Chapter 57

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Jungkook woke up at noon and sat in tiredness with a splitting headache. He clutched onto his head and whimpered. Taehyung was in the room and immediately alarmed hearing to the whimper. He looked at Jungkook and sighed.

He pulled out a tablet and water and extended it to Jungkook. Jungkook, then realised he had company but shrugged it off staring at the tablet and the glass of water.

'Open' said Taehyung tapping on Jungkook's mouth. Jungkook unwillingly opened his mouth as Taehyung placed the tablet and made Jungkook drink water. Jungkook gulped down the water and sighed.

'You know, you wouldn't have a head ache if you hadn't drunk' sarcastically said Taehyung and Jungkook then seemed to have all the flashbacks from the nights.

'Am I in trouble?' mumbled Jungkook and Taehyung chuckled.

'You are more than in trouble' said Taehyung and ushered Jungkook to get up and pushed him to the bathroom so that he could have a shower and get rid of the stink from all the alcohol.

Jungkook had a quick shower and was back to no one in the room. He dreaded and walked downstairs to meet his hyungs dissappointed faces. He looked down not being able to meet their gazes.

'Come here Jungkook' called Namjoon and Jungkook waddled towards Namjoon. Namjoon pushed Jungkook on the chair and pushed a soup in front of him to help him with the hangover.

'Eat' said Namjoon and gave a soft smile. Jungkook just stared at the soup.

Namjoon sighed and softly took a spoon of soup and blowed it and held it near Jungkook. Jungkook slowly gulped that down and Namjoon stopped after finishing the entire soup.

'Go to the living room, Jin hyung is waiting' informed Namjoon and left.

Jungkook walked to the living room and witnessed Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jason. He panicked immediately not expecting others.

Hoseok softly smiled and called Jungkook over. Jungkook waddled and sat on the single couch facing everyone.

'Koo' softly called Jin. Jungkook looked up only to find a tired Jin who looked so sad and disappointed. Jungkook, immediately felt guilt rise in his heart.

'Where were you yesterday?' questioned Yoongi. Jungkook was guilty and didn't want to dissappoint his hyungs anymore.

'I was in a club' whispered Jungkook.

'Why were you there?' cross questioned Hoseok.

'I wanted to celebrate New year' mumbled Jungkook.

'You could have informed us right buddy?' said Namjoon coming towards them and taking a seat beside Hoseok.

'I...I' stuttered Jungkook.

'Why did you sneak out?' asked Jin.

'I..I thought you wouldn't agree' said Jungkook.

'You are right about that, but do you know why?' asked Namjoon. Jungkook shook his head.

'It is because it isn't safe and you are underage Jungkook. Do you know in which state were you when Jason Hyung found you?' sternly lectured Namjoon. Jungkook again shook his head this time with tears in his eyes.

'Ask him' sternly said Yoongi. Jungkook looked down but knew better than to ignore his hyungs words.

'H..Hyung' stuttered Jungkook looking at Jason. Jason didn't have the heart to hurt the younger any more.

'Jungkook, you were drunk out of your senses and could barely walk. A man was trying to take you to the room and you were falling all over him. You barely recognised me.' said Jason and Jungkook immediately looked down ashamed by his actions.

'Jungkook, we could have celebrated New Year in here also. Why did you want to go there? Do you know what all happens in there? There could be someone trying to drug you, kidnap you and all other crazy stuff takes place there. Why did you even go there? And on top of that you left your phone here. What if something had happened to you? What if Jason hadn't found you at the correct time? Who let you sneak out? This isn't the first time, you are sneaking out Jungkook. I let it go last time but I will not let it go each and every time. Kim Jungkook, do you know in how much trouble you are?' roared Jin and tears dropped down his face.

Jin was scared witnessing Jungkook in such a state last night. He was scared when he wasn't able to find him. He thought he had failed as his hyung. Jin couldn't control himself and walked away to his room without giving a second glance to anyone.

'Hyung!!' called others but Jin didn't stop.

'Yoongi, take care I will go talk to him' softly stated Jason and headed towards Jin's room.

'Jungkook, I think you know your mistake?' said Yoongi to which Jungkook nodded his head.

'Then I won't waste our time repeating it again. Now, for the entire week you will write 'I will never sneak out' 100 times and show it to Joon. You will be getting a bed time spanking for a week from Hoseok. And for now over my lap' ordered Yoongi.

Jungkook didn't protest and laid on Yoongi's lap. Yoongi immediately discarded Jungkook's clothes making him half naked and bought down his hand as hardly as he could. Jungkook, knew that his hyung was definitely not going easy on him.

Yoongi was on third spank and Jungkook was biting his lips to control his sobs even though he was failing. By the tenth spank Jungkook was begging Yoongi to stop.

Yoongi proceeded to take his thick leather belt and started raining down smacks as Jungkook screamed and apologized thousands of times. Yoongi finally stopped when he reached 50 and Jungkook's butt was beat red and he was sure he wouldn't be able to sit for a week. The intensity of each spank was hard.

Yoongi gently picked Jungkook up and dressed Jungkook up. He made Jungkook stand between his knees.

'Wipe you tears, Jungkook. You made a mistake and you were punished. I don't want you repeating this mistake ever again, if you, then no one will be able to save you from me. You know how worried everyone of us was?' asked Yoongi as Jungkook tried stopping his sobs.

'Sit down and started writing' said Yoongi and walked away followed by Hoseok. Jungkook looked towards the wooden chair and he slowly sat down and immediately got up but was pushed back by Namjoon.

Jungkook shakily started writing while sobbing and wiping his tears harshly.

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