Chapter 87

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'' whimpered Hoseok.

'I will be out, call me if you need' said Jason and was heading out.

'S..stay' stuttered Hoseok. Jin looked at him in confusion and Jason stopped in his tracks.

'You want him to stay?' softly asked Jin and Hoseok nodded. Jin just signed Jason to stay back. Normally, Jin wouldn't allow their requests while they are getting punished but realising that Hoseok already was going through some serious things he asked Jason to stay.

Jason was clearly surprised at the request. He barely had any time to spend with Hoseok. He closed the door and sat down beside Jin.

Jin pulled Hoseok in between his knees and unhooked his pant buttons. Hoseok just looked down completely embarassed. Jin proceeded to take off Hoseok's lowers and get him half naked. He gently pulled Hoseok on his lap and Hoseok kept his head on Jason's lap holding onto Jason's hands.

Jason was slowly stroking his hair which was calming Hoseok down.

Jin raised his hands up and bought it down harshly on Hoseok's bottom. Hoseok's years flowed wetting Jason's pants as Hoseok remained silent. Hoseok was never vocal during punishments and the reason why Jin takes most precautions while punishing Hoseok.

Jin always start him directly on the skin cause that would help him calculate the pain and help to decide when to stop. Jin continued still 10 with his hand as Jason continued calming Hoseok.

'Hoseok, you already know why you are here and I expect you to not repeat it again' sternly spoke Jin and rained down another ten hard spanks on Hoseok's bottom.

Hoseok's tears were increased as he managed to stutter out a yes.

Jin grabbed a hair brush from the dresser which was at a distance of his arm and spanked Hoseok harshly with that as Hoseok squealed out in pain but immediately silenced by biting his lips. Jin didn't seem to notice that and continued but Jason did.

'Stop' panicked Jason and Jin immediately halted. Jason bought Hoseok in sitting position and Jin gasped as there was cut on Hoseok's bottom lip for the way he had bitten it. To their horror it started bleeding.

Jin was fast enough to run and bring the first aid kit. He took out a cotton and softly wiped the blood out. Jason flipped Hoseok back to his previous position and put his thumb on the wound and pressed it to stop the bleeding.

Jin sighed and continued raining down the smacks. He stopped once he reached 20 with the hair brush. His butt was deep red and Hoseok was sobbing by the time he was finished.

Jin made him stand and stretched Hoseok's hand out and laid 5 strokes on each of them.

'Those are for biting your lips' sternly mentioned Jin and Hoseok let out a slow nod.

'Will you repeat your mistake?' asked Jin a bit softer than before.

'' said Hoseok and expected a hug but his heart broke at the next words his hyungs uttered.

'Go face the wall, until the timer rings. Remember hands straight, no leaning against the wall and not letting the coin drop' sternly said Jin and placed a coin in between Hoseok's nose and the wall. Tears were flowing freely from Hoseok's eyes.

Jin got up and went out followed by Jason. Hoseok couldn't see what was happening and he thought they left him. His heart started pacing in nervousness and fear of being left out.

Jin came out to check on Yoongi as his heart wasn't settling to leave Yoongi alone. He didn't expect Jason to follow him.

'I will check on Yoongi' worriedly whispered Jin once he noticed Jason and Jason let out a nod. Jason headed back inside and closed the door, but Hoseok didn't seem to hear that and felt that he was left alone. He started panicking while Jason remained clueless.

Jin entered Yoongi's room to find Yoongi sleeping peacefully. Jin sighed once his heart calmed down. He closed the balcony windows and tucked Yoongi in properly. Yoongi sleepily grabbed Jin and pulled him. Jin smiled and stayed for a while patting Yoongi softly to get him in more deep sleep. Once satisfied, Jin pecked his forehead and got up.

He then headed downstairs to make three cups of chocolate milkshake knowing that it is Hoseok's comfort food. He finished making them and looked at the time. It had been 40 minutes since he gave Hoseok that punishment.

Jason seemed to catch on that something was wrong with the younger.

'Hoseok' called Jason and Hoseok flinched not expecting anyone to be there. He turned around and the coin fell. He lowered his hands and crouched on the ground crying his heart out.

Jason gasped and ran towards him, gently hugging him and pulling him in his embrace. Jason rubbed the younger's back and whispered soothing words.

Hoseok's sobs increased. Jin came in with three milkshakes and definitely didn't expect to find Jason trying his best to calm Hoseok while he was crying like he would make himself sick.

'What happened' asked Jin and kept the milkshakes on the table and rushed towards the duo. Jason shrugged not knowing what went wrong

'I..I thought le.. left' sobbed Hoseok and Jin scooped him in his arms.

'Aww, baby. Sorry, sorry. I just went out to check on Yoongi hyung and bring your favourite milkshakes. Jason Hyung was right here buddy. He didn't leave at all. We are sorry, hmm. Now stop crying let's drink our yummy yummy milkshakes' softly said Jin while rubbing his back in circular motions and holding him close.

Jin got up with Hoseok and head straight to the washroom. He wiped Hoseok's face and settled on the bed with Hoseok on top of him. Jason gave him a glass of milkshake and Jin held it so the younger could drink.

Hoseok slowly sipped on it and started drinking giving out a hum of satisfaction. Once he finished drinking he dozed off and Jin tucked him in his bed.

'Its better you take him to his room. We will clean this tomorrow ' voiced out Jason looking at the mess the younger made

'We will, but before that. We need to talk' said Jin and yawned rubbing his eyes completely sleepy.

'We can talk tomorrow' said Jason and gave his share of milkshake to Jin. Jin drank it slowly.

'You know there is something you are hiding from me' voiced out Jin. Jason's face fell but he immediately masked it up.

'And you know, if I am hiding it then I don't want you to know?' said back Jason and Jin sighed. It was going to be a long night trying to get Jason to speak to him.

Hey guys!!!!! How is it??? How are you guys!!! Are u well???

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