chapter 1

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It was six in the morning and Jungkook couldn't get a wink of sleep as it was his result day. The day he feared the most. He was scared and just wanted to disappear because he couldn't face the look of disappointment on his hyungs face. He knew he had to study but he couldn't help but be attracted to his new set of videogames which arrived just the day before his exams. To make matters worse he lied to his hyungs that he aced the exam but in reality there is not even a single chance he could pass.
Lying is something which is not tolerated in the Kim household. His hyungs said only one thing, "Don't lie at any cost. If you have made a mistake accept it but lying will just make it worse". And Jungkook broke the most important rule. He is so done is all he could think of. He groaned and looked at the clock which showed 8 in the morning. He couldn't believe that another 2 hours passed just like that. He would be getting his result today at his school at 9.30. It was just another parent teacher meeting.
He heard the footsteps coming near his room. He was afraid and he tucked himself under the blanket and pretended to be asleep. The door opened to reveal his most handsome hyung, his Jin hyung.
Jin walked up to his makhnae's bed. He sat down and gently took off the blanket from jungkook's face to reveal his youngest brother the one he adores the most. Jin pecked jungkook's forehead and slowly tapped his cheek to wake him up.
Jin: Wake up kookie. Today is your result day. We will see your result and celebrate it with ice cream. Wake up baby.
To Jin's surprise Jungkook did wake up as soon as he said those words. But strangely Jungkook didn't whine or hug his hyung rather ran to his washroom. Jin shrugged it off and went out to prepare the breakfast and wake up others. He had already told everyone to take half a day off so that they could celebrate jungkook's result and enjoy themselves.
Time skip: After breakfast
Jungkook tried pretending to be normal but he utterly failed as everyone noticed how nervous he looked. He didnt eat his breakfast which was his favourite and everyone one knows that Jungkook doesnt eat only when he is hiding or he is nervous. Namjoon tried asking but stopped himself as Jin glared at him to be quite. Jin had already guessed what might be wrong with Jungkook but he let it be thinking he could talk about it later.
Jin: Kookie sorry baby I won't be able to make it to your school today. I have an important meeting baby. But Joon wi come with you and behave Kookie.
Kookie felt like the whole universe was against him as his Namjoon hyung is the strictest out of everyone and he is super strict with studies. Jungkook felt like he couldn't breathe thinking about the consequences but he managed to reply.
Yes Hyung.
Jungkook I hope you have done well and I better be not disappointed with the results. Said Taehying coldly.
Jungkook gulped at Taehyungs words knowing very clearly that he is gonna upset everyone. Also did I mention that Jungkook is scared of one and only Kim Taehyung because Taehyung is very very strict with Jungkook. He will punish Jungkook severely even for the tiniest mistakes.
That's enough Tae come on let's go said Jimin as he pulled Tae out of their mansion to head towards their work.
Hoseok ended up leaving after Jimin and Taehyung to his hospital and then Namjoon and Jungkook headed out towards school. Lastly Jin headed towards his office.

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