Chapter 51

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Yoongi looked through the files, documents and all the pictures and he just couldn't control himself. He was not letting himself cry at any cost even though it was stinging his eyes. He wanted to kill himself for the way he had been treating Jin since his mother's death.

He felt he didn't deserve all the support, love care and everything Jin gave him.

Everyone, has a different method of coping pain and Yoongi used his way to blame Jin and Jason to accept the truth. He blamed them, put everything on them so that he could have someone to take his frustration and anger. But, now that he realised they weren't at fault he felt everything was taken away by him.

He felt there was nothing to blame and he was at fault. He regretted blaming them. He regretted each and everything he had ever said to Jin and Jason. He was ashamed of himself. He didn't know how to deal with the pain, stress, anger he felt. He didn't know what to do. He couldn't go on blaming Jin now.

He felt stuck between four walls and all of them were closing up on him. Killing, him in the process. He was scared, vulnerable, nervous, frustrated, angry and everything.

Jason was back as everyone else headed towards their work after the breakfast which was pretty awkward. He rang the bell and waited. Jin glanced at Yoongi and didn't really know what was happening in Yoongi's head, so he left him alone in the room and walked out to open the door.

Jason and Jin were having a casual conversation when they heard a thud from the room. Both, of them ran towards the room and couldn't get in as it was locked by inside.

Yoongi was getting mad, he couldn't understand anything, he wanted to calm down but he didn't know how to. He threw all the sheets, papers, pictures in anger and that seemed to relish a bit of inner feeling he was having at that time. Yoongi didn't stop there, he thrashed the entire room but that still didn't calm him completely.

Yoongi then punched the wall as hardly as he could and the pain calmed him down. He kept on banging on the wall in desperation to calm himself. If that wasn't enough he pinched himself so hardly that blood seeped through. He wasn't in his correct mind and he did the most foolish thing he could do, locked himself in that room.

Jin was desperate to open the door. Jin panicked. How could he not, know, what was going on in Yoongi's head? Yoongi had done the exact same thing when they lost their parents.

Jin banged as much as he could.

'Yoongi, open the door. Baby open the door please. Let hyung inside. Open the DOOR' Jin was slowly breaking down in front of the door and Jason was back with a spare key.

He clicked open the door and both of them rushed inside. They weren't much surprised about the mess because that was expected, but what worried them was Yoongi. It felt like he was in a daze. He didn't even realise that he had company in the room. He kept on mercilessly banging his hand on the door in the same spot which was now covered by fresh blood.

Jin rushed towards Yoongi and pulled him back gently only for Yoongi to push Jin harshly and turn against him.

'NO!!! no, don't come near me!!! No, do not. No!!! NOOOO' screamed Yoongi. Yoongi was having a panick attack. Jin was shocked.

'Baby, it's hyung. It's hyung baby, no one will hurt you.' tried sweet talking Jin but it wasn't useful.

Jason signed Jin to distract Yoongi as he went behind him. Jin was distracting Yoongi as Yoongi was having a full blown panic attack.

Jason jumped on Yoongi from behind and held him in a death grip as Yoongi thrashed to get out of it. Jason had his guards situated infront of the room. One sign to them and they shot Yoongi with a sedative which made Yoongi go completely limp in Jason's hold.

Jin rushed to embrace Yoongi. Jason helped Jin carry Yoongi to another bedroom and laid him down as Jin treated his hand while sniffling.

'I guess it's not his first time' said Jason. Jin sniffled.

'He did it once when Eomma died. But he never did it again. I dont know what triggered him.' said Jin.

'That explains' grumbled Jason.

'What do you mean?' asked Jin.

'I may be wrong, but I don't think this is his second time either. He knew exactly where to hurt himself by banging his fist. Jin, that explains he might be using this as a coping mechanism' voiced out Jason. Jin didn't have any words to react to that.

'That is the reason, I kept everything to myself and didn't clear anything out. Even if he got angry I took his rude words without thinking twice, this is what I was scared of Jason. How foolish of me to leave him alone in the room. I am a big idiot. I should have just hid the entire thing. Foolish, idiot' scolded Jin to himself and slapped himself.

Jason rushed to stop Jin from blaming himself and Jin just gave up and slumped on Jason's body as Jason held him.

'One day or the other day truth should come out Jin. You can't hide it forever. Atleast, you were the one who told him and he didn't found out by any outside source. Atleast, you are with him, Jin. Don't blame yourself.' said Jason as Jin silently nodded.

'Although, I hate to leave you alone. I have an important mission Jin. I need to leave. But i promise I will be back before you know' spoke Jason.

'Its okay' mindlessly let out Jin and backed away from Jason. Jason gave one soft smile and headed out.

'I am never gonna leave you bubby, Hyung will always be there for you. Do not ever think of hurting yourself. Hyung is there for you baby. Hyung will take care. Just don't block me out like before bubby. Please, let me help you. Sleep tight.' whispered Jin to the sleeping Yoongi. Jin proceeded to peck his forehead and tuck him in.  Jin walked to the kitchen to repare something special for Yoongi.

Hey guys!!!! More of Jin and Yoongi, I guess!!!! Comment down below.

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