Chapter 82

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Jin woke up early in the morning even before the sun could rise. He just had a hard time sleeping because of Hoseok. His gaze fell on Hoseok and he sighed softly and stroked the younger's hair as he slept peacefully.

He remembered last night's event. He entered the room.

'WHAT WAS THAT KIM HOSEOK?' questioned Jin as Hoseok just looked the other side and scoffed loudly.

'Just, shut up hyung' spoke Hoseok as Jin's eyes widened in horror.

'What?' asked Jin in shock not expecting such words from his brother.

'Just shut the fuck up! You only know to run behind all those useless brat day and night and give your life to them. Stop, acting so noble. As if you care about us. Have you ever looked into the company which our parents built with so much hardwork? The sales are dropping. And, do you know why? Because you can't handle the fucking company' yelled Hoseok as Jin blinked his eyes twice to know that he wasn't part of a dream.

'Hobi, what happened?' gently asked Jin knowing Hoseok very well

'Stop, your fucking act of loving and caring for us.' yelled Hoseok pushing Jin's hands away.

'Hobi, talk to me please' asked Jin only to be pushed away by Hoseok again.

'Stop, just stop' said Hoseok emotions completely visible in his voice. Jin for a second thought that he won but he didn't.

'Just get lost hyung' screamed Hoseok.

'Kim Hoseok, stop this right now. You don't get to speak to me like that. I am elder than you, and you should be happy that I am not punishing you right now. I am asking you something, what is going on? Did something happen at work, but if you want to continue to ignore me then go ahead but I am not going to tolerate this behaviour here. So you better straighten up if you don't want Yoongi to be the one handling you' scolded Jin as he received a text from Jason that they were back. He just texted him to put Yoongi to sleep and concentrated on Hoseok.

Hoseok wasn't backing away with a fight.

'Stop being so innocent and all. Where was I even wrong? You need to tell those brats to eat three course meal a day and stop overworking and falling Ill. I am tired each day managing their health and stuff. I am not free to immediately run home everytime one of you fall ill or get hurt. I have a fucking job. I am a fucking surgeon and not some fucking freelancer to run here each and every time. Stop being a fucking burden all of yo-' Jin didn't let him complete as he slapped him right across the face and walked out.

He saw Jason standing there but he was too drained to notice him. The second he left he could hear Hoseok thrashing and throwing things, but he was kinda relieved that Jason was there.

Jin continued stroking his head as he remembered all the events.

'What happed Hobi?' mumbled Jin to the sleeping Hoseok and pecked his forehead. He sighed and got up to get himself a glass of water and headed out of the balcony. He stared at the sky as cool Breeze blew past. He sighed again as he sipped the water.

It was calming. Jin headed out and tucked Hoseok properly and went towards the kitchen. He didn't expect to be met with Jason looking at him with angry eyes.

'What do you think you are doing?' asked Jason, voice stern.

'Preaparing breakfast' casually replied Jin still not understanding the anger behind his tone.

'You are not preparing breakfast today' stated Jason and pulled Jin to sit on his lap.

'Jason, it's not funny' said Jin trying to break free as Jason tightened his hold

'I remember telling you to rest' whispered Jason in his ears and Jin could feel his insides churning at that cold voice.

Jason proceeded to carry Jin to the couch and resumed their previous position.

'Didn't I?' asked Jason again as Jin slowly nodded his head.

'Then? What are you doing this early?' asked Jason. Jin sighed and slumped against Jason. Jason bought his hand and gently massaged Jin's scalp.

'Jinnie, sleep. I will order something. You need to rest baby' softly spoke Jason, his anger vanished like a thin air looking at Jin so tired.

'No-' tried to argue Jin but Jason didn't let him as he pushed his head more into his chest and held there not letting Jin move much. In no time Jin was asleep on Jason.

Jason slowly picked him and laid him down and brought a blanket and covered him.

'I am sorry for being strict with you babe. But, you need to take care of yourself. Leave everything to me, just be happy baby' whispered Jason and pecked his forehead

He figured out there was still time left for breakfast so he prepared a cup of coffee for himself as he was just back from a mission. He then ordered a few dishes for breakfast and woke Jungkook to get him ready for school.

Once he sent Jungkook off, he saw Jimin get down with sleepy eyes and bed hair. Namjoon had already left for company.

Jason ruffled the younger's hair but immediately retracted his hand back when Jimin flinched and took a few steps back in fear and shivered slightly.

Jason looked at him in shock and tried walking forward only for Jimin to take a defensive position.

'Don't touch me' squealed Jimin and ran away.

Something was definitely wrong with Jimin. He just hope it isn't something crucial and serious. Jin woke up after the incident and freshened up. He was followed by others, but Taehyung still slept.

Hey guys!!!! Double update!!! Comment and let me know ur thoughts!! Enjoy!!!

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