Chapter 47

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Jin was in daze. He was overthinking all the events he just got to know. He believed Jason but couldn't help get angry on himself for not seeing the truth before.

Jason took it in a wrong way that Jin wasn't believing him. Jason just felt worse after looking at Jin in daze that he didn't do anything other than sit and stare at nothing.

Jason took it upon himself that it was his fault. He blamed himself for everything. His mind wasn't at ease. His heart didn't stop being anxious. He thought maybe showing all the proof he collected all these years would make Jin belive him more.

Jason went towards his main office and carried all the proof he had collected all these years. Jason walked to his room where he found Jin deep in his thoughts.

He kept all the proofs in front of Jin as Jin came out of his thoughts.

'What is this' asked Jin, pointing at the bundle of files and pictures.

'The proofs' said Jason. Jin gasped as he thought that Jason thinks he didn't believe Jason.

Jin jumped to clarify but the damage was already done.

'Its okay Jin, even if I was in your place I wouldn't have believed.' uttered Jason and walked out with a racing heart.

Jin couldn't clarify and decided to give Jason some time for himself. He then proceeded to go through all the proofs and couldn't help but sob as he found out that his mother was shot before the car crash. That was purely intentional and nothing could justify that.

Jin sobbed for a while but later he was angry. He needed to relish that anger on someone or else he would go mad. He needed something to relieve the anger. He just couldn't sit straight and do nothing.

Jin barged out of the room immediately taking Jason's and his men's attention who were gathered in the living room discussing about something. Jason could easily figure out that Jin was angry and Jason shivered at the thought. Jin payed no notice to Jason's men who was ready to launch at Jin if he had any tricks up his sleeve to hurt their boss. Only the right hand men of Jason knew who Jin was, and hoped that, Jin and Jason would end up together like before.

'He is my kill' stated Jin, his voice cold and lower which sent a shiver through everyone's spine.

Jin rushed towards the basement running like a mad man towards the culprit, Daniel. Jason followed him immediately scared that Jin might do something in anger and regret it later.

Jin barged open the door and Daniel smirked at the angry person infront of him.

'How is my tiger?' asked Daniel enraging the fuel burning in Jin. Jin took the first thing his hands landed at and beat him till he, himself was breathing heavily.

He looked at nail clippers and smirked as he clipped each nail with a sadistic smirk. Next he took a knife and played around Daniels body all while Daniel screamed and begged them to kill him knowing very well he couldn't escape from there even if half of the underworld was searching for him.

After smiling happily at the deep cuts and witnessing Daniel breathing heavily trying his best to not faint, Jin took a handful of salt and red chilli powder and splashed it on his body. Daniel screamed in horror. Jin wasn't satisfied, he then poured hot boiling water on him which left various burn marks on his body.

Jason's men couldn't help but feel pity on Daniel. They had seen worst punishing methods but the way Jin was trying to inflict pain was something not normal.

'You wanted to touch, my Tae right?' screamed Jin. While, Daniel shook his head as no, scared of what else Jin might do.

Jin proceeded to cut the thing which defines him as a man. Daniel fainted at that. He cut open many wounds.

'Let him bleed to death.' said Jin and he fell on his knees crying. His entire body was covered in Daniel's blood.

Jason felt bad looking at his love killing his bestfriend. Jason knew Jin hated killing and torturing someone. Jason also knew that Jin would be vulnerable for sometime.

Jason hurried towards Jin.

'Baby, he deserved it. It's okay. You made the right choice. Shh!! Shh!!!' tried consoling Jason shocking his men because they had never seen their boss go soft for someone like that.

'I ..I ki..killed h..him' sobbed Jin.

'I ..I am j..just like h..him' cried out Jin.

Jason was quick to make Jin face him. He gently wiped his tears.

'You. Are. Not. Like. Him. You are much better, baby. He tried harrassing Tae, He tried touching Kook, He kidnapped Koo. He blackmailed you. He blackmailed Jungkook. He tried creating misunderstandings between you guys. And importantly, he KILLED YOUR MOTHER, also your father' said Jason in his dominationg tone.

Jin nodded and snuggled closer to Jason hiding his head in Jason's chest as Jason let Jin snuggle closer to him.

After a few minutes Jason pulled away from the hug.

'Come on baby, let's go in. You need to take a shower. Your all bloody' chuckled Jason trying to lighten up the mood. Jin just smiled half heartedly and got up with Jason's help ofcourse.

'Keep an eye on him' ordered Jason to one of the guard and held onto Jin protectively as they walked upstairs to their living room. There they saw someone waiting for them.

That person's eyes widened in shock and betrayal filled his eyes as he looked at Jin and Jason. Jin hurried to get away from Jason stumbling in the process but managing to stand straight.

'Its not what you think like' rushed Jin to explain only, for that person to back away with hatred.

'Then what is it like. I hate you, I hate you don't even think of returning back to the mansion. I will never forgive you. Your bloody clothes are enough to explain to me that you broke MY promise.' stated the man in utter disbelief as he walked out with hatred directed to the elder.

'Yoon-' yelled out Jin only to be cut off by the loud sound of the door slamming by Yoongi. He couldn't take another misunderstanding between him and Yoongi, not anymore.

Hey guys!!!! What do you think will happen now? Will Yoongi ever forgive Jin and will Jin tell the entire truth to him or will they break apart. Do comment and let me know your thoughts!!

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