Chapter 139

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Yoongi woke up to find Alex already dressed up to leave. He softly smiled admiring his baby and woke up gently to not disturb Jimin. He hugged  Alex from behind and rested his chin on Alex's shoulder as Alex smiled.

Yoongi left butterfly kisses on Alex's neck and Alex chuckled softly and pushed him gently.

'You stink Yoonieeee' whined Alex as Yoongi just tightened the hug. Alex chuckled more. He then moved away from Yoongi's grasp and walked towards the hair dryer to dry his hair as Yoongi gently took it from him and started drying Alex's hair softly.

Alex hummed and closed his eyes enjoying Yoongi's fingers gliding through his soft locks and calming him down. Once done Yoongi moved in front of Alex and pecked his forehead as he cupped his face. Alex opened his eyes to find Yoongi's face.

'Nervous baby?' asked Yoongi as Alex hummed. Yoongi smiled and pecked his forehead and hugged him softly trying to calm him down.

'H-hyung' rasped Jimin as Yoongi moved away from Alex and Alex chuckled.

'Well your baby is calling you' said Alex and chuckled at Yoongi's guiltified face. Alex pecked the older's lips and smiled.

'Go, before he cries' urged Alex.

'B..but' hesitantly spoke Yoongi to which Alex shook his head.

'No, hyung. I am not angry or upset hyung! I love you loads, and I know you love your brothers and I will accept that with my entire heart hyung. Because, that's what's make my Yoongi hyung. The one whom I love' said Alex and Yoongi sighed in relief.

Yoongi smiled with gratitude and walked towards Jimin as Jimin longed his hands forward. Yoongi softly settled next to Jimin and held him close.

'How are you feeling bud?' asked Yoongi.

'F..fine' uttered Jimin and snuggled more into Yoongi.

'Scared of hyungie?' asked Yoongi as Jimin didn't answer rather snuggled closer.

Alex walked out finally ready to leave.

'Babe, take Hobi with you' said Yoongi as Alex nodded and headed towards Hoseok's room.

Alex knocked and entered to find Hoseok ready just like him.

'You ready?'

'Yes!!!' yelled Hoseok in excitement and they left to the surgery.

Jin sighed looking at the time as finally Jason had slept after being restless the entire night. Jin was worried about Namjoon.

Namjoon decided to head home and face whatever awaits him. He staggered the path to his mansion and entered to find aroma filled air. Namjoon with lots of hesitation made himself noticable to Jin who was cooking.

Taehyung decided to get ready but before he could there was his maknae who had him in tight hold crying outoud as he forgot to finish the assignment. Taehyung sighed, he would have punished the younger but Jungkook had to leave to school in less than 2 hours so he decided on talking to him later.

As both the maknaes concentrated on finishing it as early as possible, Jungkook stopped crying while Taehyung's eyes were swollen like he cried the entire night. Jungkook observed it but made no remarks.

Jimin found himself etched in Yoongi's safe embrace as he made no efforts to get up. After lots of sweet talk Jimin gave up and decided to follow Yoongi's instructions on getting ready.

As all four of them descended towards the dining table they found Namjoon . Jungkook immediately launched on him in a hug and then pushed him away and pointed a finger at him angrily

'Hyung! Where were you? You told you would help me in my assignment and you didn't. You know I lost marks because of that. Because of you, I won't talk to you' sulked Jungkook and took his seat on the table.

'Kookie, hyung was caught up with some work'tried Namjoon but to no avail.

The remaining wished Namjoon and took their respective seats and had a good breakfast. Yoongi and Jimin travelled to the office together as Taehyung was left alone again. He sighed, why did no one gave him some attention, why?

Jungkook was dropped to school by their driver as Jin decided on talking to Namjoon.

Just as Jin approached Namjoon, Jason walked out of the room with bed hair and looking more cute than ever.

'H..hyung' stuttered Namjoon in worry looking at Jason as Jason simply ignored Namjoon and moved towards Jin.

'Jinnie, let's go see hyung?' softly asked Jason worried if he would get reprimanded by Jin but all he got was a nod.

'Yes babe, but after I am back from office' said Jin as Jason nodded.

Jason sat on the couch and pulled Him on his lap as Jin's face immediately turned a deep red colour in embarrassment as Namjoon was right there.

'Hyung, I wanted to talk' said Namjoon gaining the couple's attention as Jin nodded.

Namjoon tried speaking but he couldn't get any words out of his mouth. It was like someone had stolen all the words. He just stared at the duo like a gapin fish.

'Take him to my basement, and give the same treatment as you gave that fake RM' sternly stated Jason as his men immediately dragged Namjoon away. At first, Namjoon tried escaping but when he witnessed Jin's confused face he remained quite.

'Jayy' worriedly spoke Jin as Jason softly smiled

'He will get what he deserves' Jason stated and abruptly stood up with Jin in his hold.

'And you are coming with me for hiding the fact that you knew who RM was' coldly said Jason and carried Jin as Jin feared the consequences. He knew Jason was angry and just worried what he would do to him. He was scared for himself as well as Namjoon.

Hey guys!!! Firstly A very Happy Birthday Sidhvi. Hope you enjoyed the update cause I updated this just for you, secondly do you want the further scene of Jin and Jason as it is unholy and your thoughts on entire thing. I prefer long comments so u know wat to do else no updates!

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