Chapter 39

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It was 2 in the morning when Jason woke up to some shuffling beside him. He opened his eyes to look at Jin sitting on the bed. He couldn't figure out what Jin was doing because it was dark. But, the slight shivering and sniffling sounds confirmed that Jin was crying. But, why was he crying?

Jason slowly made his presence aware and switched on the bed lights. He sat up and pulled Jin to look at him and have a clear idea of what was going on. Jason touched his hand and felt it a bit warm, he then proceeded to touch his forehead only to know that Jin was having fever. His body temperature was high.

Jason got up as Jin looked at him with questioning eyes. Jin tend to become more clingy when he was ill. Jason switched on the lights and went towards the kitchen to bring some normal fever reducers.

Jason went back to see Jin clutching his head in pain and Jason felt sorry for him. Jason didn't speak and put on a cold poker face as Jin was always bratty while taking tablets. He hated swallowing it. Jason always used a different way to feed him but he didn't know whether it was applicable now that they were no longer boyfriends.

Jason patted Jin's shoulder and Jin looked up at Jason who was holding a glass of water in one and a tablet in another. Jin immediately shook his head and hid under the blankets. Jason sighed. He didn't have the patience or energy to slowly coax Jin into taking one. He was tired and would also be exhausted if Jin continued being stubborn.

Jason kept the water and tablet at the bedside table and hoisted the blanket in one go.

'Kim Seokjin' called out Jason. Jin shuddered and looked at Jason with puppy eyes. Jason stopped himself from cooing and giving away. Jason's heart flipped at that look.

Jason wordlessly picked up the tablet and pushed in Jin's palm and signed him to gulp it down but Jin stubbornly shook his head with eyes getting teary as he couldn't handle the pain in his head and the feeling of weirdness in his body.

Jason sighed. He propped the pill in his mouth and kissed Jin. Jin was startled at the unexpected kiss, but he slowly melted in it and kissed back. Jason licked Jin's lips and Jin opened for Jason to have a taste of him. Jason being the smart ass pushed the pill from his mouth to Jin's and forced him to gulp it down. Jason then pulled away from the addicting kiss, even though he wanted to kiss Jin for a thousand years more.

Jason walked towards the washroom while Jin sat with pink cheeks and an overly blushing face. Jason was back with a wet rag and a mug containing cold water. Jason didn't think twice before stripping Jin to his boxers.

Jin was bought back to reality when he felt cold and tried covering himself up and realised he was almost naked for the second time in 24 hours in front of his ex.

Jason restricted Jin's movement and bought the cold rag to wipe Jin's chest. Jin yelped at the coldness and shuffled away from Jason. Jason sighed in tiredness, he really wanted to sleep and Jin was being difficult.

'Kim Seokjin, come here' called Jason coldly. Jin shook his head while rubbing his hands on his arms to warm him up. Jason was close to losing his patience.

'1' said Jason. Jin immediately looked at Jason with gaping eyes.

'2' Jin was panicking.

'Dont make me say 3, Seokjin' warned Jason.

'2 and a half' and Jin immediately moved towards Jason. Jason still kept his strict face and made Jin lay over the mattress. He wet the rag again and held onto Jin tightly while wiping his body. Jin struggled to get away from the coldness but Jason's tight hold restricted him.

Jason wiped Jin's body thrice and he could feel Jin's fever subsiding.

'Do not move' warned Jason and walked towards the closet. He took one of his hoodie and sweatpants. He walked back to Jin laying in the exact same position. He mentally cooed and walked towards Jin.

He hoisted Jin up and dressed him in his own hoodie and sweat pants all while Jin was trying his best to stay awake. Jason slowly pulled Jin on his lap and he leaned against the head board with Jin lying on top of him.

Jason covered both of them with a duvet and waited for Jin to fall asleep completely. The medicines were kicking in and Jin dozed off. Jason sighed and slept in the uncomfortable position.

Hey guys!!! How is it? It's a third update in 24 hours, hope you like it. Jin deserves some care afterall, don't you think?

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