Chapter 19

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'Hello, is this Jungkook's guardian speaking'

'Yes, I am Kim Taehyung, his brother'

'I am Jungkook's principal and I am calling you to inform that Jungkook had been caught in a fight and I would like you to come and pick up Jungkook from the school' said the principal glaring at Jungkook who stood with head bowed down in the other side of the desk with a busted lip and swollen eyes. Naxt to him stood the other guy in the same way who was also caught fighting with Jungkook.

In an hour both the students guardian were there and they apologized to each other and both the students earned themselves a week of suspension.

Jungkook gulped when he witnessed Taehyung clenching his teeth in anger and apologized to the principal and the other guardian. He was sweating in fear and his hands were trembling but he managed to look fine infront of everyone. He was cursing in his head why out of everyone Kim Taehyung had to be there to pick him up, he would be saved if it was anyone else and not Taehyung.

Taehyung had noticed Jungkook sweating and trembling. He knew that the younger was not okay and he dismissed the principal as early as he could and dragged Jungkook out of there to his car.

The car ride was silent and Taehyung drove to their company and not to the mansion. He didn't bother giving an explanation to Jungkook. Jungkook was glad that he had some time before Taehyung would punish him. 'Ohh God why do I always get in trouble' thought Jungkook.

Taehyung held Jungkook's hand and dragged him towards his office. Jungkook was afraid of what he would get. He knew he was in trouble but one tiny bit of hope was somewhere there in his heart.

Taehyung left the younger's hand and took out a first aid box and sat on the couch. He patted the space next to him for the younger to settle down. Jungkook sat down keeping his head down staring at the marble floor as if it's the most interesting thing in the entire world.

'Look up' said Taehyung with his famous ice cold voice. Jungkook hesitantly faced his hyung.

Taehyung gently inspected the younger's face and took out a cotton and put an antiseptic on it. He then dabbed the cotton on the lip which was busted. Jungkook hissed at the contact. Taehyung poked his tongue in his cheek annoyed by the younger. But he started treating the younger's wound more gently than before.

'Are you hurt anywhere else?' asked Taehyung still in a harsh way. Jungkook wanted to say that his knees hurt but he was scared and just shook his head as 'no'. Taehyung couldn't identify the wound as the younger had pants on. It was council uniform the younger had worn.

Taehyung packed up the first aid kit and put it back in its place. He then took out a shirt and shorts and gave it to the younger to change. Jungkook went towards the room in the cabin and started changing. When he realised that the elder had given him shorts he trembled in fear. Only, if he had not lied. Jungkook loved getting in trouble. He put on his shirt and pants and walked outside gulping in fear.

Taehyung seemed busy in files and Jungkook felt bad for troubling Taehyung to get him back from school and creating all the mess. Taehyung only noticed the younger come out but didn't observe him.

'Kneel down, facing the corner and explain' Jungkook was glad that his hyung didn't notice his wound. Finally, his lie wasn't caught. He stood there in his thoughts. Taehyung gazed at the younger who was still standing and in his own thoughts. He failed to recognise the younger's wounds which had stopped bleeding.

'Kim Jungkook, kneel down NOW' stormed Taehyung putting his concentration back on his works. Jungkook instantly lowered on his knees and gasped at the pain he was feeling. Gosh, his knee was killing him. Tears flowed down his face like water. He wasn't able to distract the pain from his knee. He wanted to  stand up but was too scared to do so. It was bleeding again.

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