Chapter 97

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'Hyung, you don't blame me do you?' asked Alex as he saw Jin opening up a container and he could easily smell the soup.

'I don't' said Jin and placed the container on the moving table and pushed it in front of Alex as he slowly started drinking the soup.

'Yoo...Yoongi hyung' asked Alex, scared to even take his name.

'Don't talk about him' seethed Jin in anger and Alex looked down and just gobbled up the soup.

'Jimin spoke, about everything' said Jin and Alex nodded.

'I want you to talk to him again' said Jin and looked at him expectancy but received a nod in return.

'When is he coming?' asked Alex and Jin shook his head.

'You are coming with me. Your discharge papers have been signed by your doctor. After, you talk with him, I will drop you off at your house' said Jin and Alex gulped but nodded his head

They reached the mansion and Alex entered Jimin's room putting on a happy place and forwarded his hand in front of Jimin. Jimin looked at him curiously and Alex opened his fist. Jimin's face lightened up as, it was his favourite chocolate. Alex chuckled.

'So, Jimin how are you?' asked Alex in a casual tone. Jimin nodded while trying to open up the wrapper.

'Shall I help you with that?' asked Alex and tried taking the chocolate back but Jimin flinched bad. Jason immediately went back and raised his arms up and Jimin who realised everything giggled loudly.

'Stop laughing.....' whined Jason in playful anger not realising that he was making a bond with Jimin and Jimin was opening up.

'Jin hyung said that you told them everything, so how do you feel now?' asked Alex and Jimin took a book.

'Light' wrote Jimin and Alex nodded with a big smile.

'Ohh, so I am stronger than you!!!' screamed Alex showing off his not so well biceps earning another giggle from Jimin. Jin looked at them through the door and smiled at his baby getting better.

'Have you been getting any nightmares?' asked Alex. Jimin looked away and just stared at the book he was holding.

'Is it a yes?' asked Alex and Jimin didn't answer.

'You know, in my dream today there was a demon ready to kill me by pushing me off of a cliff and there was lava bubbling down the cliff, I was so scared' narrated Alex with fake actions and tone and looked at Jimin for any reaction. Jimin looked up at him with curious eyes to know further.

'I then, I then, kicked him in the face and pushed him into the lave insted' said Alex and Jimin gave a not so impressed look.

'See, I am built strong' again said Alex, now showing off his two arms biceps as Jimin scoffed lowly.

'I do' wrote Jimin and held it up. Alex nodded.

'Jimin, you do know what you went through, right?' asked Alex and Jimin nodded, now with a bit of tears in his eyes.

'What do you feel about it?' asked Alex and Jimin looked at his book with lots of thoughts.

'Hate' wrote Jimin.

'You hate it?' asked Alex and Jimin shook his head.

'You hate the one who did this to you?' asked Alex and Jimin again shook his head.

'You hate yourself?' asked Alex and Jimin nodded, while Jin's heart completely broke.

'And why is that?' asked Alex. Jimin immediately shook his head hard with lots of tears flowing down from his eyes. Alex looked at Jin and sighed him to approach as Jin scooped Jimin in his hold and shushed him.

Once Jin put Jimin to sleep Alex stopped him outside.

'He needs emotional support. He is trying to come up but has not really accepted the entire situation. He is scared and for nightmares I can prescribe him some medication's but I don't want to as he is already under some because of the incident' said Alex and Jin nodded taking in the entire information.

Hoseok walked past them and didn't react at all. Alex, looked down in confusion and betrayal as Jin looked at Hoseok's retreating figure in the change of reaction of him towards Alex.

Jin dropped Alex off and Alex looked at his apartment which was now locked by the owner from whom he rented. He sighed and wiped the year that fell from his eyes and walked away from there making sure that Jin doesn't know that he lost the only place he could stay at and was homeless.

Alex walked with no direction and entered the park as he sat on the cold bench and looked at nothing with thousands of thoughts roaming in his head. He was scared of Hoseok a lot but he was also worried for Yoongi.

Hey guys!!! I know it isn't a great update. It isn't edited, it is short n all. I am sorry abt tat. It's just tat my exams keep postponing and I was worried about the dates for past days. I finally got my time table, yesterday and my hopes crashed. Well, u see I was very excited about a very important function in my family and was looking forward to it the most and the function dates and exam dates clashes, so yeah been upset about it. Well, sorry about sharing my sob story here. Felt, like you would want a proper explanation about everything. Soo, yeah, tats all!

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