Chapter 159

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Jin sighed as he completed his work. He called Yoongi to check on him and Jungkook. He walked towards the table and poured a glass of water and mixed it with electrolyte and walked towards Taehyung and held it near his mouth.

Taehyung was surprised but he still looked away not wanting to drink it. He was still angry with them. Jin softly sat down next to Taehyung and asked Yoongi to reach the hospital soon to replace him so that he could get home and prepare something for the sick people.

Jin kept his mobile aside and looked at Taehyung.

'Tae-Tae, I know baby you are angry at us and I will let you stay angry at us for how long you want. We will earn forgiveness from you but please drink up this. You know you shouldn't show your anger at food, my strong baby.y intelligent bud come on, Hyung is really sorry, drink up'

Jin managed to make the younger drink the electrolyte and he softly wiped the youngers  mouth. He looked around, and found Namjoon soundly asleep.

Jin made his way towards Taehyung's and pulled a chair and sat down knowing that Yoongi would take almost an hour to reach.

'How are you feeling?' gently asked Jin to which Taehyung responded with a scoff.

'As if you care' Jin sighed.

'I do care bud. And, I know I am at fault for making you feel neglected so I will try to make it right, but please give me a chance too, buddy'

'No, you don't. You are just telling this because I am ignoring you if I didn't ignore you then you would have continued neglecting me' Taehyung whisper yelled as Jin didn't know how to make the younger understand it.

'Tae, baby. I do care about you and I am really sorry for neglecting you previously and I will make sure that it doesn't repeat again. Please forgive me' pleaded Jin. As Taehyung shook his head.

'Oh! Now, you are sorry? Why should I forgive you? I won't. You have never cared about me. It is always about others. Ok, you tell me your first priority always have been Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung! And, for Yoongi hyung it's Jimin hyung or Hobi hyung. Hobi hyung, always spoils Jungkook with lots of gifts and takes Jimin out. Namjoon hyung always calls Jimin to help him with the work, when I asked it he just says me I won't understand. And then, all of you spoil Jungkook from what he wants to eat to why he is upset. Where am I? Where am I, in all this? I am always needed when Jungkook gets difficult, and why? Just to handle him. To make sure he ate food and is doing fine'

Jin was shook by the accusations he never realised that Taehyung's sadness wasn't something new but somethinh which was developed over time and had finally bursted out in the form of anger and sadness.

'You know, when I punished Kookie and left. I thought you all were worried about me but nope, you were all worried because Jungkook was looking for me. I lost something very important that day. The only jewellery which connected me to dad. Did one of you, try to console me? Did one of you try to look after me? Did one of you just address the issue? Whenever I hug Yoongi hyung, he pushes me away because he doesn't like skinship then when Jimin hyung practically sits on him, he does nothing and let him do whatever he wants!

Jin tried to explain but Taehyung shook his head.

'No, wait let me tell. Then you all left Jungkook to punish me and were angry on me because I ignored him when he had his appendicitis in the middle of night, but did one of you ask why? Why I sent him away? No, because you guys concluded that I was just angry on him for nothing and disregarded his health. Which wasn't true at all, I sent him away because I had high fever that day. I wasn't able to understand anything as I had brutally head ache. I didn't want him to catch fever from me so I sent him away. Then, you left him to punish me and claimed it as spontaneous decision but why didn't one of you care to stay in the room? Why didn't one of you tell him to atleast punish in the proper way?'

Taehyung was crying by now and Jin was trying his best to stay strong. He was rubbing Taehyung's back to let him tell everything that was hurting him knowing that, that would make him feel light.

'Fine let's leave that, after that why didn't anyone try to make it up with me soon? Oh, let me tell you why , because you were busy with Yoongi hyung and Jimin hyung. And finally, the day I came home and literally slept on the couch because I was actually not feeling good, I got yelled at and punished. Wait, then Hoseok hyung comes and screams at me, why? Am I the only one who is ill? Am I the only one who skipped food?'

Taehyung was breathing heavily by now. Jin took a glass of water and softly made Taehyung drink it to calm him down.

'I have lots more to say like this, but that will only waste time and energy. You want me to forgive you? Then I will, it doesn't matter anymore. Cause, even if I stay angry at you you will try a bit then gain forgiveness and then it's the same exact thing'

Taehyung said and turned around facing Jin's back but then he again stopped and continued.

'Also, I spoke to Kook and made himself understand that he doesn't get into the mafia. He was just rebelling and he didn't even want to be one in the first place and that was the reason I got late submitting my ideas to the new pitch. Also, tell Yoongi hyung that the pitch was finalized and presented to the other company weeks before and we already gained that deal. Maybe, he didn't know it'

Taehyung turned around and covered himself with a blanket while crying softly. Jin didn't realise that Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook heard the conversation as his call with Yoongi was never cut. He looked around and found Namjoon wide awake listening to everything and Hoseok with a syringe. Well, he now has one less work, explaining to everyone about Taehyung's conversation.

Hey guys!!!! How is it? Is it up to the mark? Also, comment down on how they might earn Taehyung's forgiveness and is he right?

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