Chapter 20

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         Everyone was back home and Taehyung had explained about Jungkook's fight in his school, he had made clear that he wasn't going to punish the younger and anyone else could deal with him and left to his room. Everyone looked towards Jimin for explaination.

'I don't know. I will talk to him' answered Jimin. He was fed up with both his dongsaengs as they were so stubborn.

'Namjoon deal with Jungkook' said Yoongi and and layed down on the couch to nap for a while. Namjoon nodded and walked towards the younger's room. He knocked and entered the room to witness their cute bunny sitting on his chair and studying.

'Kook' called out Namjoon.

'What are you doing buddy' asked Namjoon.

'I want to be good hyung, I am studying' whispered Jungkook pouting and looking down. Namjoon made himself comfortable on the younger's bed and called Jungkook. Jungkook slowly walked towards him as his knee was still hurting him.

Namjoon asked Jungkook to explain everything and Jungkook did. Namjoon calmly listened to the explanation and rubbed his forehead with his hand.

'You are grounded for the entire week. No electronics. You are going to complete all the assignments and stay in the room until someone calls you out. You get it Jungkook' Namjoon said as he didn't want to physically punish the younger. He thought grounding for a week was enough to get the things clear in his mind.

'Next time will you get involved in a fight Jungkook?' sternly asked Namjoon. Jungkook immediately shook his head as no and hugged his hyung as tight as he could taking Namjoon by the surprise.

Namjoon hugged back the younger and gently carressed the younger's back.

'What's wrong bud'

'Hyung, Tae Hyung'

'What about him buddy?'

'I want Tae hyungie' cried out Jungkook.

'No bud, You are currently grounded so Tae is not coming here. After a week you can meet him okay. Now come on let's have dinner' said Namjoon. Jungkook let out a hesitant nod and headed downstairs to the dining table where everyone was waiting for them.

Jin raised an eyebrow at Namjoon quietly questioning how did the things go.

'He is grounded for a week' announced Namjoon as Jungkook looked down embarrassed. Taehyung was itching to point out that Jungkook hates getting grounded. He doesn't like when he is forced to stay among the four walls that is one of the reason Taehyung doesn't ground Jungkook rather physically punish him.

He wanted to interfere but Namjoon was handling the punishment so he just sat and started eating his food avoiding the yougers gaze. None of the hyung knew about that because it was always Taehyung dealing with Jungkook. It was very rare when any of the other hyungs dealt with him. He just prayed that the entire week passes as fast as it could. Well, time goes on its own.

That day went a bit fast as he had his dinner and slept. The next day he was awakened by the knock on the door. It was Jimin calling him for breakfast. He slowly made his way towards the table. Everyone noticed his presence but none acknowledged it. Jungkook barely ate anything. Taehyung noticed it as he knew how the younger gets but kept quiet knowing he wasn't the one dealing with him.

The day went on the same with Jungkook eating just one or two bites and his hyung's ignoring him. He managed to complete one of his assignment and fell asleep rather early to the fact he didn't have his mobile with him.

The next day was worse. His hyungs were too busy to notice him and they forgot to call him for lunch. It slipped of their mind as they thought the other member had already made Jungkook eat. The dinner went smoothly but Taehyung noticed the younger's bloodshot eyes and pink nose. He shrugged it off.

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