Chapter 99

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They were able to calm Jungkook down by spoiling him with everything their maknae asked for. Whether that be something expensive or just a hug.

They were on the dinner table with Jimin still in his room as they were munching on the food when Hoseok keenly observed his maknae and rewinded everything that took place and sighed. Much to everyone's shock Hoseok stood up from his chair and walked towards Jungkook who was being fed by Taehyung.

'Bunny, squeeze my hand' asked Hoseok forwarding his hand towards the younger's fractured arm. Jungkook did so being clueless when Hoseok all of a sudden squeezed his fractured hand with his other hand.

Everyone gasped at the sight.

'You are faking it aren't you?' questioned Hoseok and Jungkook faltered for a second but immediately recoiled his hand back and shook his head.

'I aint' answered Jungkook holding onto his fractured hand with utmost care and precise.

'Jungkook!' angrily seethed Hoseok as Jungkook again shook his head no.

'You know right, I am a doctor?' questioned Hoseok and Jungkook nodded.

'So are you going to accept your lie or do you want me to make you accept your lie?' asked Hoseok and Jungkook was scared. He immediately looked around to meet confused gazes of his other hyungs.

'Hyungie, hobi hyung blaming me' whined Jungkook with a pout adorning his face as eyes shone with tears.

'Hob-ah, Kookie won't fake it' said Yoongi pouring his entire trust into Jungkook as Jungkook nodded but Hoseok sighed.

'Fine, Jungkook stretch your hands out' instructed Hoseok and Jungkook shook.

'Hurt" mumbled Jungkook.

'But, fractured hands can be stretched' stated Hoseok and the very next instant Jungkook stretched his hand without any pain.

Everyone gasped because moving a fractured hand itself is a painful thing and their maknae just stretched the entire hand without signs of any pain.

Hoseok tsked loudly as all others gazed at Jungkook with betrayed eyes.

Jungkook laughed embarrassed and started sobbing being caught.

'Why?' questioned Taehyung as Jin held his hand up to stop any one from asking any further questions.

'Everyone sit down, complete your dinner. After dinner, Jungkook head to Hoseok's room and Yoongi to mine' ordered Jin and everyone did as told but Yoongi and Jungkook gulped scared at the consequence they have to face.

Once dinner finished Jungkook simply walked away to Hoseok's room as Hoseok followed inside and Yoongi walked to Jin's room to meet his death.

Jin arrived after few minutes and found Yoongi slumped on the chair with clenched eyes and taking deep breaths. Jin made himself noticable by fake coughing as Yoongi immediately stood up to not disrespect his hyung anymore.

'Pants off, under pants off, kneel down, hands in the air' instructed Jin and Yoongi got to his position in the very next second with a racing heart. Jin could sense the nervousness emitting off from his dongsaeng as he walked towards Yoongi and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

'You trust hyung?' qiestioned Jin softly as Yoongi let out a nod.

'Hyung is gonna take care ok?' informed Jin and once Yoongi let out a nod Jin sighed walking back.

'Be in this position until I am back' ordered Jin and exited the room.

He took a plate of food and entered Jimin's room.

'Minnie, wakie wakie' softly called Jin as Jimin slowly sat up on the bed.

'How is my bud?' asked Jin and Jimin just nodded his head.

'Lets feed this tummy?' asked Jin pointing at Jimin's tummy for which Jimin let out another nod.

Jin was telling a story while feeding Jimin and Jimin was enjoying the time. Once finished Jin got up to leave as he had to take care of Yoongi too. Jimin though, had other plans as he loosely held onto Jin's short stopping Jin from leaving.

Jin turned back and smiled assuring Jimin that he wasn't mad, disappointed or anything.

'Stay' wrote Jimin as Jin sighed.

'Bubba, is it ok if Joonie or Tae stay with you? I will come back within an hour' asked Jin softly as tears filled Jimin's eyes and he shook his head.

'You don't like Minnie?' wrote Jimin and Jin gasped in horror.

'How can you think like that? Of ourse I don't like you because I love you loadsss Bubba. I am gonna stay right here with you till you push me to go away from you' said Jin in the most dramatic way in order to assure Jimin that everyone loved him loads and nothing could make them hate him ever.

In midst of reassuring Jimin, Jin forgot that he left Yoongi kneeled in his room all while he knew how much Yoongi hated corner time. He didn't mean to ignore Yoongi but the question Jimin asked just shook him worrying that his reaction and response caused Jimin to think that they don't like him. He just wanted Jimin to get well soon, very soon.

On the other hand,

'Jungkook, why did you pretend to have a fractured arm?' asked Hoseok to which Jungkook shook his head as no because he was embarrased scared to accept.

Hoseok pulled Jungkook beside him and made sure they held eye contact as he took off the fake fracture band all while towering Jungkook to establish dominance.

'Now, I want answers' said Hoseok, voice cold and devoid of emotion which Jungkook doesn't like at all. Jungkook whined again while Hoseok just stared at him.

'I...I' stuttered Jungkook and Hoseok kept his face neutral.

'I failed' said Jungkook and looked away while biting onto his lower lip in nervousness.

'So you decided on faking a fractured hand?' asked Hoseok and Jungkook nodded his head completly embarrased and ashamed of his actions.

'I am going to punish you for faking the injury while one of other hyung is going to punish you for failing your subjects' said Hoseok as tears started pouring out of the younger's eyes.

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