Chapter 54

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Yoongi had consoled Jimin and sent him to do some other works. Yoongi finished his works early as he had to SPEAK with Jungkook. Yoongi and Jimin was the last to come home. Jimin wasn't really interested in anything and he just went straight to his room. Others were a bit confused about Jimin but shrugged it off when Yoongi mentioned that he had a bad day in work.

Yoongi waited till they finsihed dinner. He then called Jungkook to his room while Taehyung gave him puppy eyes to not talk with Jungkook. Yoongi dismissed Taehyung and went ahead to his room where, he was met with Jungkook sitting on his bed and looking at Yoongi in confusion.

Yoongi cleared his throat and made Jungkook stand between his knees as he sat down on the bed comfortably.

'Jungkook, is it the way to talk to your elders?' sternly spoke Yoongi. Jungkook just gave him a confused look.

'Is that the way to speak to Jimin? How could you talk to your Hyung without any respect? Was it okay to talk about something related to work with your Hyung?, when you are not allowed to be involved in any of the office matters.' strictly started Yoongi.

Jungkook seemed to realise what the conversation was about and felt his heart beat increasing. He could actually hear his pulse. He started biting his lips in nervousness and looked down not answering Yoongi.

'Jungkook, I asked you something?' spoke Yoongi and Jungkook shivered.

'I..I' stuttered Jungkook but didn't answer. Yoongi was losing his patience.

'Jungkook!!! I don't have time for your drama here! I asked you a question and I expect an answer from you' warned Yoongi. Yoongi always dealt with Jungkook with lots of patience knowing how sensitive Jungkook was.

Jungkook always felt Yoongi was biased with Jimin and Yoongi losing patience with Jungkook that to when it was about Jimin just made Jungkook upset and come to a conclusion that Yoongi doesn't like him. Jungkook was not thinking right, but no one could blame him afterall he was just a teenager who couldn't think things through.

Yoongi glared at Jungkook with cold eyes while Jungkook mistook it as angry, hateful glare. He didn't know why he didn't want to cry in front of Yoongi anymore.

'I am sorry hyung. I shouldn't have spoken rudely with Jimin hyung. I also, shouldn't have interfered with company matters. I shouldn't have said so many hurtful words for Jimin Hyung' accepted Jungkook and Yoongi was shocked at the professional speech the younger was using. That hurt Yoongi but he masked the feelings really well.

'Good, that you know about it Kookie. I hope you don't repeat it again.' said Yoongi, voice soft from before.

'I will take my leave then Hyung' uttered Jungkook. Yoongi just nodded and let Jungkook go.

Jungkook wasn't calm he was in so many thoughts and was not understanding what should he think about altogether of the situation. Didn't Jimin forgive him already about this? Did Jimin complain about him to Yoongi? Does, Yoongi hate him now?

There was hundreds of thoughts roaming around Jungkook's head that he ended up bumping to Jimin.

Jimin blasted at Jungkook.

'Can't you see where you are going?' snapped Jimin and walked off to Yoongi's room. Jungkook just watched that with a broken heart.

Jin was a bit away from the maknae and had witnessed the entire situation. Jin extended his hands for a hug and Jungkook found himself sobbing like a little baby in his hyungs warm embrace.

'Koo, Chim didn't mean to. Jimin had an awful day, baby that's why he is so snappy. Don't take it to heart baby! Hyung will talk to him. hmm' consoled Jin. Jungkook just tightened the hug more.

'Wan Tae' slurred Jungkook. Jin walked with Jungkook to Taehyung and Taehyung sighed knowing that his bunny was again hurt.

'Hyung, does Yoongi hyung hate me? He..he snapped m.e. for taking long to speak. Jimin hyung complained to Yoo..Yoongi hyung about me? Jimin hyung snapped too' cried out Jungkook and Taehyung tried his best to calm his baby down.

Jin was calculating a lot in his mind after hearing to Jungkook. He had to talk to Yoongi before it's too late. Jin and Taehyung shared a look as Taehyung made sure to comfort the younger.

Jin headed towards Yoongi's room and opened it to find Jimin sobbing.

'Minnie, what's wrong baby' rushed Jin, forgetting completely why did he even enter the room. Jimin jumped on Jin and cried while Yoongi stayed afraid that Jimin would confess about his crush.

Luckily, Jimin didn't though, he slept as the tiredness was finally kicking in. Jin made sure to lay Jimin down properly and gave his complete attention to Yoongi.

'Yoongi, what did you speak with Jungkook?' asked Jin. Yoongi was weirded out about the question but he did explain everything. Jin sighed.

'Yoon, you need to understand that Koo is still the youngest of all of us. Not to mention, he already thinks that you like Jimin more than him and if you deal with him with so much anger then he will misconcept it to you hating him bubby. He thinks that Jimin complained about him to you and you hate him. Yoon, you need to have patience while handling such issues with the maknae.' softly explained Jin.

Yoongi silently nodded and uttered out a sorry knowing that he did lose his patience with Jungkook at some point.

Yoongi found himself walking towards Jungkook and asking Taehyung to leave the room as Jungkook begged him not to. Yoongi pulled Jungkook towards him and made him sit infront of him.

'Koo, hyung loves you very much. You and Jimin are same to me baby. I love both of you. I am sorry I shouldn't have snapped at you earlier I was just worried about some works baby. Hyung is sorry and Jimin didn't complain, baby it's just that Jimin took your words to heart and talked his feelings. I should have considered that you were already punished for that, sorry baby. Forgive hyungie' sincerely apologised Yoongi.

'I will...' said Jungkook.

'U will?' asked Yoongi.

'Only if you promise to buy me this new limited jacket, tomorrow' asked Jungkook with evil shining eyes. Yoongi sighed and nodded which soon turned into a smile looking at the younger dancing around happily.

Hey guys!!!! Sorry, the chapter is not up to the mark. Had a really really bad day. Comment down your thoughts though!!!

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