Chapter 84

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Jason entered Jin's cabin immediately after Yoongi and Jimin left.

'Jin, I wanna talk to you about Jimin' said Jason. Jin immediately stopped working and gave his entire attention to him. Jason then proceeded to explain everything he had been observing about Jimin.

'Where is he now?' asked Jason.

'He is with Yoongi, Yoongi is punishing him' said Jin with frown on his face clearly indicating how worried he was about the younger. He had observed the younger, but never thought it was this serious.

'We need to stop him' said Jason and both ran immediately to Yoongi's cabin. Luckily, Yoongi was still talking to Jimin and hadn't begun the punishment. Yoongi and Jimin were confused to find their hyungs there.

'Jimin, go with Jason' said Jin and gave a pleading look to Jason. Jimin who was confused shook his head.

'Come on buddy' softly encouraged Jason.

'Go on' said Jin gently and Jimin agreed. Jason didn't know where to take the younger but Jin came to the rescue.

'Here baby, you wanted those shoes and jacket right, go buy it' said Jin handing his credit card. Jimin's eyes sparkle at that and he immediately grabbed the card and rushed out.

'All the best, he is gonna take hours choosing his shoes even though at the end he is gonna take the one he wants' slightly smiled Jin and Jason nodded and followed Jimin outside.

'Come to my cabin' said Jin and Yoongi nervously followed.

'To the corner as before' worded Jin and Yoongi immediately resumed his previous punishment. He calculated the time, it would take 1 hour and 30 minutes for Jimin and Jason to reach the mall and another 5 hours for Jimin to choose what he wants and another 1 hour to get back to the mansion. So, he had a total of approximately 7 to 8 hours. They would be back for dinner.

Jin continued working observing Yoongi from time to time. It had been 30 minutes and Jin's work was about to finish in another 10 minutes. He let Yoongi stay there till he completed his work.

'Yoongi, hands down. Get up and come here' coldly called Jin and Yoongi got up wincing and rubbed his eyes as it was filled with tears. He hated corner time, it made him feel like a kid and Jin always used it on him.

'You know, why you are here?' asked Jin and Yoongi nodded his head.

'Stand there, till I am back' said Jin and walked to the washroom. He sighed and washed his face to calm himself down. He walked back and messaged his secretary to get two boxes of lunch and give it when he would ask again.

He cleaned his desk and looked at Yoongi. Yoongi was already crying and Jin felt bad at that. He loved Yoongi the most and sighed. He also knows that Yoongi might be cold but is the real overthinker and very sensitive during punishments.

'You want it over my lap or on the desk' asked Jin giving the younger options so that Yoongi was comfortable.

'L..lap' mumbled Yoongi and Jin softly smiled. He sat on the couch and patted his lap.

Yoongi waddled towards his hyung and bent down. Jin rubbed his back for a few minutes and raised his shirt to reveal his pale bottom.

'I am starting' warned Jin and raised his hand and bought it down harshly on the younger. He continued for two to three times and Yoongi was already screaming. Yoongi was always vocal during punishments, that was the reason Jin was worried when Yoongi didn't react when Jason punished him the last time.

Jin's spanks grew harder and he stopped once he reached 25. He reached out and grabbed a cable and folded it.

'Last ten, I want you to count' ordered Jin and bought the cable down on Yoongi. Yoongi shrieked and screamed.

'' mumbled Yoongi.


'TWO!!!!' screamed Yoongi.
'E. .EI..EIGHT, STOPPP' screamed Yoongi.

'T..TEN!' yelled Yoongi and Jin immediately scooped him up.

Yoongi was struggling to breathe and Jin guided him. Once Yoongi was fine and able to breathe on his own, Jin rubbed his back and hummed a low tune.

Yoongi was still sniffling and Jin reached out to a glass of water and slowly fed Yoongi. Yoongi slumped against Jin's chest and started dozing off.

'Baby' called Jin and patted his cheek to wake him up. Jin wrapped a blanket around Yoongi and texted his secretary to bring in the lunch. Once the secretary left, he fed Yoongi and Yoongi ate without any tantrums and slumped against his chest.

Jin continued running his fingers through the youngers scalp and massaging his bruised butt. In no time Yoongi fell asleep. Jin sighed and looked at the time. He had still 4 hours still Jimin returns.

He gently laid Yoongi down and Namjoon arrived at his cabin.

'Hyung' spoke Namjoon and Jin could immediately sense the worry latched on youngers face.

'Hyung, they are leeching all our ideas. There is someone leaking all the confidential data' informed Namjoon and Jin hummed already having an idea of it.

Both of them worked for an hour trying to figure out who the person could be. They crossed out the names of their most trusted employees to made the list of all the doubtful ones.

Jin then gently woke Yoongi up and dresses him. Yoongi was still sleepy but didn't complain noticing Namjoon there too.

'Joonie, call Hoseok here to come immediately. Also, call Taehyung's secretary and ask her about Taehyung' said Jin while he helped Yoongi to the washroom and washed his face and carried him with him and sat down with Yoongi on top of him.

Yoongi always loved Jin would treat him specially after the punishment and Jin also figured out that it had been years since they both were so close.

Hoseok was still angry and barged open the door with attitude and rolled his eyes when he saw his hyungs cuddled up. Yoongi glared in anger while Jin sighed in tiredness.

'Sit down, no tantrums here. I have something important to talk about Jimin..' said Jin getting curious faces from his brothers.

Hey guys!! Another update on the way!! Sorry, it's not proofread. I am gonna make some burgers now as I am very excited today while my mom is giving me disappointed looks as I am gonna ruin the kitchen by the time I am done!!😂😂😂

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