Chapter 71

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Surprisingly, Jimin wasn't hurt as much as he thought he would be. He still had some tears flowing down but he didn't feel like dying or depressed. He felt more free and himself. That was when he knew, Jason wasn't his first love as he termed it, rather it was just a harmless crush where he fell in love with the older's care and concern and nothing else. That night he slept peacefully without what if's and ways to impress Jason.

The next morning he donated all the black clothes he had bought to impress the older and his heart felt light at that very moment. It was his own way of moving on.

Jason on the other hand decided to check on Yoongi that night and to make sure he took his medicines on time and not just ignored it. He entered the room to find Yoongi deep in thought and his face looked like he could cry at any moment. He was genuinely worried. Was it some nightmare? Was it because of his insomnia again? Was all running through the older mind.

'Yoongi' called Jason and he could immediately sense the way the younger's face got worried and how quick he covered it up with a smiley face much unusual to his usual attitude.

'What's wrong Yoongi and don't decide to hide anything or else I am informing your Hyung about your insomnia' threatened Jason. Yoongi gulped in fear and decided to come clean knowing that it would either reduce his guilt or increase his guilt. He took a second to compose himself and finally let his tears flow.

'Hyung, I am so bad. Hyung, I doubted on Jin hyung. I should trust him. I shouldn't have doubted on him. I am so bad hyung, so bad.' sobbed Yoongi finally confessing his dilemma that had been killing him since the second he found that Namjoon thought the driver as the killer.

Jason was confused. He didn't know what happened between Yoongi and Jin.

'Yoon, I know you aren't bad buddy. But, when did you doubt Jin?' asked Jason softly guiding Yoongi towards the bed so that they could comfortably sit alongside and talk.

'When...when Joonie said that he knew the killer and he was alive, I thought hyung lied about killing the killer and breaking the promise' confessed Yoongi and looked down at his lap.

'I am bad hyung. I don't deserve hyung-' Yoongi was cut short by someone.

'How dare you call my bubby, bad huh?' asked Jin in cold tone while glaring at the younger which soon turned soft as the younger hugged him and sobbed.

'Hyung, I am sorry. I am so bad. I am sorry hyung, I am sorry' apologized Yoongi continuously only for Jin to look at the younger with love filled eyes.

'Hyung, believes you buddy. Also, it's okay. We can work on this together don't you think?' asked Jin and Yoongi nodded in return.

'Now, come on you need to sleep. It's already late' said Jin and Yoongi's face twisted in fear of Jin finding out about his insomnia.

Luckily, Jason was there to save the day as he pulled Jin with him giving out some random excuse. He winked at Yoongi before heading out. In less than an hour Jason was back to check on Yoongi and was relieved to find him asleep peacefully from the medications.

Jungkook and Taehyung still remained angry at each other and Jungkook struggled due to his unusual stomach ache. It was different from the normal stomach aches he would get. He wanted some comfort and made his way towards his strict but favourite hyung.

He hugged his stomach and knocked on the door in crouched position. There was no answer but he entered the room to find his hyung sleeping. He struggled walking towards the bed and shook Taehyung in efforts of waking him up.

Taehyung did wake up but as soon as he saw the younger he rudely dismissed him without even trying to know why the younger was there in his room at that hour. Taehyung went back to his sleep while Jungkook headed towards his room in pain and tears.

He held onto his pain for a few minutes but he couldn't bare it anymore. His tears started pouring and his face looked deadly white. He didn't know what to do and he screamed in fear and pain as he felt like he was about to die.

Everyone rushed to the younger's bedroom in fear hearing to the hurtful screams of the younger. Jin switched on the lights and they witnessed their bunny clutching his stomach and crying in pain.

'What happened?' asked Jimin in worry while Jin made his way towards the younger to get a good look of him. Hoseok immediately rushed when he heard a whimper from the younger.

Hoseok was trying to take a look at the younger but, Jungkook refused to co-operate. Taehyung  manhandled Jungkook and held him in his strong grip not letting the younger move as soon Hoseok took a look at the younger his face turned sore.

'I think it's his appendicitis. We need to get him to the hospital, NOW' yelled Hoseok at last. Yoongi panicked and called the ambulance and in no time Jungkook was taken to the hospital.

Hoseok was right, it was his appendicitis. The surgery went smoothly and Jungkook was asleep in the hospital bed as all his hyungs crowded the room as none of them were willing to leave the room.

The next day, Jungkook woke up to being babied by all his hyungs but when Taehyung came forward he felt hurt. He ended up ignoring the latter and Taehyung wondered what was wrong. If it was related to their fight, then it would be the other way around. He still didn't want to make it big so he excused himself in the name of meeting. Their hyungs were no fool, they knew very well that something was going on between the maknaes but they decided to keep quiet and observe them.

Hey guys!! How is it?? Also, this chapter's a request from FlowerDlower9. Hope you liked it!

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