Chapter 81

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Jason was finally able to get a hold of Yoongi. Namjoon arrived a minute later. Both Jason and Namjoon were disappointed and worried as Yoongi didn't meet eyes with them. Especially, with Namjoon. He just couldn't believe that he would set such an example of himself in front of the younger.

Jason put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and guided him to the car. No words were spoken as Jason drove it towards the mansion. They entered the mansion to meet with utter silence until the silence was broken by the maknae.

'Hyungie, I am back!! The trip was so fun. Why didn't you come to pick me up? I was waiting for you, but the teacher offered to drop me since it was late. I am angry!!' said Jungkook and huffed as he stomped his feet on the ground like a baby and settled on the couch with sleepy eyes.

'Aww.. buddy. Hyung's are sorry' apologized Namjoon going towards Jungkook and sitting beside him as Jungkook laid his head on the older.

'Hmph!' angrily whined Jungkook. Namjoon cooed at that

'Please, pretty please' said Namjoon showing off his dimples.

'I will forgive you only if you take me to your office tomorrow' giggled Jungkook giving off a sheepish smile.

'And, why do you want to come to office?' questioned Namjoon knowing that the younger was planning something.

'Fine!' yelled Jungkook and crossed his arms to show off that he was angry which just made him look a lot cuter.

'I will take you tomorrow, now get up and go sleep. It's late already' suggested Namjoon. Jungkook whined and laid his head on Namjoon's lap and fake slept. Namjoon playfully scoffed and picked him up taking him to his room as both cuddled and slept.

Jimin was able to feed Taehyung and put him to sleep as he descended downstairs to be met with his hyung holding his head in his hand as Jason just sat there with a poker face.

Jimin was disappointed at Yoongi too, but he didn't have the heart to ignore the older. He slowly approached the elder and kneeled down in front of him. He forcefully lifted the older's head and looked at the teary eyes.

Yoongi rushed to wipe off his tears but Jimin didn't budge from his position when Yoongi tried sending Jimin away. Yoongi helplessly looked at Jason and Jason sighed.

'Jimin, be with Taehyung' stated Jason and Jimin sighed in return. He was tired too. He hesitantly left and headed back to his soulmate and fell asleep pretty quickly.

Jason didn't know how to talk to Yoongi so he just sat beside him and kept an eye on him  and texted Jin that they were back.

Jin who was in the middle of some serious scolding with Hoseok just replied with a text saying to send Yoongi to sleep and he would talk to him the next day.

Jason sighed at that and pulled Yoongi with him to his room. He took Yoongi's pills and handed it to him as Yoongi shook his head. Jason didn't have the patience to coax Yoongi and he did what he felt was right.

He just held Yoongi's chin in a gentle yet tight grip and closed his nose with another. As, Yoongi opened his mouth to breathe he slipped in the pills and didn't let Yoongi open his mouth until he swallowed. Yoongi was too stunned to speak as he stared at Jason in shock.

Jason sighed again and pushed him gently on the bed and covered him with a blanket and sat beside him. He slowly patted his head to get him to sleep and Yoongi was asleep in minutes.

Jason left there to find Jin. He opened the door and found Jin red in anger, glaring at Hoseok as  Hoseok glared back at the same intensity. He saw Jin raise his hand and slapped Hoseok right across the face and walked out in anger totally ignoring Jason standing there.

The second Jin left Hoseok went mad. He pulled the blanket off his bed and threw it at the bookshelf causing it to fall. He proceeded to thrash his study and throw the chair at the wall as the chair snapped in two and the wall marked with a new dent.

Jason held Hoseok in a death grip. It wasn't too difficult for Jason as he was trained in those stuff. Hoseok trashed around using all his energy to break free but Hoseok's strength was very minute in front of Jason's power.

In no time Hoseok slumped, tired of using all his energy. He didn't fall to the ground because of the death grip Jason had on him. For sure it would bruise the next day, but at least Hoseok didn't hurt himself by accident in the midst of thrashing things.

Once, Jason found that Hoseok wasn't thrashing around he loosened his grip to know if Hoseok really stopped or was just pretending to. As, Hoseok didn't react he let go of the younger all while making sure Hoseok doesn't fall.

Jason slowly guided Hoseok back to his bed but figuring out that the room needs to be cleaned he pulled him with himself to Jin's room as Jin looked at him in confused glare. He exactly knew what the younger was upto hearing to the noise.

'He needs you' whispered Hoseok as Jin just scoffed but didn't really say anything to Hoseok.

Hoseok didn't even look at them, rather went straight to Jin's bed and laid down covering himself with a blanket completely. He soon felt a hand stroking his head and he slowly relaxed and dozed off. Jason then  explained everything that happened after he left and Jin just nodded his head.

Jason was about to leave when Jin stopped him

'Check on Tae once please' muttered Jin completely tired and Jason lovingly kissed Jin's forehead and connected there foreheads.

'Babe, I need you to rest and I will take care of everything. You just need to take care of yourself for me. You can do that right?' sweetly asked Jason as Jin found himself to nod his head as a tear slipped.

Jason didn't question anything and gently wiped it off with his thumb and left. Jin made himself comfortable next to Hoseok and slept.

Jason checked on Taehyung and headed back to his room and slept.

Hey guys!!! If I get 15 comments and 40 votes I will give you guys a double update today.

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