Chapter 7

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           Jimin flinched at Yoongi's yell. He spilled the cup of water he was holding on the papers he was working on.
    'Kim Jimin!!, my cabin now' ordered Yoongi and stormed off slamming the door in the process which made Jimin jump for his life. He was scared shitless but still went towards his hyung's cabin. There was Yoongi's secretary giving a soft assuring glance at Jimin.
     Jimin slowly knocked on the door.
    'Come in' said Yoongi. Anyone would figure out that the person inside was burning in anger by his voice. Jimin took a deep breath and entered the cabin, while crossing his index and middle finger one upon the other. A habit which he does when he is anxious.
       Jimin took baby steps towards Yoongi's work desk and stood there glancing at the floor. Yoongi didn't even glance at his younger brother rather threw the papers on Jimin's face. Jimin barely managed to catch it.
     'Go through the papers' ordered Yoongi in his ice cold voice.
  Jimin nervously checked the papers and his heart stopped when his eyes halted at the numbers. The last two numbers were interchanged.  Beads of sweat were dropping down his face.
        'Th..the nu..numbers' whispered Jimin.
        'I can't hear you, Jimin' roared Yoongi even though he heard what the younger said. Jimin took a second to calm himself.
         'Hy..hyung, th...the numbers are wr..wrong' stuttered Jimin.
         'And whose mistake is that?' questioned Yoongi giving out a cold glare.
         'Mine?' Jimin questioned in confusion, but by looking at his hyungs poker face he knew he was done for.
          'My mistake hyung, sorry hyung, I won't repeat it hyung. Sorry' apologized Jimin completely scared.
         'Your apology doesn't matter Jimin. We lost the deal. I told you to stop slacking off and concentrate. Where is your concentration?' questioned Yoongi. Jimin was silent that the entire office could hear his hyung's words but lucky for him the cabin was sound proof.
       Jimin remained silent. He didn't answer. He didn't know what to answer. It was his mistake. He had to go through the papers before giving it to Yoongi but he was caught up with Jungkook and Taehyung that he forgot to check them up again. He wasn't blaming his younger brothers because it was his own fault, but right now he couldn't answer his hyung.
         Yoongi was pissed when Jimin didn't answer him and rather looked at the ground.
       'Take off your pants and underpants, and bend on the desk.' Yoongi said, voice cold with no remorse.
         'Hy..Hyung' stuttered Jimin.
         'Do I need to repeat myself?' questioned Yoongi and Jimin got into the position in the very next second. He was scared. His fear intensified when he heard unbuckling sound of the belt. He thought of talking with his hyung but decided against it. He was pulled out of his thoughts when the belt striked on his right butt cheek hard as ever.
      'Ahhh!!!' Jimin let out a high pitch scream, but Yoongi was stern as ever.
          'Count' was all Yoongi said. Jimin didn't and the next stroke landed on his thighs making it red instantly.
      ' Hyung' stuttered out Jimin.
       'Tw..twent f.five hyung, Hyung stop I can't take it hyung. Stop hyung stop' Jimin begged in pain. His bottom was beat red and there was some purple bruises forming. Yoongi gave him five more and buckled back his belt.
         'Wear your clothes' Yoongi said, voice still the same. Jimin who didn't realise the punishment was over was still apologizing his heart out. Not wanting to anger his hyung anymore he followed his hyungs order. He expected Yoongi to hug him and tell him that the punishment was over and it was a simple mistake.
           'What are you looking at?. Go complete your work and I would like to see the file you are working on, the first thing in the morning' ordered Yoongi. Jimin felt his heart break but still he managed to nod his head and wipe his never ending tears and went back to his cabin. He didn't fail to notice the pity glance Yoongi's secretary gave him.
          Once he came back to his cabin, he locked the door and sobbed his heart out. He was bought out of his thoughts by a phone call. He smiled when he saw the caller ID. It was Taehyung.
       'H...hello' picked Jimin, trying to stable his voice which was shivering.
        'Hello, minne, thank you a lot Hyung. I spoke to Kook. I love you minnie. Thank you' confessed Taehyung with a never ending satisfaction and excitement in which he failed to recognise his hyungs crying.
          'Its fine Tae, I have some work. I will call you later' Jimin cut the call instantly not being able to control his sobs. Taehyung was weirded out by Jimin but decided to shrugg it off thinking that Jimin was actually busy with work.
          Jimin broke down crying. He was insecure and his hyung's words fueled his insecurity to the peak. His gaze fell upon the files he was working on. He was determined to finish it even though it meant being awake the entire night. His pants were frustrating him, it was grazing over his hurt bottom making him hiss in pain. He wanted to throw it away but his hyung had clearly mentioned to wear it, so he didn't.
            It was almost 10 in the night. All the employees had left the building. Yoongi had left an hour earlier due to some work. Namjoon and Jin were in the other part of the building, that they didn't check on Jimin.
     Jimin had been working non-stop for 2 hours straight. His eyes were bloodshot and puffed up. His face looked swollen. His bottom was hurting like hell. All the crying had made him tired wanting to rest, but he was determined to complete the work.
              Yoongi had directly head towards his room and slept completely forgetting to check on the younger. Jin and Namjoon returned late and were tired so they ended up sleeping. Jungkook had finished his studies and slept. Hoseok had an emergency so he ended up staying in the hospital. None of them knew that there was Jimin working his ass off, controlling his emotions to the extent that he ended up having a massive head ache. He had already gulped down a painkiller making him more sleepy but he refused to rest.
         Finally, he completed the work at morning 7, his hyung would come in another half an hour. He didn't want to sleep.
          On the other hand, in the mansion everyone were sitting on the dining table. Jungkook noticed that Jimin was no where.
    'Yoonie hyung, where is minnie hyung' questioned Jungkook innocently.
        'Where is Jimin, Yoongi' questioned Jin casually when Yoongi didn't answer Jungkook. That was the moment Yoongi realised his mistake. Yesterday's events ran through his head like a movie. His face scrunched up in worry. He immediately left the mansion not even bothering to answer to the calls he was getting from his brothers.
           All Yoongi could think of was how messed up everything was. How could he do such a thing over a simple mistake. The deal was nowhere important than Jimin. He reached the office in a span of 15 minutes. He immediately ran towards Jimin's cabin and noticed that there was no one there. He then saw the empty cover of the tablet. It was painkillers, the only thing he could think of it was that Jimin was hurt.
       He anxiously walked to his cabin.
     'Sir, Jimin sir is waiting for you' said his secretary. Yoongi sighed in relief and entered the office giving of a nod to his secretary. He saw Jimin fall from the couch he was sleeping. He walked to his chair and sat, Jimin was standing in front of him. He could notice Jimin's puffed up swollen eyes. A slight hiss as he walked. A hand on his head giving of the sign that he was in pain.
         'Hyung, the file' said Jimin, snapping Yoongi from his thoughts. Yoongi took the file and he noticed how the younger's hand trembled. He felt awful. He went through the file only to be astonished at how well the younger had completed his work. He was too proud and that is when he remembered yesterday's words he said to the younger. He wanted to kill himself for those words. He was frustrated and took it out on Jimin.
         He messaged his secretary to bring up some food for Jimin and to not disturb.
         'Jimin, come here' called Yoongi. Jimin was scared and took very small baby steps towards his hyung. Yoongi in a swift motion pulled Jimin and laid him on his lap, taking out his pants and underpants in the process. Jimin was startled and cried thinking that his hyung was going to spank him again.
      'Hyung, I am sorry hyung. Don't spank me. It hurts hyung , it hurts. Please Hyung' begged Jimin afraid.
     Yoongi's heart hurt hearing to those words. He slowly rubbed Jimin's back to calm him. He pulled out a tube from his draw and squeezed a good amount on Jimin's bottom. He slowly applied it. Jimin hissed when the cream made contact with his butt. The burning was soon subsided by the cooling effect.
           'Pants?' questioned Yoongi softly.
          'No pants' Jimin shook his head like a baby warming Yoongi's heart. Yoongi slowly straddled Jimin on his thighs making sure that Jimin's butt was not in contact with anything. There was a knock on the door. He picked up a blanket which was kept in the same draw and wrapped Jimin in it as Jimin laid his head on Yoongi's shoulders and sobbed.
          'Come in' answered Yoongi. The secretary bowed and kept the tray on the desk. She pecked Jimin's forehead and went out. Yoongi's secretary was close to everyone. She was elder than everyone of them and she took care of them like her own kids after their parents death. Everyone liked her because she was always professional and kept things to herself. Never gossiped about anyone and genuinely took care of them.
            'Here' Yoongi spoke as he bought a spoon of food towards Jimin's mouth. Jimin shook his head.
          'Hey, Hey none of that' softly said Yoongi. Jimin slowly opened his mouth letting Yoongi feed him. Yoongi finished feeding him and Jimin groaned.
            'What's wrong Chimmy' softly asked Yoongi.
            'My head' whined Jimin annoyed that everything was hurting him.
            'Shh! Shh! It's okay. Hyung will take care of that. Shh!' gently calmed Yoongi as he messaged his secretary to get some painkillers. The secretary was there with some tablets and a glass of warm water.
       Yoongi thanked her and she left. Yoongi gently bought the pill towards Jimin's mouth and tapped on his mouth to let him open. Jimin gets moody when he is not feeling well and Yoongi could sense a tantrum coming from Jimin. Jimin shook his head refusing the tablet and pushed his hand away making the tablet fly and fall. Jimin started sobbing not being able to handle the pain. Jimin always had the lowest pain tolerance among everyone which made all his hyungs to take extra care of him after punishments. Yoongi was blaming himself for his brothers health.
             Yoongi patiently let Jimin throw the tantrum as he held onto Jimin. Once Jimin was tired he just sat on his hyung. Yoongi bought the pill and this time Jimin let Yoongi feed him. Yoongi then gave him water to swallow the tablet which Jimin did. He then started massaging Jimin's swollen butt to ease him as he allowed Jimin to take all the comfort he wanted. In no time Jimin fell asleep in his hyungs hold.
        Yoongi then picked him up gently and walked towards his bed which was attached to his cabin. He gently laid Jimin down and tucked him wrapping up a blanket around him. He pecked Jimin's forehead.
       'Hyung is sorry, Chimmy, hyung will take better care of you' whispered Yoongi and closed the door.

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