Chapter 66

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'Kookiee' uttered Jin walking out of the room to not disturb Jason and let him rest.

'Koo' again spoke Jin when he could hear nothing but Jungkook choking on his sobs. Jin was getting worried. Jungkook, was barely answering and crying loudly and he could hear no one around Jungkook.

Jin rushed in the room and took hold of Jason's mobile and dialled Yoongi. Yoongi answered almost immediately as Jimin was asleep on his lap in his office.

'Hello' whispered Yoongi signing Taehyung to take Jimin with him and lay him on the couch. Taehyung immediately compiled.

'Yoongi, where are you?' asked Jin and Yoongi could immediately hear the desperation in his voice as he could hear faint cries.

'Hyung, what happened?' questioned back Yoongi with frowned brows taking Taehyung's attention. Taehyung gestured Yoongi to turn on the speaker.

Hoseok walked towards the room to check on Jason but was confused looking at Jin standing outside with two phones. Hoseok walked near and panicked hearing to Jungkook's cries.

'Yoongi who is with Jungkook?' asked Jin.

'Me, Jimin and Taehyung are in office hyung' answered Yoongi. Jin calculated immediately that no one was with Jungkook.

'Yoongi send Taehyung home immediately, Hoseok take care of Jason' yelled Jin and hurried to the mansion still trying to calm down Jungkook through the call.

On the other hand, Taehyung knew nothing but he rushed back.

Jin and Taehyung entered worried and Taehyung's face twisted in worry hearing to the younger's cries. They both rushed following the sound and Jin embraced Jungkook as Jungkook clinged onto Jin as tightly as possible.

Taehyung rushed to get some water as Jin tried to back away from the hug to get a proper look of the younger as he felt the younger struggling to breathe. Taehyung helped to pull Jungkook from the hug and Jin cupped his face gently yet strongly and wiped the flowing tears.

'Koo, breathe. Breathe baby. Breathe' guided Jin as Jungkook struggled to follow. By then, Taehyung had pulled Jungkook on his lap. Jungkook very slowly came back to his senses and he tried to explain and yell out his pain.

Jungkook shook the glass of water held by Taehyung and rapidly tried explaining something but he was not able to. Jin was softly asking him to calm down and everything was fine but he wasn't listening.

'KIM JUNGKOOK' screamed Taehyung in anger and worry. Jungkook flinched at the sudden sound and slowly turned towards the sound in fear. He expected to be met with a angry Taehyung but was met with a worried, concerned hyung.

Taehyung gently cupped the younger's face and maintained eye contact with his teary baby.

'What's wrong bunny?' softly questioned Taehyung. Jungkook's eyes filled with new set of tears and hugged Taehyung in desperation to feel better.

'A....Appa' uttered Jungkook and Taehyung stilled immediately. Jin was shocked but was able to hold in his pain as he rubbed Jungkook's back to comfort him.

'Tae' called Jin. Taehyung was back from his thoughts and tended towards Jungkook who was shaking badly in his hold calling out only one word 'Appa'. Jin didn't know how to handle the situation, Jungkook never asked for his parents before. He never felt like he was missing something because all he could remember was his hyungs taking care of him.

Jungkook crying out for his parents hurt both Jin and Taehyung. They had unshed tears in their eyes. No matter what they missed their parents, but Jungkook was a different story. He always preferred his hyungs over his parents from day 1 and all his hyungs pampered him a lot that he wanted nothing but to be his hyungs baby.

Taehyung held onto Jungkook and Jungkook fell asleep slowly whispering out 'appa'. Jin carried Jungkook and tucked him in.

Yoongi and Jimin had witnessed the entire scene as they rushed back once Taehyung left. Hoseok stood there too as he followed Jin because his heart wasn't at ease hearing to the youngest's cries.

Yoongi pretended to be strong for Jimin and Hoseok while Jin comforted Taehyung.

Taehyung, was all well and cuddled sleeping Jungkook not having the heart to leave the younger alone. Hoseok left to the hospital wanting to get away from the dull atmosphere. He lied that he had to stay with Jason knowing very well Jin wasn't gonna allow him to leave the mansion at such depressed state. Everyone was, afterall who wouldn't remembered their parents after watching their youngest cry to sleep?

Namjoon? Where was Namjoon? Well, he was far away from all the mess falling into a deeper mess of his own in a different country. He was being arrested by the police and he didn't know how to get out. He wasn't at fault but he also was. How did he end up in such a situation? Only, Namjoon could answer that. He craved for his hyungs to rescue him from the coldness of the unknown land which was unfamiliar to him.

Hey guys!!! I apologise that I was away for days, I am back with new updates as early as I can. Also, please comment to let me know your thoughts and suggestions. Please guys 🥺

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