Chapter 76

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The next morning, Jimin left once he made sure that Taehyung was fine. Jason, gave him a guilty look but Jin whined.

'Minnie' whined Jin. Jimin, who wasn't used to it looked to find Jin looking at him as if he was about to cry. Even though Jimin didn't want to associate with Jin, he just couldn't let his hyung cry.

Jimin walked near Jin and found himself in a bone crushing hug as Jin laughed loudly. Jimin was confused, but Jason's chuckle also radiated. Jimin gave Jason a confused look and gasped when Jason tucked Jin into bed informing him that Jin fell asleep.

'He tends to act like that when he is Ill' informed Jason and both Jimin and Taehyung made a face of understanding.

Others arrived with breakfast and Jungkook just stood at one corner silently not looking at Taehyung. The air got awkward very quickly. Taehyung ignored everyone but then he heard sobs. He looked around to find Jungkook crying as everyone had stopped eating.

'Koo, you need to eat. You haven't eaten anything since last night' pointed out Namjoon sternly to which Jungkook shook his head stubbornly.

Everyone tried to get Jungkook eat but he didn't budge. They were sweet and trying to get Jungkook eat but Jungkook just didn't let anyone feed him or ate himself.

Taehyung was strict, very strict. He doesn't tolerate all these. He expects disciplines and he wants it back from Jungkook at any cost. He is his hyung and he still have all the rights on him. Luckily, he was getting a discharge early so he was heading back right after breakfast. Jin, though, had to stay a few days more.

'Hyungs, eat your food. Let him not' coldly spoke Taehyung to which he got a few confused looks and an afraid look from Jungkook.

They headed back home and Taehyung didn't speak to anyone. He made his way back to his room and showered and cleaned himself. His bruises were gone and he lied down to get some sleep when he heard noise from downstairs.

He walked down to witness his Jungkook being a brat, arguing with his hyungs.

'It's you fault' yelled Jungkook.

'Jungkook, calm down. If you don't want to-' Namjoon was cut short.

'If I don't want to, what? Asked Jungkook giving attitude.

'Hyung take care of your work, I will take care of him' coldly said Taehyung and held Jungkook's wrist tightly in his. Jungkook whimpered at the tight grip but Taehyung didn't let it go.

'Hyung, did he eat breakfast?' asked Taehyung to which Hoseok and Yoongi shook his head.

'Bring a plate of food to my room, Thank you' requested Taehyung and left with Jungkook. All the hyung's, were devastated. Jungkook was acting like a brat and Taehyung was so cold to them. Barely responding until he had to. They had definitely lost their Taehyung.

Both the maknaes, entered the room and Taehyung harshly pushed Jungkook on the bed which resulted in Jungkook falling directly onto the mattress.

'Why are you being a brat?' asked Taehyung with clenched teeth. Jungkook gulped in fear. He didn't want to be there, not with Taehyung when he was so angry.

'I..I' stuttered Jungkook trying to find words and magically he forgot all the words he learnt.

'I expect an answer' spoke Taehyung harshly which just didn't comfort the younger. Jimin entered the room with a plate of food and silently kept it on the table.

'Thank you for helping out, hyung' formally stated Taehyung which hurt all the three of them. Jimin just walked out.

'Now, like a good boy, sit and complete your meal' coldly ordered Jungkook but Jungkook shook his head. Taehyung glared at him but Jungkook looked away.

'Why are you behaving like this?' questioned back Jungkook. Taehyung sighed.

'I have work Jungkook, and you better finish the food before I make you' threatened Taehyung.

'Come on, it was just one spanking. Why are you behaving like we tried to kill you?' asked Jungkook and Taehyung was in shock.

'Kim Jungkook, finish your food' demanded Taehyung. Jungkook walked near the food and lifted the plate. Taehyung sighed relieved that younger was eating but then Jungkook held it up in the air and threw the plate to the ground. The plate crashed and Taehyung looked at the younger in utter shock as all others barged in.

'Kim Jungkook' yelled Taehyung in fury and Jungkook flinched.

'Why are you acting like that? Don't scream at me. I can spank you too!!' yelled back Jungkook and there was utter silence. Taehyung gave all his hyungs a betrayal look while they looked down in guilt. Jungkook stared at Taehyung but immediately looked away when he saw the older's face accustomed with untold sadness.

'I will spank you again, and make sure you won't sit ever and apply that burning cream for so long and not even comfort you, and leave you alone-' tried threatening Jungkook but was cut short by a harsh spank on his butt. He looked back to find it none other than Hoseok.

'Hyung' whined Jungkook rubbing his ass.

'Apologise' ordered Hoseok but Jungkook looked away in anger mumbling some words which only he could understand.

'Leave' growled Taehyung with a betrayed look. His hyungs scrambled to get out of the room as they left Jungkook alone. Truth be told, Jungkook was scared.

Taehyung didn't think twice before flipping Jungkook down on his lap and laid the harshest spanks he could. He with held the belt and started whipping him until Jungkook cried out to stop. Jungkook screamed his lungs out on the last hit.

Taehyung was non verbal, he didn't talk nor comfort Jungkook when he found the younger sobbing so bad that he was choking on it. Taehyung picked him up and made him stand next to him as he walked to the bathroom and came back with a bar of edible soap.

'Open your mouth' ordered Taehyung and Jungkook hesitantly did. Taehyung stuffed his mouth with the soap and a glare from Taehyung made Jungkook hold onto that and not spit it out.

He proceeded to apply the same cream which Jungkook used on him and Jungkook barely could withstand the burn. The only difference was that Taehyung exactly knew how much was needed and used a very tiny amount. He loved Jungkook a lot and nothing in the world could change that fact. He set an alarm.

'You don't need any care, do you? You can spit that soap out once the alarm rings' said Taehyung and walked out closing the door as Jungkook just lost it. He fell to the ground with utter guilt and shame.

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