Chapter 79

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It was afternoon and Yoongi remained shut in his room. He didn't want to face anyone after the outburst he had the previous day. Jin tried coaxing him but it went in vain. Jason just observed him as somewhere he related to Yoongi.

Yes, Jason had suffered from insomnia when he was in his teenage years. His brother helped him a lot during those times. Staying awake with him, making him comfortable and many more. Not to mention his sister in law took care of him too. He missed the bond he shared with them.

Jason also related to Yoongi when he had a much similar outburst and was too embarrassed to face everyone the next day. So, he decided on letting Yoongi take his time for a while.

On the other hand, Taehyung ignored everyone and others were just too confused on how to pacify their second youngest. Jimin was the only one, Taehyung was talking to and all of them were a bit glad that Taehyung was not entirely alone. Jungkook and Taehyung were back to how they were which relaxed others.

Jin decided on preparing all the favourite dishes of Taehyung but he was strictly restricted by Jason and Hoseok to rest. Which resulted in Hoseok, Jimin and Jason doing all the work based on Jin's instructions and Namjoon glaring at his brothers as they pushed him out when he accidentally broke the plate.

Jin just huffed and left in anger when the three failed to follow his thorough instructions. Jason was too annoyed with cooking as he was trained with guns and not kitchen knives. He shortly left after Jin, leaving all the work for Jimin and Hoseok.

They did the only thing they were capable of. They ordered it by the nearby restaurant and served it in bowls making it look like they cooked all of it. They just laughed off as their plan was successful to some extent.

They had planned on surprising Taehyung at the dinner table and they waited as the clock slowly ticked. Jason decided that it was time to speak to Yoongi and then speak to Jimin.

He was no fool, he had clearly observed the way Jimin would flinch when someone passed next to him, the way he was staring at the knife in the kitchen. Something was going on with Jimin and he just had to find it. The other reason was that he didn't want Jin to take stress again regarding any of his brothers, so he wanted to look into Jimin's matter before Jin found out.

Well, Jin was no fool. He knew his brother better than Jason. He too was in plans of talking to Jimin. But, he wanted to give the younger the time to open up.

Jason knocked on Yoongi's door and was met with a slight sound from the room. He waited for Yoongi to open. Yoongi, on the other hand groaned and walked towards the door judging it to be his Jin hyung and slightly unlocked it.

To his surprise, it was Jason and Yoongi wanted to run away from Jason as Jason pointed out his faults better than anyone else and always caught him.

'How are you feeling?' softly asked Jason closing the door and making himself comfortable on the chair and pulling Yoongi in between his legs.

Jason held onto Yoongi's both hands softly as any parent would while having an important conversation with their kid.

Yoongi just looked down.

'Yoon, talk to me' softly urged Jason as a drop of tear fell directly on his hand. Jason seemed to notice that and freed Yoongi's hands.

Jason proceeded to gently wipe away the tears and pull Yoongi on his lap.

'Do you want Jin?' asked Jason, figuring out that Yoongi would be more comfortable with his brother than him. Yoongi though, shook his head and burried himself in Jason's chest. Jason was a bit startled by the action but still continued to hug him.

Jason, texted Jin to come to the younger's room and Jin arrived in a few seconds. He definitely didn't expect the scene he would walk into. His face broke out into a smile and walked towards the duo.

He ruffled Yoongi's head as Yoongi looked up with teary eyes.

'What's going on here?' asked Jin in a playful tone.

'Well, our baby here is too embarrassed to go out' continued Jason and giggled followed by a chuckle from Jin.

'So, our baby is embarassed??' asked Jin in fake tone followed by a laughter. Yoongi whined and flared his arms up and down while hiding his face behind his hands.

'Stop...' whined Yoongi and both the elders cooed at his reaction. For anyone, it would feel like they were teasing him, yes they were but in a playful manner and Yoongi was comfortable with that.

'So are you coming out now?' asked Jason. Yoongi shook his head.

'Well, Jason I just ordered the choco cake from the online store you told about. It's about to deliver any minute now. I ordered it for Yoongi, but now that he doesn't want to come out you can have it. It would be a waste to throw away the costly cake' playfully teased Jin to which Jason continued by nodding his head and slurping his tongue.

Yoongi whined loudly. His face was red in anger, tears long forgotten, a big pout adorning his red cheeks as he crossed his arms on his chest.

'My cake, only mine' he stubbornly let out and walked out of the room as the two elder chuckled at him.

'Well, let me order the cake then' said Jin passing a sheepish smile to Jason. Jason just shook his head knowing that it was Jin's plan all along.

Jason immediately lifted Jin in bridal style taking Jin by surprise as he snaked his hands on Jason's neck for support and blinked his eyes in shock. Jason chuckled.

'Put me down' muttered Jin in anger.

'Oh babe, I know you love being in my arms' said Jason and winked his eyes as Jin burried his head to hide his blush. Truth be told, he loved being carried. And, who was Jason to miss such an opportunity.

Lost, in their own world Jason looked around to find Jimin's teary eyes dedicated to them. Jason sighed and lowered Jin as Jin limped away hiding his smile. Jason on the other hand walked towards Jimin.

Hey guys!!! It's been a long time. Well, how are you guys doing!!!

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