Chapter 155

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Taehyung halted at the sudden sharp pain in his thigh and his thrashing ceased in Jin's hold. He looked up to find Jin gazing at him softly with worried, concerned eyes

Jin looked at Yoongi who was trying to hide his feelings and standing where Jin instructed him to without making any movements. Jimin, was back with Taehyung's lunch and the Jin noticed how Taehyung was sweating and he grabbed the A/C remote and lowered the temperature much lower than required to let Taehyung immediately cool down.

Jin, proceeded to take off Taehyung's tie and Taehyung was still. He was just looking at Jin's face and did nothing. Jin was weirded out by that but he stayed composed. He then unbuttoned the collar button but decided on taking it off as the shirt was completely moist with sweat.

'Tae, what's wrong buddy? Why are you staring at hyungie like that?' softly spoke Jin not to make the younger scared but all he got was nothing.

'Tae' Jimin tried but to no avail and Jin was growing worried.

Before anyone could react, Taehyung's eyes rolled back and he fainted in Jins arms. Jin screamed in horror not expecting the younger to get unconscious.

Yoongi was too scared to move, he wanted to run away and he would have ran away if not for his hyungs gaze which was stopping him from even moving his fingers from his place.

'Hyung, what happened to him' Jimin cried in worry as he sprinkled water and Taehyung showed no sense of consciousness.

Jin took a deep breath, he knew panicking wouldn't help the situation.

'Minnie, Tae will be fine. Don't worry baby. Please, go call the doctor and Hoseok too' Jin instructed and Jimin sprang into action.

'Yoon' Jin called, voice softly and soothing as Yoongi looked at him and walked towards Jin when Jin signed him to.

'Take Kookie home, if he stays here he will grow worried of Taehyung and do not, I repeat do not talk to Jungkook about anything related to what happened in the hospital' Jin warned Yoongi and Yoongi left the place to Taehyung's cabin where Jungkook was.

Jin gently carried him to the couch and laid him there as he waited anxiously for Hoseok or the doctor to avail. Weirdly, both of them arrived at the same exact time and the doctor had trained under Hoseok so he immediately bowed and showed his respect while Hoseok ran towards his baby and started checking on him.

He attached and IV and took a wet cloth and wiped Taehyung's body to cook his temperature down.

'You can leave, I will take care of this. Sorry, for the disturbance' Hoseok finally spoke to the doctor as the doctor bowed and walked away.

Hoseok asked what has happened and Jimin explained everything to both of them. Jin sighed in disappointment while Hoseok was in his own thoughts about Taehyung's mental state.

Jin needed to talk to Yoongi, he had warned him to not lose his temper and Yoongi didn't just that. He was disappointed himself too if not addressing Taehyung's situation from beginning.

It's just that he wanted to but he wasn't able to. He got caught with entire Namjoon's issue and then his own of how he had to deal with Jason and much more. None of it adds upto ignoring Taehyung's feelings but sadly he did just that. He was guilty, sorry and disappointed in himself for the turn of events and he just needed a breather. He needed bring everything in track and make this family one and for that he had to stop being sad about Jason's actions and own it up to himself. It was just an harrassment and he would be fine, yes he would be.

'Hobi, when will Take wake up?'

' He will wake up in an hour or more hyung. I have given him the IV, he is pretty weak and his body temperature has cooled down too. I don't think he has fever, maybe he is just dehydrated. I will check on him once more after he is up. And, I feel it's better if we get him admitted to the hospital for a couple of days' Hoseok expressed his concerns but what he didn't say was that, Taehyung needed to let out a few things which he has been hiding. Because, him feeling left out is fine but the way he reacted to it makes no sense if it was a trivial matters, something might have happened and Hoseok wanted to know that as soon as possible.

'Lets do one thing, Jimin and Hoseok take Taehyung with you to the hospital. Be with Joonie. If Jason comes to the hospital just ignore and call me. I will go home get food for all of us and speak to Yoongi and console Jungkook as I am sure he would be worries after witnessing Taehyung sobbing'

Jimin and Hoseok nodded at that and Jimin dressed him up and Hoseok carried him to the car being mindful of the IV and drove to the hospital.

Jin, drove home and found Yoongi restless on the couch as Jungkook was boiling in anger. He was accusing Yoongi of hurting Taehyung and Yoongi had no answer for that.

'Kook, that's not very good' Jin spoke in a stern tone as Jungkook walked towards him and glared at his hyung.

'Why did you send me away. Take me to Tae hyung, I wont talk to any of you otherwise' Jungkook sulked.

'Okay baby, let's go to hospital. But, you know right Joonie hyungie is yickie. So go pack a couple pair of clothes for your Joonie hyungie' Jin instructed clearly diverting Jungkook and in the mean time he concentrated on finishing his job and called Yoongi over to the kitchen as he cooked.

'Explain!' Jin spoke as Yoongi started from Jungkook's argument to him stressing about it and taking it out on Taehyung. Jin sighed at that and then he gazed at Yoongi and the next words he spoke took all the life out of him.

'I will inform the same exact thing to Jason. And let him handle you in this matter. Pack up, he will pick you up and stay there till you get your senses back'

Hey guys! Now what does Jason has to do with Yoongi? Share your thoughts below!!!!

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