Chapter 15

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Yoongi was the first to wake up. It was a surprise for himself. He gazed at Jimin and lovingly pecked his forehead. Surprisingly, Jimin moved open and fluttered open his eyes. As soon as he opened his eyes tears filled his eyes. Yoongi's smiling face dropped down all of a sudden and filled with concerned look. Tears rolled down Jimin's eyes.

'Whats wrong buddy' slowly asked Yoongi. Jimin whimpered.

'It hurts' whimpered Jimin. Yoongi was confused for a second and then realised what Jimin was talking about. He softly reassured him and got him showered. He then applied the cooling cream and helped Jimin wear a loose shorts. Jimin was way more calm than before.

Hoseok and Taehyung groaned and woke up together. Hoseok hugged the younger and both left to complete their morning routine. Jungkook woke up to find himself in his own bed. He was way too hungry and ended up brushing his teeth. Jin had already started preparing breakfast. Namjoon was asleep and others let him be.

Jimin whined when Yoongi urged him to get downstairs. Yoongi chuckled and picked Jimin as Jimin rested his head on his hyung's shoulders comfortably and closed his eyes to get a short nap. They went downstairs and were met with Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook on the way, they saw their eldest hyung preparing breakfast.

'Ahh! I thought I was the one who woke up first' thought Yoongi disappointed. Everyone settled on the dining table. Jin started laying down the dishes on the table. Yoongi softly woke up Jimin from his short slumber.

'Tae, how are you baby?' asked Yoongi, softly. Taehyung eyes brightened at the question, he was dreading that his hyung was still angry at him. Taehyung didn't answer his question rather jumped up on Yoongi and gave him a hug squeezing Jimin in the process.

Jimin was a lot sensetive and cried out loudly taking everyone's attention to himself. Yoongi patted Taehyung's back and guided him up. Taehyung looked guilty, he felt he was at fault. Yoongi gave out a reassuring smile and Hoseok guided Taehyung back to himself, comforting him. Jungkook even agreed to share his new video games with his hyung which brought back the boxy smile on his face.

Yoongi was fast to give his attention to Jimin. He rubbed Jimin's back and whispered out sweet nothings.

'Kookie, pass me the bag of cookies' asked Yoongi and Jungkook hurried to get the cookies. He gave it to his hyung and Yoongi calmly took the cookie and broke it  into a few pieces and popped one into Jimin's mouth. Jimin instantly calmed down and looked up at his hyung with teary eyes. Yoongi cooed and wiped his tears knowing very well that sweets always calmed Jimin down.

'Dig in, guys' said Jin tiredly.

'Hyung, you need to rest' voiced out Hoseok. Jin absentmindedly dismissed him and took the first bite. Everyone else followed him. Yoongi fed Jimin and himself. Jin finished up and left to the company. Yoongi and Hoseok shared a worried glance towards their elder hyung.

'Get ready Kookie, I will drop you' said Hoseok. Jungkook nodded and ran towards his room. Yoongi stood picking Jimin and walking towards his room knowing very well that Jimin was not going to let him go for the entire day. Yoongi was not complaining though. He glanced at Taehyung who was not getting up to get ready.

'Tae, get up, get ready. I will take you both today' said Yoongi.

'I am not going today' huffed Taehyung and sat at his place. Hoseok looked at him with amused eyes. No one has said no to Yoongi.

'And, why is that' asked Yoongi with one raised eyebrow.

'I don't want to' said Taehyung.

'Tae' warned Yoongi.

'No' huffed Taehyung and pouted turning his head to the other side.

'1' counted Yoongi staring at Taehyung.

'Hyung, nooo' whined Taehyung. Jimin grew annoyed and got down from his hyungs hold and went upstairs to get ready. Jungkook was back and both of them left bidding bye to others.

'2' counted Yoongi. Taehyung widened and ran towards his room to get ready. Yoongi chuckled at his brother knowing very well that he didn't want to face his secretary. He was too embarrassed. He knew that Taehyung felt like a kid whose parents called their teacher and he chuckled at his cute brother.

Three of them left towards the company.

'Hyung, Joonie Hyung?' questioned Jimin who was sitting at the passenger seat.

'Hobi is gonna stay home. He is gonna take care' reassured Yoongi.

'Tae, better drop your act now, or else it won't be good' warned Yoongi. Taehyung just huffed annoyed.

They entered the company building to witness their hyung yelling at someone. His face was complete red from anger and they could sense the shortness of breath his hyung was feeling. Jimin was fast enough to pull his hyung to his cabin. Yoongi called the staff, Jin was yelling at, to his cabin. Taehyung dismissed the crowd and followed Yoongi to his cabin.

Yoongi settled down at his seat and looked towards the employee and Taehyung.

'Taehyung, ask Jin to head back home and you drop him back. Here, take the car keys.' spoke Yoongi in an authoritative tone which meant no arguments. He used professional speech as they don't talk casually around their employees.

Taehyung went back to Jin's cabin, but Jin wasn't there. He then walked to Jimin's cabin to find Jin catching his breath and tiredly resting his head on Jimin's work desk. Jimin worriedly gazed at his hyung.

'Jin hyung, Yoongi hyung said you to take a day off' said Taehyung. Jin gazed up at Taehyung. He didn't want to but he knew that Yoongi was stubborn and he didn't have the strength to argue with his stubborn brother at the moment.

'I will drop you Hyung' beamed Taehyung showing off his hyungs car keys. Jin just nodded and both went back to their mansion, but Taehyung returned not wanting to anger Yoongi anymore.

The company looked a lot calm than before. Namjoon had woken up and Hoseok was tending to his needs. Jin and Namjoon had not spoken. Namjoon rested the entire day. It was a pretty normal day. Three of them returned back with dinner in their hands. Everyone joined at the hall to complete their food. But, there was the youngest fidgeting in his spot. No one noticed the younger as they were busy in their own thoughts.

Jimin had come back to his usual self. The three hyungs had discussed about Namjoon and concluded to let him repeat the sessions with his therapist. Everyone fell asleep peacefully but there was this bunny who couldn't sleep and kept tossing around the entire night.

Hey guys!!!!!!!!

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