Taehyung as he turned the younger's face around to witness Jungkook biting onto his lower lip.

Taehyung softly pulled the younger's lip out from his harsh grap of his teeth and smiled.

Kook silently slumped over Taehyung's chest, enjoying the warmth of his hyung. The calming heartbeat relaxing him and bringing him peace.

'Koo' called Taehyung noticing that this was too different from his maknae.

'Tired' mumbled Jungkook and closed his eyes.

'Koo' called Taehyung again as Jungkook sighed loudly.

'I don't wanna talk about it' said Jungkook with a hint of desperation and embarrassment. Taehyung decided not to push it and just played with Jungkook's hair and lulled him into a deeper sleep.

Jungkook slept peacefully as Taehyung tucked him in and left in search of Jimin only to find him sleeping in between Yoongi and Alex.

Taehyung upset at that fact gazed at his hyung and decided on waking Yoongi up. He walked towards Yoongi and poked his cheek waiting for Yoongi to wake up but Alex woke up leaving Yoongi still in his dream world.

'What happened' rasped Alex witnessing Taehyung as Taehyung just shook his head and continued poking Yoongi's cheek. Yoongi slowly woke up and looked around. His arm felt numb as Jimin's entire head was rested there. He softly freed his arm and took it away and switched on the bed lamp.

'What happened Tae?' asked Yoongi as Taehyung just looked down with a pout.

'Alex baby, sleep I will talk to him outside' said Yoongi knowing that Alex has an important surgery the next day. Alex hesitantly nodded.

'Tae, head to your room I will be there in a minute' softly spoke Yoongi urging Taehyung to leave and Taehyung did with a heavy heart. He didn't know but he craved love, the love from his hyungs. Everyone were busy with themselves that Taehyung was left alone to tend to himself. He felt bad to disturb Yoongi like this and he sighed in defeat.

He staggered towards his room and popped on bed covering himself with a comforter.

Yoongi took his time to convince Alex to sleep and once he was sure that the younger slept he pecked both his babies and switched off the light and walked towards Taehyung taking a note of the clock knowing that Hoseok would reach in any minute now.

Yoongi opened Taehyung's room and witnessed the younger asleep.

'I know you aren't sleeping' pointed out Yoongi and Taehyung immediately sat up straight with a sheepish smile wondering how did his hyung know.

'You don't like sleeping with socks on' said Yoongi and chuckled.

'What happened, Tae?' questioned Yoongi as Taehyung shook his head.

He slowly moved towards Yoongi and hugged him as Yoongi returned back.

'Just wanted to sleep with someone' spoke out Taehyung as Yoongi made a face of understanding but his thoughts immediately drifted towards Jimin and Alex knowing that he couldn't sleep with Taehyung. He needed to head back and he couldn't even take Taehyung with him as the bed can't hold four members. He sighed.

'You could have slept with Kookie' said Yoongi and that immediately saddened Taehyung. Yoongi didn't seem to realise the weight of his words on Taehyung.

'Ohh yes! I will sleep with him' excitedly spoke Taehyung as Yoongi nodded and watched as Taehyung exited the room and to Jungkook's room. Little did Yoongi know that was fake excitement and he rushed away to control.his tears and not in happiness.

Yoongi saw Hoseok staggered from the main door tiredly.

'Tired?' asked Yoongi as Hoseok nodded.

'Get some sleep' said Yoongi and Hoseok nodded again. There was a silent tension between them and Hoseok was fast enough to dismiss it by walking away.

Just as Yoongi was about to head back the main door was again opened by Jin and Jason. Yoongi instantly knew something had happened but he waited for his hyung to say him but it never happened.

'Yoon, it's late go sleep' was all Jin said as he walked away with Jason not even taking a second glance towards Yoongi. Yoongi found it strange and walked towards his room to sleep.

Taehyung came back to his room and stared at the cieling as tears dripped from his eyes. Jin was consoling Jason as Jason cried in Jin's arms. Hoseok was up thinking everything about Dale and his future with him. Yoongi, Jimin, Jungkook and Alex was asleep peacefully. Namjoon was in a state of turmoil too scared to head back to the mansion and worried to leave Nancy alone with Jason's hyung.

Hey guys!!! A filler chapter! And do tell me if I have missed closure on any of the thing leaving RM's part! Comment down!!!!

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