Chapter 63

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Jin was shocked to witness the room. The entire room was hustled as if it was met with a tornado. Everything thrown around but he found no one in there. Where was Jason?

Jin looked around the room searching each and very corner but Jason was no where. He was afraid, he ran downstairs in panick.

'He isn't there, where is he?' screamed Jin as all the guards alarmed at the new information. What were they supposed to do? One son of the family was laying dead while the other was nowhere.

Jin seemed to realise something and he made a run to the major part of the mansion followed by half of the guards and his brothers. He struggled to open the door as it was locked.

'Key, get the damn keys' yelled Jin as one of the guard took out the key and handed it to him. Jin opened the door with a lot of struggle and sighed a relief when he saw Jason lying on the hard, cold ground clutching onto the family picture. Everyone's heart broke at that sight.

Jin wipes his tears and concealed his emotions because he needed to be strong. Jimin though, jumped on Jason in an attempt to wake him up. Jason woke up with a jolt and pushed Jimin in panick and held a gun at him. No one could blame him, well that's how mafia's are.

Jin immediately hugged Jason to calm him down and Jason could now figure out that he was surrounded by his guards and Jin's brothers and he just pushed Jimin.

Yoongi checked on Jimin and Jimin was hurt by the older's actions.

'Jason, we should go downstairs.' calmly spoke Jin.

'Why?' coldly questioned Jason

'Won't you say goodbye to your brother hmm?' softly worded Jin scared of the outburst.

'He is not dead. He is alive. CAN'T YOU TRUST ME?? He is alive' yelled Jason in denial of the emotional news as he struggled to get out of Jin's tight grip.

'Jason, hear to me' tried Jin but Jason just started hitting Jin as he couldn't come out of the tight hold. Jin stayed strong even though the punchs hurt.

Jin expected Jason to calm down in a minute or two but Jason didnt.

'Jason!!!' yelled Jin as Jason halted in his actions.

'He is dead. You brother was beaten to death. You get it? You realise it? He was beaten to death. He was killed. He is dead. He is no more. He isn't alive anymore.' cold heartedly spoke Jin while making sure to hold eye contact with Jason. Jason broke at each word. He broke down completely.

'He lef..left me' stuttered Jason.

'Don't you want to take a look at him? Your brother is waiting for you. Don't you want to bid goodbye to him?' softly spoke Jin as Jason nodded his head like a desperate kid to want a candy.

Jin held onto Jason bringing him to his legs and slowly walked down the stairs supporting Jason as Jason hid behind him. Strange right? But a death can change many things.

Jin brought Jason towards the lifeless body and Jason just lost it. He completely broke down and hugged the dead and sobbed as the dead body had no presence of warmth but only cold and hardness.

Jason reminiscined his moments with his older brother and broke more. And the sudden thought of his sister in law hit him. What was he going to answer his sister in law? She didn't even know about this. And his kid? How will he meet eyes with his neice?

He immediately rushed back and searched frantically for his phone. He shakingly clicked onto the number which his brother had forbade to. Because his brother didn't want to keep any contact with the mafia family.

'H..hello' weakly spoke Jason.

'Hellooo' joyfully yelled his niece in happiness and Jason covered his mouth to not break into a new set of sobs. Jin was close to his family too. Jason was on speaker.

Jin took hold of the mobile as he held onto Jason.

'Hello baby' sweetly spoke Jin.

'Jinnnieeee!!!' the girl yelled

'Ara baby, pass the phone to your mommy' softly said Jin and Ara ran towards her mother

'Hello' spoke Ara's mother.

'Hello noona, I am Jin' spoke Jin.

'Hmm' hummed her Mother.

'Noona, I am sorry I don't know how to break the news to you. Hyung, is no more. He wasn't on a business trip rather he was kidnapped and they killed him' said Jin without beating around the bush anymore.

The phone collapsed from her hands as she cried.

'Noona, Noona' yelled Jin as she weakly responded.

'M..y' she was cut off with sobs.

'Noona, the driver is waiting for you please come here as early as possible' uttered Jin and cut the call and Jason broke into a new set of sobs.

They were in the mansion in less than a hour and Ara's joyfull happy face broke down witnessing her father's dead body.

'Appa....!!!! Appa!! Apppaaa!!!!' screamed Ara with pain in her voice. She was sobbing heavily while repeating only one word Appa.

'Eomma, say Appa to wake up. Say him to wake up' screamed Ara in desperation.

'Samchoon, wake appa. Appa, appa!!!?' yelled Ara as everyone stood like a motionless figure. Ara ended up falling asleep after the intense crying session on Jimin's lap. Jimin was in tears and was softly stroking the younger's hair with adoration.

A slap sounded the mansion. They turned around to look at Jason holding onto his cheek as Ara's mother slapped him in the face.

'Sorry...sorry....Sorry' pleaded Jason while he was dismissed with a cold poker face by his sister in law.

'You caused this. Bring back my husband. Bring my husband back. You say you wanted to keep us safe, you wanted to keep Ara safe then what did you do? Give Ara her appa back' yelled Ara's
Mother with pain and agony as Jason fell on his knees.

'Your hyung was right about your family. You are coldhearted and ruthless' Jason fell in a deeper guilt.

'Noona' softly whispered Jin.

'No Jin, stop. Don't you dare take his side. You did a great job breaking up with him, because he is so selfish that he couldn't even save his own hyungs life' yelled Ara's mother and Jimin and Hoseok's mouth hung in shock.

'Was Jin and Jason dating?'  roamed around their head. Jimin couldn't help but feel betrayed at that.

'Sorry, sorryy...' begged Jason but to no avail.

'I will avenge his death' spoke Jason to be cruelly laughed by his sister in law.

'I am done with you and this family. You know nothing other than to kill and be killed. Don't you dare be present on his funeral' coldly spoke Ara's mother and performed the last rights with the body.

Ara had fallen ill with high fever and she wanted to stay close with Jason at any cost. She loved Jason so much. The only way Jason would do something other than lying down was keeping Ara safe and sound.

He wasn't allowed inside the funeral which ripped him in half and killed his inner self. Ara and Ara's mother flew abroad to stay away from all the matters. Jason was all alone. He was abandoned and had no family to be with. He was again lonely.

Jimin blamed Jin for stealing Jason away and refused to forgive Jin when in reality nothing was Jin's fault. Jimin still tried to make amends with Jason as Jin thought it was batter to have Jason stay with them for a while.

Hey guys!!!

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