Chapter 78

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'Yoongi' roared Jason holding onto his anger.

'WHAT!! I AM A FREAK. SHOULD I SPELL IT OUT F-R-E-A-K' yelled Yoongi while harshly wiping his tears.

Yoongi wasn't hearing to Jason. He was blabbering a lot about how much of a freak he was. Jason was losing his patience.

By now, everyone had gathered in Yoongi's room witnessing their hyung going completly crazy. They were worried. Jin was trying to speak but Yoongi wasn't letting anyone speak. Not even a single person. He was pulling his hairs so hard that his hairs were falling out. He was a sobbing mess repeating the word freak over and over again.

The fact that, everyone was witnessing him was making him more anxious. Jin limped towards Yoongi and tried holding him but Yoongi pushed him roughly which ended in Jin falling straight to ground.

Everyone gasped, and Yoongi immediately regretted his action. He looked here and there to find everyone staring at him. He was panicking and he wanted to run away. He launched towards the door but was held back by Jason.

'Leave me, leave me, leave me' struggled Yoongi and Jason tightened his hold. Hoseok helped Jin sit on the bed.

'Everyone out' yelled Jason and others left to give Yoongi some privacy.

Jason had enough. He looked towards Jin and Jin nodded his head. That was what Jason needed.

He slapped Yoongi across the face. It was a slap but it wasn't intended to hurt him but to get him back to his self. Yoongi stared at him in shock and stopped struggling.

Jason pulled him on bed and laid him on his lap. He discarded Yoongi's lower clothes and landed the first spank. Yoongi shuddered and went silent. Jin kept an eye on Yoongi knowing very well that Jason had never punished Yoongi. Yoongi didn't scream he was silent. His face showed no emotions. His eyes leaked tears but there was nothing on his face.

Jason continued and the spanks grew harder and harder. Jason had already spanked him 15 times but Yoongi still was unresponsive. Jin held onto Jason's hand to stop him but Jason gave him an assuring look.

Jason continued to take out his belt and double it and slammed it straight on Yoongi's thighs. There was slight shiver in the younger's body and Jason gave out a satisfied smile at that. He continued with the belt for another 20 times and Yoongi still remained unresponsive. Jin was getting worried and he was about to stop Jason when Yoongi cried out loudly.

'STOP' screeched Yoongi and wailed. Jason wanted a reaction from Yoongi and once when he got that he stopped. He slowly picked Yoongi up and made him straddle him.

He embraced him and rubbed his back and whispered sweet nothing's and Jin was gently singing. Yoongi was able to calm down after a while and continued to stop crying.

Jin forwarded his hand and Jason passed Yoongi to him. Yoongi snuggled closer to his hyung and just stayed there.

Jason was back with a glass of water as he forwarded the glass to Yoongi's mouth. Jin moved back and Yoongi silently sipped the water and tried snuggling back to Jin.

'Hey, hey. We need to talk buddy' softly spoke Jason as Yoongi tried hiding himself in his hyungs hold.

Jason tried to start talking but Yoongi just didn't respond. Jason knew when to be strict and when not to. He sighed.

'Jin out' stated Jason with anger eyes. Jin looked at him and he knew that Jason wasn't joking. Yoongi held onto Jin more.

'He won't speak until you are here. He will continue being ignorant' pointed out Jason and Jin nodded in understanding. He slid Yoongi down on the mattress as Yoongi clutched onto Jin like a kid having their favourite toy snatched away.

Jin walked out and Yoongi was alone with Jason.

'Yoongi, your Hyung isn't here to bear your tantrums. You better start speaking if you dont want the belt again' ordered Jason and Yoongi felt a shiver run down his spine.

'Why did you throw away the pills' coldly asked Jason and Yoongi looked the other side. Jason gently yet tightly held the younger's chin and made sure they both had an eye contact.

'Ia m asking you something Yoongi' stated Jason.

'I am a freak' mumbled Yoongi.

'Who said that you were a freak?' asked Jason.

'Everyone' mumbled Yoongi again.

'Who everyone, Yoongi?' again questioned Jason.

'On the net' whispered Yoongi.

'Go get your phone' ordered Jason and Yoongi waddled towards his phone and gave it to Jason. Jason looked over the younger's phone and sighed.

'Who told you to search online?' asked Jason in a stern tone.

'I..I' stuttered Yoongi as new set of tears made his way down.

'You do not worry about what the net says. You do not read bad comments and take into your heart. People speak whatever they want and you will not hear to them. Yes, you can't sleep. So what? You need sleep and you need help. That's fine. You are getting help from a professional. Everyone is helping you to get over it. When you were young, how come one of your student scored out of out and the other struggled? Because, one was able to understand very easily while one couldn't. Something which is easy for you is tough for me. In the same way, falling asleep is difficult for you and you are working on it. So no negative thoughts and nothing' sternly spoke Jason and Yoongi felt himself a fool to think something which wasn't even true by looking at the online comments.

'You come and talk to me when you have a problem. You do not push anyone. You get it!!' asked Jason and Yoongi nodded his head and mumbled a small sorry.

Jason's face softened at that.

'You want Jin?' asked Jason and Yoongi nodded again.

Jason held his arms forward and Yoongi jumped into that. He broke into tears again. Jason was soft enough to hold him safely and carry him to Jin's room. Jin smiled and took Yoongi from him.

Jin held Yoongi as they stayed in complete silence. Jason bought a pill and held it in front of Yoongi and Yoongi hesitantly opened his mouth to swallow that. Once he did he got a few proud looks from Jin and Jason both and he immediately went shy and snuggled Jin. Both chuckled at the younger's cuteness.

Yoongi fell asleep with the influence of medications as Jason explained everything to Jin. Jin ruffled the younger's hair and sighed.

'I am failing, ain't I?' asked Jin and Jason shook his head.

'No babe, you are doing great' encouraged Jason and Jin's face turned red because of the nick name

'Go, I need to sleep' said Jin as Jason chuckled and left. Jin cuddled Yoongi all night.

Hey guys!! To all this who wanted a bond between Jason and Yoongi, here it is. Comment down what you think.

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