Chapter 101

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Namjoon practically stormed inside Jin's room startling Jimin the process and waking Yoongi up from his sleep. Yoongi, was still sleepy though because of the medicine and Jin immediately signed Namjoon to quiet down as he moved near Yoongi patting him back to sleep. Yoongi was asleep again.

Jin harshly wiped his tears and turned towards Namjoon. Namjoon was so excited about the thing he found that he didn't take notice of Jin crying at all.

'What happened Joonie?' asked Jin.

'Hyung, found it! Jimin never signed the deal. It's not his signature at all. Look closely it's forged. Jimin didn't do any mistake, he never signed any deal that is why he don't remember signing any' explained Namjoon showing Jin the signature.

Jin took a second to analyse and looked at Namjoon confused.

'Hyung, I knew you couldn't find it. Look closer,  when Jimin signs the deal he extends his signature a tiny bit and makes smiley face with both the I's. Look, it's missing here. It's a very minute detail Jimin does which no one knows of not observed keenly. Hyung, we can save our company!' said Namjoon as Jin observed closely and he did find a very minute difference in both the signature and smiled.

Finally, some good news.

'Great job Joonie! I am proud of you! Next thing tomorrow get our lawyers and sue them' explained Jin hugging Namjoon as Namjoon hugged back too.

'Yes hyung, finally Jimin can be guilt free' voiced out Namjoon as Jin nodded.

'Bud, you need sleep too. Now, get some rest. We will have a meeting tomorrow morning and inform the lawyer to take further actions, yeah?' softly said Jin as Namjoon nodded.

Jin pecked the younger's forehead and sent him of being grateful of hiding his tears well.

'I am sorry, baby. Hyung is sorry' softly mumbled Jin stroking Yoongi's cheek and pecking his head repeatedly as he dozed of in an uncomfortable position.

Jason on the other hand received a call from someone and he was shaking uncontrollably on anger and fear of losing his neice. He had already lost his brother, he couldn't lose anyone else more. What would he answer his sister in law. He needed to take actions and save his neice who was kidnapped.

Jason hastily left a note for Jin and excited from the Kim Mansion to his office where all the  mafia works take place. He was barking orders at everyone and just waited for results. He was on the way to meet his sister in law and when he did reach there the next morning he had a responsibility to take care of and he did take on that with complete confidence.

Jungkook was awake and was in tears as the painkillers weared off and his arm was hurting a lot which ended with Taehyung shushing him and diverting his mind.

That is when all the brothers received a message to assemble at Jimin's room as he had something to discuss about.

Jungkook got an early discharge and when he came home all brothers embraced him with nothing but complete love and spoiled him yet again until Jungkook was asleep.

All others gathered at Jimin's room and Jimin was not expecting it as he wasn't given his mobile yet scared that he might receive some threat messages.

Jin pecked Jimin's forehead with adoration for him as Jimin settled on Yoongi's lap cozily all while Yoongi avoided Jin. He was confused and hurt at the ignorance from last night. He didn't know how long he stayed in that position but he did know that Jin wasn't the one to comfort him after kneeling down for so long.

'Joonie, found something related to that deal and Jimin never signed the deal. His signature was forged. You all can take a look at it' informed Jin and passed on the laptop. And, when Jimin looked at it he couldn't control his tears. He stared at his signature and yet he couldn't believe how he missed it when he tried finding something against them.

Yoongi tightened the hug as Jimin slumped back in shock and happiness and let his tears flow as Yoongi softly wiped them off.

'I.....I didn't s..sign' stuttered Jimin, voice raspy from being non verbal for a couple of days. As soon as Jimin spoke everyone looked at him with shocked eyes and everyone came forward not believing their ears.

'You spoke?' questioned Namjoon with surprise eyes.

'Hyung!' whined Taehyung and made his way towards Jimin hugging him and letting Jimin hug him back.

'Proud of you baby' uttered Hoseok as Jin ruffled Jimin's head with pire adoration and Yoongi hugged him more.

'I didn't sign it. I didn't harm the company' exclaimed Jimin and everyone else nodded their head at his statement as for the first time after the incident Jimin actually smiled.

It was silent for a while as everyone was rejoiced about something good after days.

'Thank you Jinnie hyung, for staying with me last night' uttered Jimin breaking the silence as Jin just nodded his head with a sad smile as he remembered how he forgot Yoongi last night

As soon as Yoongi heard Jimin's statement he couldn't comprehend anything but look at Jin with betrayed eyes. 'You were busy taking care of Jimin that you forgot me?' questioned Yoongi to himself and gently moved Jimin from his lap and walked away leaving others in confusion.

'There is no need to thank baby. Hyung is always here for you. Love you, now stop blaming yourself ok?' softly spoke Jin.

'Hyung, me and Tae will talk to the lawyer and handle things' said Namjoon as Jin nodded.

'Hyung, I need to be at the hospital' said Hoseok and excused himself.

'H..hyung' stuttered Jimin as Jin hummed.

'I want ramen' asked Jimin and Jin nodded.

'Will you come downstairs?' asked Jin and Jimin took a second but then he nodded his head wanting to get well soon and come out of all the things.

'Jason hyung?' questioned Jimin as Jin nodded again. He held onto Jimin's hand in his and walked out of his room as Jimin took a deep breath of the fresh air of coming out of his bedroom after being there for days.

'Yoonie hyung, Ramen' asked Jimin looking at Yoongi who looked at both his brothers with betrayed and hurt eyes.

'Sure baby' softly said Yoongi as he loved Jimin more than ever but he wasn't sure of Jin anymore.

'I will go check on Jason' said Jin and excused himself to Jasons room only to find a note as he let out a scream in shock of losing Jason yet again.

Yoongi pushed away the betrayal and stayed with Jin as Jungkook called out for hyung from his room.

Hey guys! Guess wat? Nothing, actually!!! Well will anyone give me honest feedback about this chap?

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