Chapter 9

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       Hoseok entered the room to witness Namjoon laying down on the bed. He was irritated at Namjoon's actions.

        'Kim Namjoon' roared Hoseok.
        'What Hyung' asked Namjoon annoyed.
         'Get up'
         'I am sleepy hyung, get lost. I want to rest'

  That was it. Hoseok twisted Namjoon's ear and Namjoon let out a scream of pain. He pulled Namjoon up by his ear.

      'Hyung, Hyung let go. It's hurting' cried out Namjoon only for Hoseok to tighten the grip.
When he thought Namjoon had enough he let go of his ear and expected to see some change in  Namjoon's behaviour but there was nothing. There stood Namjoon as annoyed as ever.

      'Hyung, why did you do that' yelled Namjoon. Hoseok was tired. He was not into dealing with Namjoon at this moment. He pulled Namjoon and forced him down on his knees making him face the wall.

      'Think about what you just did Kim Namjoon.' said Hoseok and sat on the bed looking at Namjoon's back. Surprisingly, Namjoon sat in his position without throwing any tantrums. Hoseok sighed and layed on the bed keeping an eye on Namjoon.

             Namjoon was annoyed, he didn't know why he was being punished. Like, he didn't do anything wrong. His hyung was really bothering him. It was his file he will submit whenever he want to. He was grown up, grown up enough to take his own life decisions and he wasn't understanding why he couldn't have the party. He was really looking forward to it. His hyung could have just given him permission why didn't he give, rather he warned him to not party.

                 All of his school friends had hoisted a party at their place and it was his turn, why shouldn't he hoist a party? What will they say?

        But, now that he was thinking about it, he could understand why. Firstly, the file he had to submit was important like really important and that file was related to the meeting they were having the next day. He understood, why his hyung was asking about it. The meeting was very important, it was related about the company's welfare. The same meeting for which all his hyungs were worked up. Jin had been working non-stop for it. Yoongi had been frustrated a lot about it.

           Secondly, about the party. He kind of understood why he didn't want to have the house party. The last time he had a house party everyone were wrecked. The bottles were scattered all over the hall. There were his friends puking all over the sofa, carpet. His friends had ruined the entire house. The most important was Hoseok had been depressed for a month. The reason was unknown.

          Once he realised how rude he had behaved with his hyungs. He was guilty. He had this feeling that he disappointed everyone and he wasn't enough. He couldn't control himself anymore as he let out the first sob, which soon turned into crying and then to hysterically crying which woke Hoseok up from his slumber.

        Hoseok took a second to analyse his surroundings and when he realised that his dongsaeng was in distress he sprinted towards Namjoon. Namjoon flinched when Hoseok touched. Hoseok slowly and gently pulled Namjoon on his lap and hugged him. He started patting Namjoon's back and uttering out sweet nothing's. Namjoon became a bit calm in Hoseok's hold.

            Now, Namjoon had stopped crying and was just hiccupping. Hoseok set Namjoon on the bed and came back with water. He made Namjoon drink the water slowly while rubbing his back. Namjoon had never cried, never. It was the first time he had cried out like that after his parents death. That is what shocked Hoseok. Looking at Namjoon, Hoseok could figure out that he was tired and thought that he would talk to Namjoon the next day after he had discussed everything with his hyungs.

           He gently layed Namjoon down and cuddled him. Namjoon immediately knocked out and Hoseok was a bit surprised at that because Namjoon usually takes a while to fall asleep. Hoseok had fallen into slumber once he was assured that Namjoon was fine in his arms.

      'No, no Eomma, Eomma No no'  screamed out Namjoon waking Hoseok up with a startle.  It was the second time in 2 hours that Hoseok woke upto Namjoon's cries. Hoseok saw Namjoon crying and screaming in his sleep loud enough to wake the entire house. Jin and Yoongi had heard the cries from the younger and sprinted towards the room. They witnessed Hoseok trying his best to wake Namjoon up. Hoseok was very close to tears.

      Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook came running with half closed eyes. Yoongi decided to send Hoseok away with the maknae line. Hoseok himself was a doctor and he could easily understand that Namjoon was having a nightmare but he didn't because he was emotionally low and panicked a lot. Hoseok ended up pulling the maknae line to Jimin's room which was the nearest and put everyone to sleep assuring that Namjoon was fine and  he was just having a nightmare.

      Hoseok was back, to see, Namjoon awake and squished between Yoongi and Jin. He could hear Namjoon mumbling which he couldn't figure out. Jin looked calm and Yoongi looked worried. Obviously, Jin would be calm as he had experienced taking care of Namjoon a lot initially where every other night he would wake up with a nightmare.

           Slowly but surely, Namjoon had fallen asleep in Jin's hold. Yoongi let out a sigh of relief and caressed Namjoon's cheek. He looked towards Hoseok who still looked terrified. Yoongi extended his arms inviting Hoseok for a hug. Hoseok ran towards his hyung and hugged him as tight as possible.

    'Hobi, Joonie is fine he just had a nightmare. He is fine baby.' assured Yoongi. Hoseok just nodded his head but did not let go of the hug.

         'Baby, what happened here' asked Jin as if he was testing waters. Hoseok looked up at Jin and said everything from witnessing Namjoon laying on the bed to being rude. He even told Namjoon crying out loud when he had asked him to think about everything.
        Yoongi and Jin shared a look and Yoongi ended up taking Hoseok with him to his bed and cuddling him to sleep. Jin just sighed because it would be another night without a goodnight sleep, but was he complaining? Absolutely no, because his brothers are his life. He pecked Namjoon's forehead and carried him to his room. He layed Namjoon down and tucked him while he started looking at the files he was working on before being pulled by Taehyung to the dinner.

         Jin glanced at Namjoon and sighed again knowing that it would be a very long day the next day.


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