Chapter 32

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In the mansion everyone was startled by Taehyung taking things in his own way. They were too late to stop the maknaes from leaving. Jimin tracked the location and sighed when he realised where they were heading to. Taehyung wasn't picking up anyone's calls and Jungkook's phone was also with Taehyung.

It was afternoon and they were sitting on the couch in their own world. Jin was gazing at his bandaged palm and let out a soft chuckle taking everyone's attention to himself.

'Did Kook do that?' asked Hoseok looking at the bandaged palm. Jin let out a hum and laughed.

'He sure is innocent' voiced out Namjoon as everyone agreed. They just hoped that everything was going well with the maknae's.

On the other hand Jungkook had started to confess the truth but he stopped to ask a question.

'You were going to sell me?' whispered Jungkook looking at Taehyung with betrayed eyes. Taehyung was shocked to hear those inhuman words his baby was speaking. His baby was speaking nonsense from morning. Taehyung knew getting angry would only increase the heaviness of the situation and the last thing he wanted to do was scare Jungkook away.

'Bub, why would I sell you and to whom? I love you a lot bub' confessed Taehyung.

'I was at school. I was angry at you when I found none of you but only a driver. Then I don't remember anything until I was woken up in our guest house tied up to the chair. I...I thought you guys were pranking me so I laughed out and said how lame the prank was.' Jungkook started speaking on his own. Taehyung was gald at that. Taehyung silently patted Jungkook's back played with his hairs and comforted Jungkook to continue the story. Jungkook was really happy his hyung was not questioning him in middle.

'The next think I know was I was stripped and was getting b..beaten t..too muc hy..hyung. T..too m.. much' stuttered Jungkook as Taehyung whispered soothing words and reminded him that he was safe.

'Th..they told th...that I was ad..adopted' confessed Jungkook.

'I didn't believe it hy..hyung, I.. d.. didn't until-' Jungkook was cut short by chocking on his own sobs. Taehyung held him tightly and whispered sweet nothing's to his ear. It was silent for a few minutes.

'Until....they t..told th..that they would ask to sign th..the deal and if hyungs s.. signed it then I wasn't ad.. adopted and if th..they don't then I w.. was' Jungkook sobbed out. Taehyung sighed understanding what happened. Jin had refused to sign the deal and they just manipulated his bunny into thinking that he was adopted.

'Th..they even showed ad...adoption pa. ..papers' said Jungkook.

'Can you show me the papers bub' coaxed Taehyung. Jungkook searched for his phone and shakingly took it from Taehyung's hold. He unlocked his mobile and opened up one of the threat messages which contained the adoption papers.

Taehyung went through that and sighed in relief when he noticed that the papers was clearly fake.

'Bub, the papers are fake' softly said Taehyung.

'Is it? That means I am not adopted' asked Jungkook looking at Taehyung with Bambi excited eyes. Taehyung showed off his boxy smile and nodded his head while pinching the younger's cheek.

'After that, he didn't come back and I was rescued and found myself in the hospital b..but they bet me r..real bad h..hyung. I yelled for you. I..I ca..called you me. Why di..don't you c..come' cried out Jungkook hitting the older's chest with his weak hands. Taehyung was in tears at the confession. His bunny wanted him and where was he? He was guilty for something which wasn't in his hands.

Taehyung lovingly took hold of the younger's fists which was hitting him continuously and gave butterfly kisses to it and pulled Jungkook for another hug. Jungkook took his own time to calm down and Taehyung let him be.

After a second, Jungkook's face fell. Taehyung noticed it.

'What happened bub?' softly questioned Taehyung.

'Wh...why were you th...there hy..hyung?' asked Jungkook dreading the answer.

'Where bunny?' questioned back Taehyung.

'Where I found you' answered Taehyung.

'Honestly, bub I don't remember anything about that' said Taehyung.

'Now tell me baby, how did you find me?' asked Taehyung rubbing his back.

'Th..there is another man. He...he is constantly me..messaging me a..and bl.. blackmailing me. He t..told I..I need to be c..cold and distant with you oth..otherwise he would kill you all' confessed Jungkook as Taehyung tightened the hug and let Jungkook cry freely.

'He bl..blackmailed me make angry and i..if I m..make you angry th..then you would s..sell me off to them' said Jungkook.

'So you replied rudely to me?' asked Taehyung to which Jungkook let out a nod.

'H..he then t..told that you were th...there in th..the guest house to deal w..with them and if I don't believe th..then I could g..go see you'

'So you came there to know whether I was really there and trying to sell you to someone or not?' Taehyung said and Jungkook again nodded.

'I..I went there to s..see you there b..but you were un.. unconscious and I panicked and h..he started t...touching me' cried Jungkook. Taehyung's blood boiled when he heard that someone tried touching his baby.

'H..he touched a..arm and neck I didn't like it. I didn't like it Hyung' cried out Jungkook again.

'Hyung is here. He will never come back. Hyungie will protect you' whispered Taehyung.

'He a and told I c..could leave s..soo I left w..with' Jungkook confessed everything. Taehyung was preparing for a murder. He needed to inform his hyungs about everything before it's too late but before that he needs to put his bunny to rest and ask Hoseok to check up on him.

Taehyung got up with Jungkook still in his hold and walked to and froth the balcony with the wind blowing towards them, whispering calming words and soft rubs and head pats. Jungkook dozed off slowly clutching onto Taehyung tightly. Taehyung managed to put Jungkook on the bed and sent the recording of his conversation with Jungkook to his hyungs and he laid beside Jungkook holding onto him and assuring him when Jungkook would wake up with a jolt or cry in sleep.

His hyungs were furious at the mansion. Taehyung had sent screenshot of all the threatening messages. Jin immediately had called his team and given them a dead line of tomorrow morning for that particular person to be caught.

It was hectic and difficult but they caught the other person involved in this other than the CEO by his simple mistake of using the same number from which he contacted the younger. Apparently, the person was CEO's brother and Jin's rival from school days. Jin just fell into a deeper guilt of him being the reason for Jungkook to go through all of that.

Taehyung and Jungkook were peacefully sleeping and everyone was relieved that the situation was in their hands and their maknae was back. 

Hey guys!!! Sorry for the wait. How is it??

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