Special Chapter

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Hey guys!!!! Thanks a lot for reporting the account! The person reached out and apologised and it's all good now. You guys are the absolute best!!! Also, a special chapter as I promised! Love yaa💜💜

Bear with me guys, this isn't edited 🤧

'Hyung I am not well' mumbled Namjoon as he was being scolded by Hoseok. They had been practicing the dance for hours and Namjoon was stuck at the single mistake causing all of them to lag behind.

Hoseok was furious and others were tired too. Namjoon, though hid the fact that he wasn't feeling well this morning. His muscles were all sore and his body ached. He first dismissed the thought thinking it's just because of the strain from the practice but it prolonged till evening and now he was feeling his breath hot and throat dry as he surpassed his coughs to the most extent.

'Kim Namjoon!, Why can't you just concentrate on the damn practice. Why are you lagging. If you have no interest in practicing you can leave from here and never return back. I don't want to look at your face even for a second longer. You know better not to neglect your work. Jimin, is Ill but he is dancing better than you. You are pulling us back. Do you even know how hard I worked on the choreography? It's easier to choreograph for 6 members. Just get the fuck out Namjoon!!! yelled Hoseok and instantly regretted the words he spat.

Hoseok was tired and the stress was eating him up. Namjoon was adding more to that stress and he scolded or more like spat the most hurtful words to the younger. He regretted all those words instantly but his ego didn't let him apologize.

Namjoon looked around and gazed at all the confused expressions of his bandmates and confused it as hateful glares. He didn't even take a second to run out of the dance room to the washroom. Jin's calling felt distinct to him as he ran further and away.

Once Namjoon ran away, Yoongi tried going behind him but a painful whimper from Jimin made him stop as he embraced Jimin who was sobbing because of the pain in his head and all the screaming.

Jin glared at Hoseok and Hoseok looked down as a tear fell from his eyes but he managed to hide it and give his attention to Jimin.

Yoongi held Jimin in his embrace trying to calm him down as Jimin clutched his head in pain. Jin was soothingly talking to him and Taehyung was searching around for the medicines and Jungkook was out to get a couple of water bottles as the one they had was empty. Hoseok also apologised to Jimin for screaming and assured him that everything was fine.

Taehyung finally found the medicine and rushed towards Taehyung who was instantly met with a gasping Jungkook because of running with water bottles. They managed to feed Jimin the tablet and put him to sleep.

It was silent for a few minutes and Jin decided to take matters into his own hands.

"Tae, Kook takes Jimin to the dorm and stays with him. If he wakes up call any of us" said Jin and both of them followed. Jungkook carried Jimin with ease and Taehyung drove towards the dorm.

Namjoon on the other hand broke down miserably in the washroom with hands on his mouth to silence his sobs. He didn't realise that he was feeling lower than before and he fainted in the washroom stall with no one around.

"Hoseok! Namjoon is a part of us and I won't tolerate the way you speak to your dongsaengs. Would you like it if I say, its easier to cook for 6 members than 7?" Scolded Jin and Hoseok looked down with shame.

"I am sorry hyung, I didn't mean it. I was just stressed" accepted Hoseok with tears falling continuously from his eyes.

"Whatever the reason maybe Hoseok but that is not the way to talk to anyone. We are all here having millions of armies because of him. He is a core member of our group" remained Jin and Hoseok had nothing to say other than to regret his actions.

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