Chapter 114

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Jungkook woke up with a groan and looked around as his eyes got teary. He found his Tae hyung and Jimin hyung sitting on the chair and conversing about something serious. He didn't mind it as he forwarded his hands towards them but neither of them.notices the small gesture and that only frustrated Jungkook more.

'Hyungie' mumbled Jungkook but neither of them heard him. Jungkook's tears was increasing as he just wanted some comfort and his both hyungs were ignoring him.

A sob broke out and took both the hyungs attention as they rushed towards their maknae and Jungkook only pushed them apart and turned on the other side clearly showing that he was sulking.

'Hey, baby. Wats wrong?' asked Jimin softly as Jungkook just sulked more.

'I...I called you!' stubbornly replied Jungkook as Taehyung softly smiled.

'Were hyungs being a meanie?' playfully questioned Taehyung and he was met with a cute yes by Jungkook.

Taehyung proceeded to turn Jungkook towards himself and checked on his temperature and sighed when he realised his temperature had got down.

Jungkook clinged onto Jimin's arms and Jimin softly held him and sank next to Jungkook on the bed.

'Bun, I will bring some soup for you, okay?' informed Taehyung and got down to the kitchen to meet a crying Hoseok on floor as no one was around.

Taehyung slowly walked towards Hoseok and kneeled down and wrapped his arms around Hoseok as Hoseok sought the only warmth he was receiving and let out ugly cries.

Taehyung was dumbfounded, because he had never seen any of his hyung so small and vulnerable. He was getting agitated as Hoseok made no efforts to stop himself and he didn't know how to handle the situation.

'Jin Hyung' called Taehyung worried and anxious witnessing Hoseok's state.

Jin emerged from the kitchen and sighed at the scene. He walked towards the duo and forced Taehyung to stand up and shoo him away all while Hoseok's grip on Taehyung was getting stronger. Jin managed to break the grip apart and send him away as Taehyung left to fetch some soup from the kitchen. He smiled as he found Jij already prepared one.

Jin managed to get Hoseok on his legs and support him as he took him to the couch.

'Stop crying. Hoseok' rasped Jin and wiped the tears as new set of tears immediately found its way down.

Jin gently wiped the tears away and waited for Hoseok to stop crying.

'Do you know, what have you done?' asked Jin and Hoseok just nodded

'Then, you should know that forgiveness is not so easily given either. You need to work hard to gain that forgiveness' explained Jin as Hoseok nodded and agreed to whatever he had to do to gain forgiveness from either of them.

'They won't hate me right?' meekley questioned Hoseok shameful of his actions as Jin didn't answer to that. As, Jin himself didn't know the answer to that question.

'Get some rest. Think things through. Decide on how you will gain forgiveness and act on that. Give time for them to digest the entire news through' said Jin and sent Hoseok off to his room.

Jin really wanted to help Hoseok and make him understand all the wrong doings but he knew that Hoseok was grown up and he had to face the consequences of his actions. He just couldn't filter out the things and present that to Hoseok to make things easy.

Jin couldn't help but be biased towards Yoongi in this matter as he had witnessed Yoongi weep for months and had held him, cradled him as he cried to sleep. He just couldn't forgive Hoseok about this and he left the matter to be handled by Yoongi and Alex themselves.

Jin proceeded to ask Namjoon out for dinner as Namjoon was a bit hesitant but agreed eventually.

On the other hand, Yoongi was stroking Alex's face as Alex dozed of on him in midst of thousand of apologies, miss you, love you and a lot more.

Taehyung fed the soups to Jungkook and was happy that Jungkook was feeling good. Surprisingly, Jungkook didn't throw any tantrums while taking his medicine or probably because Jimin bribed to take him out for shopping once he was well and Jungkook had eyes on the new iron man figurine which was going to be released in the end of the week.

Taehyung and Jimin decided to order something for them knowing that Jin was going out with Namjoon.

Jin knocked on Yoongi's door and entered to witness Yoongi half lying on the bed and Alex on top of him and both sleeping with swollen eyes. He gently moved Alex to the middle and made Yoongi sleep in a proper position and tucked them in. He left after pecking Yoongi's forehead.

Jason was out on a mission and Jin and Namjoon arrived at the fancy restaurant Jin had booked for themselves.

Jin made sure to celebrate the youngers victory well and to give the younger the desired congratulations. He wanted to have everyone but as the situation couldn't permit them, he made sure to celebrate the successs and not ignore Namjoon's hardwork on the case.

Jin bought some takeaways for the remaining members. Once he reached the mansion, he found Namjoon dozed off in his seat and he chuckled remembering the days Namjoon slept quietly on the way back home.

Jin got down and carried Namjoon inside and tucked him in. Even though, Namjoon was all grown up he was still a baby for Jin, to be honest everyone was still just a baby for him.

He left two boxes of food on Yoongi's desk with a note and didn't wake them up knowing they needed some rest. He knocked on Hoseok's door and entered to find Hoseok asleep too. He decided on leaving the food on his desk and wrote a note. He checked on the maknae knowing that they had eaten when he found pizza boxes in the trash.

Hey guys! Is it a filler chapter??

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