Chapter 105

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Yoongi walked in and shuddered at Jin's cold look.

'U know it Yoongi' stated Jin and Yoongi took away his jeans and underpants and leaned facing the wall like last time. He was scared worrying if Jin would leave him again like last time but stayed strong clenching his teeth to control his tears.

Jin forgot the last incident and shrugged off the weird feeling he felt with Yoongi. This time though Jin stayed with Yoongi in the room staring at Yoongi's quivering figure still not realising that his brother was scared and worried of being left out again.

After 30 crucial minutes Jin called Yoongi up and Yoongi got up with teary eyes and walked towards Jin and Jin was still confused about Yoongi's entire antics.

'Yoongi!' Stated Jin and Yoongi didn't respond as he just looked down. Jin tried for another few minutes but Yoongi's didn't utter a word.

'What were you thinking while smoking?' Yelled Jin losing his patience, so loud that it was enough for others to run towards Jin's room in worry.

Jason being the eldest entered inside to find Jin fuming and Yoongi looking down with tears in his eyes.

Everyone came inside and Yoongi was immediately embarrassed. He was half naked in front of his younger brothers. He looked down.

Jin walked forward and slapped Yoongi in anger and concern. In reality he was terrified in thoughts of losing Yoongi. Yoongi fell down from the impact as he didn't expect it.

Yoongi curled on the hard floor ashamed to show his vulnerable side to his dongsaengs. Hoseok gently pulled others out to give his hyung the privacy he needed.

'Jin, stop' tried Jason as Jin stared at Yoongi in anger.

'Get up!' yelled Jin flinching Yoongi in the process as he pulled him up on his legs.

'Do you want to die? Why did you smoke? I have warned you plenty of times Yoongi about smoking! What have I said? This is the example you are setting to others?' Scolded Jin pretty badly all while Yoongi listened to all those while looking down.

Jason teied pulling Jin away witnessing that Jin was too angry to punish his brother calmly.

'Jin, that's enough!' Whisper yelled Jason but it had no affect on Jin.

'This is how you respect me now, Yoongi? You don't answer to my question? Are you all grown up now? That you don't want anyone to ask you anything?' Yelled Jin as Yoongi shook his head slowly.

'Jin!' Tried Jason but Jin didn't falter a bit.

'Answer me, you brat!' Yelled again Jin, and hooked his arms in bruising grip and Yoongi struggled to free himself.

'Jin, that's fucking enough!' Yelled Jason, now gaining a lot of curious faces outside the door as Jungkook cried covering his ears in Taehyung's hold. Taehyung walked shushing his bunny to his room. But, Jungkook wasn't calming down. He wanted Jin and he made sure of that!

'Dont, you dare interfere!' Warned Jin glaring coldly at Jason as Jason halted not expecting that from Jin. But, Jason could easily dominate Jin and Jin knew that.

'I will be right outside, and you are going to have a talk with me once you are done with him. You will regret raising your voice at me, I will make sure of that!' Whispered Jason as he bent down near Jin's eyes. Jin gulped down his terror but remained stoic. His anger blinding him totally.

Jason slammed the door close as he asked Hoseok and Jimin to go back and do their works softly not wanting to scare them anymore. Hoseok nodded and walked away knowing he was late for work.

Jimin looked at Jason and Jason looked at him with questioning look.

'Hwyung' cried Jimin as Jason embraced him.

'I am scwared. They will come again' mumbled Jimin looking down.

'They won't. Trust your Jinnie hyung' comforted Jason and consoled him as Jimin dozed off still under the influence of medicines.

'Yoongi! Answer to me' yelled Jin and Yoongi was full on sobbing.

'H...hyung' whimpered Yoongi not liking the loud noises.

'Yoongi!' Yelled Jin again as Yoongi covered his ears and asked Jin to stop. Jin was blinded by anger as well as worry and pure concern towards the anger

He didn't wait a minute more as he pushed Yoongi harshly on the bed as Yoongi struggled to get free but Jin held him down and Yoongi involuntarily gave up fighting, knowing he deserves it for smoking.

Jungkook continued crying in Taehyung's hold asking for no one else than Jin while Taehyung struggled to calm him down. Taehyung was trying his best to distract Jungkook but Jungkook just wanted Jin not even his Tae hyung.

He wanted to know if Jin really forgave him or no. He wanted reassurance and he wasn't going to calm down till he got that. Taehyung was himself going to cry at witnessing his bunny so distressed.

Yoongi completely gave up on fighting and laid still as Jin was sure he was going to teach Yoongi a non forgiving lesson.

Much to Yoongi's shock, Jin directly started belting him. Yoongi was screaming his heart out worrying everyone in the mansion as Jason gritted his teeth in pure anger and dissappointment towards Jin.

Namjoon on the other hand finally had a good news to showcase everyone. They were about to win the case and give them the punishment they deserved. But, only Jin and Jason knew that sending the culprits to jail was in front of the world but once he was in jail he would meet a very unexpected and torturous death.

Hey guys! Double update!!! Wat do u think will happen to Yoongi? Is Jin right? Wat will Jason do to Jin?

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