Chapter 117

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The next day was a nightmare to Hoseok. He was shook awake by the staff asking him to report to Alex who had now taken his place.

As he walked towards Alex's cabin which was his till yesterday he could hear all types of whispers and mumbled from the hospital workers, interns, doctors, nurses and even staff. All those made him a lot weaker and upset. It was like he was the centre of attention and he hated it. He was ridiculed by everyone around. The ones who respected him were now batting lots of names towards him. He meekly with head down walked towards Alex's cabin

'Is it the time for an intern to report?' asked Alex and Hoseok let out a sheepish smile but it was soon turned down when he gazed at Alex's strict face. Unknowingly, Alex wanted Hoseok to suffer because he hurt Yoongi and Yoongi's tears from last night angered Alex to the most, blinding him from what is right and what is wrong.

'You are coming with me for the rounds' commanded Alex and walked ahead with Hoseok and others in his team.

He checked on the first patient and asked an absolutely ridiculous question to Hoseok infront of all his group and the patient to which Hoseok failed to answer even though he was the top surgeon.

Alex then asked another question to the other intern and the intern immediately answered as it was a very easy question. Hoseok was no fool, he immediately knew what was up with Alex.

This continued in the next five patients they visited and Hoseok failed to answer each one of the question. He actually tried one but he could get the answer right which only made Alex mock him infront of everyone.

Once the round was completed the junior doctors left and it was only Alex, Hoseok and other intern in the cabin.

Alex used this as an opportunity to humiliate Hoseok and scolded him with unfriendly words in front of the other intern.

'Hoseok, what have you been learning all your life? If you want to treat someone atleast know about the symptoms you are treating. You could barely answer any questions. If you faio at such easy questions how will you end up being a doctor? How! Also, start working on the case study. I also want the report of each patients symptoms, diseases and the symptoms patient is complaining compared with the actual symptom by noon. A minute late you are on scratch work!' ordered Alex.

'Yes, sir' replied Hoseok with a tired tone. He hadn't eaten anything since yesterday and it was taking a toll on him.

'And, you did wonderful I should say. Keep up the good work!' appreciated Alex to the other intern who just genuinely smiled. He felt bad for Hoseok in reality and wanted nothing but to help him and he was going to help him even if would get reprimanded for that.

Once Hoseok walked out with hands in his pocket the intern followed Hoseok closely and caught up with him.

'Hey, I am Dale' introduced Dale the other intern to which Hoseok just smiled.

'Hoseok' replied Hoseok with tired voice. Dale gave out a million dollar smile and continued walking with Hoseok.

'I was wondering if I could help you with the report and the case study. You won't be able to complete it on your own by noon' pointed out Dale to which Hoseok shook his head knowing that Alex wanted only him to suffer and if Alex got to know that Dale helped him then he would be in for some more works.

'Pleaseeeeee' whined Dale to which Hoseok chuckled and didn't have the heart to hurt the younger and so agreed.

With the help of Dale, Hoseok was able to finish the report and he submitted it to Alex. Alex, didn't even take a look at that and just threw it in the dustbin.

'Its wrong. Make another one' commanded Alex and called in the next patient. Hoseok sighed. He was tired and hungry.

He went out with drooped shoulders and Dale immediately guessed what might be wrong so he just cheered Hoseok up and helped him again to make new report

Alex kept on rejecting the report for 3 times more and at last he accepted it and it was already night. Alex bid bye to Hoseok and walked out not caring anymore.

Hoseok on the other hand had no energy to even stand on his own. He felt light headed and was about to lose his balance but Dale helped him up

'Dale, you should leave. It's late' spoke Hoseok to whish Dale hesitantly agreed and walked out.

Hoseok held onto the wall and reached the canteen but too bad the canteen was already closed. He sighed and tried ordering a take out but soon realised that all his cards were blocked leaving him 2ith no dime of money. He cried to sleep, clutching his growling stomach.

Alex continued tormenting Hoseok for little things the next day too. Hoseok ended up with no food the following day as Alex made sure he has no single minute to rest even.

Dale was suspicious of Alex hurting Hoseok intentionally but he could not blame him as Alex was nothing but super sweet towards him

The following day, Hoseok got late to report because he was light headed, he was burning with light fever and had thrown up bile juice 2 times.

Alex was no longer anger just worried. He knew from the beginning that Hoseok's punishment was too much. The starting three days he made sure to belittle Hoseok because he was nagry but now he just felt sorry for the younger

He was going to talk to Yoongi before it was too late.

But was it already late? Because, Hoseok fainted in the restroom late night with no one around to check on him with sick surrounding him everywhere.

'Hyung...' mumbled Hoseok in his unconscious state to be embraced by the cold wind.

Hey guys!!! What are your thoughts on Dale?

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