Chapter 29

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The next day Jin had woken up to look at the younger's calm peaceful face. Jin gazed at him lovingly and pecked his forehead. He freshened up and descended downstairs to prepare the breakfast.

Hoseok chuckled witnessing his hyungs slight limp.

'Brat' mumbled Jin. Obviously, yesterday's injection was aching. He wished to just let the pain go away. Well, it would take a day or two for the pain to subside.

Everyone joined at the breakfast table. Like yesterday, Jin served them and took two plates of food to the maknae's room. Jungkook was in his own thoughts and Jin didn't miss the slight panic Jungkook's eyes held when he entered.

This time though, Jin tried feeding the younger but Jungkook pushed his hyungs hand and he started eating. Jin sighed and ate his breakfast with the younger.

Jin wanted to finish all the works before Yoongi wakes up knowing that Yoongi would be a handful today. Jin enetered his room to shower. He came out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.

He witnessed Yoongi woken up and sat on the bed crisscrossed and his right hand balled rubbing his eyes and his bed hair made him look thousand times cuter. Jin cooed at the sight and walked towards him and slightly pecked his head.

Yoongi groaned annoyed. Jin felt the younger's skin burning knowing very well the younger had a slight fever. Yoongi annoyed, looked at his hyung's smiling face. His eyes then fell onto his hyungs shoulders where there was a huge bite red mark and it was swollen.

Yoongi was guilty and immediately tears welled up. Jin sat beside the younger and embraced him.

'Shh..shh bubby. What's wrong' softly asked Jin. Yoongi didn't answer but climbed on his hyungs lap and let out a few butterfly kisses on his hyungs shoulders. He gently carressed it with his hands and sniffled quitely. Jin smiled at the younger.

'Bubby, hyung is fine. It doesn't hurt' cooed Jin. Yoongi shook his head and pecked on the angry red skin again and again until Jin tickled the younger and the room was filled with the younger's giggles.

Jin forcefully sent the younger to freshen up as he dressed himself and waited. The others had already left to their works. Jungkook was dropped off by Taehyung. It was only Jin and Yoongi left.

Jin decided to take a day off but he was informed last minut about a very important meeting which he couldn't miss so he thought of taking Yoongi with him.

Yoongi was out of the shower and Jin silently dressed Yoongi up. He noticed how tired Yoongi looked, but Jin was relieved that the younger was not being a brat.

He was already late and thought of getting something for Yoongi at the office canteen itself. On the way he got Hoseok's message that he was also coming to the company as he was left alone at the mansion. Apparently, Hoseok decided to take a day off or more like was given a day off by everyone in the hospital.

It had been 10minutes and Jin was trying to feed Yoongi a slice of sandwich, which apparently was too bland for Yoongi. He whined, kicked and created a ruckus at Jin's cabin. All the brothers gathered up there to witness their Yoongi hyung being a brat to eat.

Jin was running thin on patience. The constant reminder of the meeting wasn't helping him to calm down either. Yoongi just pushed away the entire plate which fell on the clean floor widening everyone's eyes. Jin had enough. That was the last straw.

'Bring another sandwich' ordered Jin, to no one in particular.

Jin took hold of the whiny younger and pulled him straight to the attached room his cabin has. He turned Yoongi around and made him bend over his arm as he laid five harsh but gentle strokes on his bottom.

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