Chapter 50

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'Nobody, will enter the room. Got it?' asked Jin calmly while there was sterness clearly visible in that calm voice.

Everyone simply nodded their heads.

'Did you have your breakfast?' asked Jin still cold.

'' stuttered Hobi.

'And you?' said Jin and pointed at Yoongi. Yoongi just looked away.

Jin looked at others and raised a brow at the question he asked himself. Jimin shook is head.

'He didn't?' asked Jin confirming what Jimin gestured. He got nods from everyone. Jin then looked at Jason as Jason nodded.

'Come on guys let's go out to eat' said Jason and Jimin immediately perked up at that and jumped on Jason not being able to control his excitement. Jimin kinda liked Jason because of their past interaction. He may or may not have a tiny very tiny little crush on Jason.

Yoongi seemed to get jealous by the scene and Jin just sighed knowing very well that Yoongi was a lot possessive over Jimin just like Taehyung and Jungkook are.

Jin tried approaching Yoongi only to be harshly pushed away and Jin did notice the teary eye Yoongi had. Jin signed Jason to get going and Jason followed.

It was only Jin and Yoongi. Jin walked towards the kitchen with Yoongi trailing behind. Jin looked over the fridge and decided to heat up yesterday's dishes for breakfast not really wanting to waste any left overs and the alone time he got with Yoongi.

Jin plated the dishes and bought it over to the table where Yoongi was sitting. He pushed one plate towards Yoongi while he kept one for himself. He started eating and noticed Yoongi not even taking a bite. Jin sighed but concentrated on completing his food first.

Once finished he pulled Yoongi on his lap and held him in a tight hold as Yoongi weakly struggled to get out.

'Quiet down' coldly said Jin. Yoongi did stop struggling.

Jin then fed his food as Yoongi angrily chewed and finished the plate. Jin just moved the chair a bit back and leaned against the back rest of the chair and loosened his grip on Yoongi. Yoongi didn't even try moving at all. He was happy to be basking in his hyungs love and he actually liked getting cared by his hyung.

'Yoongi-ah, I and Jason are not dating' said Jin and Yoongi visibly perked up at that.

'I don't believe you' whispered Yoongi looking down and playing with his shirt.

'I am telling you honestly, I and Jason are not dating. Also, Jason isn't the one behind everything. I wasn't involved in killing our parents and I didn't break your promise Yoongi. I will never step foot in the underworld Bub.' calmly started Jin but Yoongi was growing impatient. He was getting frustrated and he was afraid he would do something that he would regret later.

Jin seemed to catch on that. Yoongi was growing too frustrated that he started pinching himself till his skin bruised. Jin gave one harsh strike on his hand which was pinching his skin. Yoongi flinched and let go.

'No hurting yourself' stated Jin.

'Talk it out. Hyung is right here to listen all your problems. Let your frustration out. No hurting yourself Yoon' strictly stated Jin. He proceeded to change their position and made Yoongi straddle him. He grasped both of Yoongi's hands and Yoongi tiredly slumped over Jin's chest. Jin transferred both of Yoongi's hand to his one and stroked Yoongi's head with the other.

They both sat in silence until Jin felt his shirt getting wet. He sighed knowing that Yoongi was crying.

'Hy..hyung, I am tired. I..i am e.exhausted. I..I hate you hy..hyung , I hate you but I c..can't be without you hy..hyung. Why did you have to do e.. everything. Why is he back in your life after he did everything to Tae. Huh? Wh .why hyung Why-' broke down Yoongi not being able to handle all the stress and getting too worked up over everything.

'Yoon, Do you trust hyung? Will you listen to hyung?' asked Jin while embracing Yoongi. Yoongi slightly nodded and Jin backed away from the hug still holding onto Yoongi's hands and lovingly stroking him.

'Firstly, Jason wasn't the one who harrassed Tae. It was Daniel, Jason's bestfriend. Daniel was the one who blackmailed me and killed Eomma. He was the one to kidnap Kookie. The CEO was just one of his men. He was the one to blackmail Koo and kidnap Tae and try touching our Koo.' explained Jin and waited till Yoongi process the entire information.

'I know bud, it's hard to trust but I will show you all the proofs baby' said Jin. Yoongi didn't react and just snuggled more into Jin.

'I was dating Jason before but after I broke up, we aren't dating anymore baby. Even today we may live under the same roof but we are not dating. Believe your Hyung on that. I would never date someone whom my Yoonie baby don't accept' spoke Jin. Yoongi hummed at that.

'Lastly, I didn't break the promise. I told you I would never get back to the underworld anymore, but I had to because I figured out who was blackmailing Koo so I got in the underworld to find him. I first thought it was Jason but he explained me the entire truth. Jason had already held Daniel in captivity and yesterday I just returned from killing him. I know it's kind of like breaking the promise but I just couldn't control myself Yoon. That person took everything from us and I just wanted to make his life hell. That is what I did. After that I have never interfered in the underworld and will never baby until you yourself want me to' explained Jin.

'Also, Eomma didn't die from the car crash she was shot before the crash' softly spoke Jin and Yoongi just couldn't believe that. By then, he had his head laid on Jin's shoulders and he ended up sinking his teeth into Jins wide shoulders. Jin didn't expect that and gasped at the pain, but immediately rubbed Yoongi's back to calm him down.

'Shh!! Bud, it's okay. It's fine. It's alright. I killed him. Hyung is here. Shh' whispered Jin.

Jin wanted to wrap all of this as quickly as possible and carried Yoongi to Jason's bedroom and sat him down on the bed. He took all the files which contained the proofs and stuff and showed it to Yoongi.

Yoongi looked through each file and his anger, pain, frustration, love, care, rage, irritation, hurt increased. But the most important thing which he felt was guilty, guilty of accusing Jin. He was regretting all the words he uttered. He couldn't look into Jins eyes anymore. He was ashamed of himself. Yoongi was clearly broken and was the most vulnerable being right then. All his life he blamed Jin for everything.

He blamed Jin for being together with Jason and killing his parents. He stole his hyungs love just because of his childishness who didn't want to see the entire truth. He called Jin selfish. He called Jin betrayer, all while Jin was with him, supporting him and taking care of him. He lived his entire life in a lie and didn't even give his hyung a chance to explain. How could he? He wanted to beat himself up for that.

Hey guys!!! Double update for you all. A Christmas gift for you lovely readers out there!! Hope you liked it. Make sure to comment down your thoughts on this.

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